The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth: Cheat Engine Table (+9) [Update 8] {LIRW / GHL}

Home » Video Game Cheats » The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth: Cheat Engine Table (+9) [Update 8] {LIRW / GHL}
March 13, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth: Cheat Engine Table (+9) [Update 8] {LIRW / GHL}


The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth: Cheat Engine Table (+9) [Update 8] {LIRW / GHL} Free Download

Infinite Keys. 

Endless money. 

Endless bombs. 


Adds a knife to the character. 

One Shot Kill. 

Ability generator. (The video will show you how to use it) 

An infinite number of abilities.  

Game version Update 8 

P / S 

The table was made on a rip from 3dm and steam may not work. I’m kind of not a telepath, to know what the differences are. Objects generate up to numbers from 1 to 42 on 43 the game crashes, since the object probably does not exist. I did not try to take the above value, maybe something interesting will come out 🙂 There, if you dig deeper, you can do anything, there would be a desire.  

In the video lesson, I assigned the keys to add (under the + key), but it was displayed without a shift as = and I took the minus (-) key to decrease it, you can assign any keys you want, it’s just more convenient for me so as not to get confused. In the video, the character disappeared, but this is already due to the objects, since I do not understand there which of them was included. The most useful thing there under the number 38 is to shoot around yourself. This script can be rewritten by setting the value to 38 in 4 bytes and this skill will be eternal. 

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