The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion: Supplement to the main codes [PC] (RU)

Home » Video Game Cheats » The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion: Supplement to the main codes [PC] (RU)
September 9, 2020
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion: Supplement to the main codes [PC] (RU)

During game press “tilde” [~] to bring up the console.

The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion: Supplement to the main codes [PC] (RU) Free Download

Then enter one of the codes below to activate the required action:

tfc – free camera mode
psb – get all spells
modpcs skill 100 – get 100 points to abilities
modpca luck 100 – get 100 points to “luck” (any other skill is possible)
player.additem 0000000F ‘amount’ – get the required amount of gold by entering it in a string in quotes
player.setstage <Уровень> – get a special quest
Showbirthsignmenu – allows you to change your birth sign
showclassmenu – allows you to change the class
hairtint (red / green / blue) – allows you to change hair color
FOV # – change camera view from eyes
player.setlevel 1 – change character level (1-255)
SexChange – change sex
caqs – complete all quests
SSG – peep graphics window
showSpellmaking – takes the hero to the altar, which allows the creation of the necessary spell
qqq – quitting the game
advlevel – raise the level
advskill skill # – raise the required number of points for the ability, for example: advskill blade 4 (will increase the skill of swords by 4 points)
player.additem<количество>– get the required amount of a certain item
SetPCFame – increase fame

SetPCInfamy – downgrade reputation
player.AddSpell 00000000 – the required spell and its power
player.payfine – the guards stop hunting for you, and your debts to them immediately disappear
stopcombat – end the current fight immediately
help – possible console commands
ock [1-100] – lock the selected door or container (1-100)
setscale number – resize item
player.completequest – remove an activated spell
player.setcrimegold 0 – cancel the hunt for your head
player.removespell – remove the selected spell
resurrect – resurrect the selected person or creation
savegame [file name] – save the game
setcamerafov [degrees] – select a certain degree of tilt of the camera (standard – 75)
set timescale to <число> – change the speed of time
togglemapmarkers – open all locations on the map
showfullquestlog [id – quest] – show all quest texts
showquestlog 1 – show completed quest texts
showquestlog 0 – show the text of the current quest
showquesttargets – show targets for completing quests
showquestlog – show quest text

ShowClassMenu – go to the class selection screen
ShowRaceMenu – go to the race selection screen
ShowBirthSignMenu – go to character selection screen
player.placeatme – create a neutral hero at the selected location
coc testinghall – teleport hero
coc toddtest – secret teleportation (to the developers)
TAI – choose the level of artificial intelligence
tfh – set up help mode
TG – adjust grass mode
TLV – adjust leaf mode
TS – adjust sky mode
TT – set up tree mode
tws – adjust water mode
TFOW – configure fog mode

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