The Sims 3: Cheat Codes for All Expansions

Home » Video Game Cheats » The Sims 3: Cheat Codes for All Expansions
June 5, 2020
5 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Sims 3: Cheat Codes for All Expansions

Here is a very large collection of codes for the sims 3 game, among them you will find the most popular sims 3 codes for money, sims 3 codes for needs and much more.

The Sims 3: Cheat Codes for All Expansions Free Download

Click Ctrl + Shift + C and in the dropped console enter the codes.
In Vista OS, click Ctrl + Windows + Shift + C

Cheat Codes for The Sims 3 (Sims 3 base game)

Familyfunds [Family surname] (number) – changes the amount of money in the selected family to the desired one. Only works after enabling developer code.
Kaching – adds 1000 simoleons to the family budget.
Motherlode – adds 50,000 Simoleons to the family budget.
Moveobjects [on / off] – allows you to move non-movable objects.
СonstrainFloorElevation [true / false] – allows you to raise / lower the floor when objects or walls with floors are placed on it.
DisableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on / off] – when the code is on, by pressing alt, objects can be placed outside the grid, not clearly on the floor cells. After updating the base game, this code is no longer needed, to enable extracellular mode, just hold down the Alt key.
FadeObjects [on / off] – when the code is enabled, objects become transparent when the camera approaches.
TestingCheatsEnabled [true / false] – good old developer code. Main functions here.
Fps [on / off] – shows the frame rate in the upper right corner.
Fullscreen [on / off] – allows you to play in full screen mode.
HideHeadlineEffects [on / off] – on / off bubbles with conversations and thoughts.
Quit – quitting the game.
jokePlease – shows a random anecdote in the code entry console.
Enablellamas [on / off] – joke code.
ResetSim [first name] [last name] – brings the sim home safely.
SlowMotionViz [0-8] – visual slowdown of actions (does not affect the time in the game).
UnlockOutfits [on / off] – shows NPC clothes and career uniforms in the CAS room.

Full list of The Sims 3 Cheats and codes.

Cheat Codes for The Sims 3 World Adventures

buydebug – debug mode (tombs, hidden decorations, etc.) Only works after enabling developer code. Enter the code in purchase mode. In other modes, you must enter the buydebug on code
Ctrl + Shift + Left – this key combination allows you to set up triggers and events for the tomb items in the shopping mode (hold the combination and click on the object)
allowObjectsOnRoof on / off – placement of objects on the roof.
enablelotlocking true / false – allows you to change the closed area in the change town mode. Only works after enabling developer code.
objectassetnames true / false – allows you to see the working names of objects in the build and buy modes.

Cheat Codes for The Sims 3 Ambitions (The Sims 3 Career)

AgeupNPC – changes the age category of the selected NPC to an older one.
AlwaysBuyBuild or AlwaysAllowBuildBuy true / false – allows you to switch to buy or build mode at any time, even during a fire or theft.
DiscoMaptags on / off – lot icons on the town map change their appearance and sparkle with many bright iridescent colors.
placefriezes on / off – allows you to place friezes (actually the foundation) above the first floor.


In addition, the game has a Shift + Ctrl key combination in the Shopping Mode, which will help you customize the characteristics of certain objects. For instance:

• Place a trap on the site from the tomb debug mode, and, while holding the Shift + Ctrl keys, left-click on it. You can choose the type of trap (fire, steam, dart, electric), as well as make it hidden, visible or inactive at all.
• The same buttons allow you to customize the Fog Generator and create decorative weather on the site. More >>

Cheat Codes for The Sims 3 Late Night (Sims 3 At dusk)

RBBB on or RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings true – makes available all objects from the halls and vestibules of skyscrapers and apartment buildings in the construction and shopping mode.
unlockOutfits on – unlocks hidden accessories and clothes in the Sim Creation Room (CAS).
– The “L” key on your keyboard will open your Sim’s popularity log (available only after the first glory levels).
– Now you can adjust the level of placement of wall decorations such as paintings or photographs. To do this, hold the selected object with the left mouse button and move the mouse up or down. Then fix the object in the desired position, and release the cursor.

Cheat Codes for The Sims 3 Island Paradise (Sims 3 Paradise Islands)

discoverAllUnchartedIslands – All undiscovered islands are discovered and added to property for the currently selected family. Only works after enabling developer code.

Building codes:

constrainfloorelevation true / false – floor level distortion code.
moveobjects on / off – take inaccessible objects, put any objects in inaccessible places.
DisableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt on / off – holding alt, objects can be placed regardless of related objects (for example, a table and a chair).
allowObjectsOnRoof on / off – placement of objects on the roof.
buydebug – debug mode (developer code is required beforehand). Include in purchase mode.
enablelotlocking true / false– allows you to change the closed area in the mode of changing the town (relevant for tombs) – after the developer code.
placefriezes on / off – allows you to place the foundation above the first floor (friezes).
RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings true – construction is available in the lobby of a high-rise building or an apartment building.
SetImportedTerrainOffset [numeric value] – solves the problem of incorrect placement of the house on the site with distortion of the ground level.
AlwaysBuyBuild or AlwaysAllowBuildBuy true / false – allows you to switch to buy or build mode at any time, even during a fire or theft.
enablelotlocking true / false – allows you to change a closed area in a change mode of a town (for example, tombs). Valid only after developer code.

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