The Sims 3: Cheat Codes

Home » Video Game Cheats » The Sims 3: Cheat Codes
April 22, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Sims 3: Cheat Codes

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The Sims 3: Cheat Codes Free Download

Kaching……………………………Adds §1.000 to wallet.
Motherlode…………………………Adds §50.000.
Moveobjects on / off………………….Good old code that helps to take, delete and move everything that does not move or take.
СonstrainFloorElevation [true / false]….false code helps to raise or lower the floor, even when it has walls, flooring or just something standing out of objects.
DisableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on / off]….if the code is enabled (on) press alt and items can be placed regardless of the boxes.
Enablellamas [on / off]……………….It’s just a joke, it doesn’t change anything, it’s just added for fun))))
FadeObjects [on / off]………………..If the code is enabled, objects become transparent when the camera approaches them. Doesn’t affect sims.
TestingCheatsEnabled [true / false]…….developer code with all the consequences.
Fps [on / off]……………………….shows the frame rate in the upper right corner.
Fullscreen [on / off]…………………can be played in full screen mode.
HideHeadlineEffects [on / off]…………shows or hides bubbles with
conversations and thoughts.
JokePlease…………………………a joke in the studio … or rather in the window with codes)).
Quit………………………………quitting the game.
ResetSim [first name] [last name]…….brings Sim back home safe and sound.
SlowMotionViz [0-8]…………………slow motion video, does not affect the time in the game.
UnlockOutfits [on / off]………………shows careers and uniforms at CAS.
Familyfunds [Familyname] #…………..increases / decreases the amount of money in the selected family.

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