The Sims 4: Cheat (MC Command Center)

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August 4, 2020
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Sims 4: Cheat (MC Command Center)

This mod is the closest analogue of the Master Controller mod (from The Sims 3) and performs similar functions.

The Sims 4: Cheat (MC Command Center) Free Download

The mod brings the development of the plot into the game, allowing you to manage in detail the population, sim pregnancy, childbirth, control the appearance of unplayable sims, control the speed of time, and so on.

All mod configuration takes place inside the game through the computer, the “Command Center” menu. The menu is also available on sims. You can also configure in the old way – through a separate configurator program.

This archive contains two complete assemblies of this mod version 3.0.3 (for PC Version / Mac Version and version 3.0.4 (for PC Version / Mac Version

What each module is responsible for.

McCmdCenter – main module, required for installation. The rest of the modules are installed in addition to the base mod.

MC Sims Appearance (Mc_Dresser) – brings the ability to manage the clothes of inactive sims. With this feature, you can prevent all inactive Sims from wearing a particular type of clothing.

MC Pregnancy (Mc_Pregnancy)– the ability for non-playable sims to marry and have children autonomously, without your participation. Controls the development of the plot in the game.

MC Population (Mc_Population) – replaces homeless sims, adds variety to the list of homeless sims (very often the game generates families of one sim, the module will create larger families). Also, the module will significantly reduce the number of elderly sims. Controls the development of the plot in the game.

MC Filter (Mc_Cleaner) – deals with cleaning the game from unnecessary and inactive ghosts, objects and sims.

MC Career (Mc_Career) – With the March 26, 2015 update, EA introduced the ability for inactive Sims to get a job, but this setting was also applied to playable families. This module is useful because if you enable the “Prohibition of employment” setting, then all the families you play will never get a job without your knowledge.

McCmdCenter_tuner – a module that allows you to manage and change the autonomy of individual actions. With the help of this module it is possible to enable autonomous weddings for non-playable families, as well as the possibility of autonomous types of actions.

McCmdCenter_gedcom – allows you to export the family tree family in GEDCOM 5.5 format for opening in the appropriate programs. The finished file is created in the Mods folder.

MC Clubs – for progress in clubs.

MC Undead (MC Occult) – alien abduction, alien pregnancy, alien settlement.

MC Tuning – allowing or disallowing some offline Sims actions.

MC Cheat Codes (Cheats) – added “MC Cheat Codes” menu to sims and inbox, allowing you to view and apply various commands with the active sim.

Also, each archive contains instructions for the mod in English in pdf format from the author of this modification.

List all The Sims 4 Cheat Codes on the link.


1. Choose the version of the mod that matches the version of your game:

  • 3.0.3 for PC Version / Mac Version
  • 3.0.4 for PC Version / Mac Version

2. You need to unpack the entire archive into a folder Mods, in the end you should have files .package and .ts4script.

3. Launch the game and make sure that the settings have permission to use custom content and mods.

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