The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: Cheat Codes

Home » Video Game Cheats » The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: Cheat Codes
December 30, 2022
129 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: Codes
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: Cheat Codes
Get a Lot of Gold:
Between The “White Garden” Place with the Herd of Cows or He Herd Wild Horses, Then Kill Them and Remove the Skins from Thatm. Use Meditation and Wait a Few Hours Before The Appearance of The Next Herd Or Herd. This Process CAN BE Rotated Unlimited Number. Gathering Mining Sell It To Merchants.

Codes for Food

AddItem (‘White Gull 1’) – White Seagull
AddItem (‘Tironalia Potion’) – Potion from Tir on Lia
ADDITEM (‘Apple’) – Apple
AddItem (‘Baked Apple’) – Baked Apple
AddItem (‘Banana’) – Banana
AddItem (‘BlueBerries’) – Blueberry
AddItem (‘Bread’) – Bread
AddItem (‘Burned Bread’) – Burned Bread
AddItem (‘Bun’) – Sweet Bulk
AddItem (‘Butter Bandalura’) – Bandalura Oil
AddItem (‘Candy’) – Candy
AddItem (‘Cheese’) – Cheese
AddItem (‘Chicken’) – Chicken
AddItem (‘Chicken Leg’) – Kirin Leg
AddItem (‘Roasted Chicken’) – Fried Chicken
AddItem (‘Roasted Chicken Leg’) – Fried Chicken Leg
AddItem (‘Chicken Sandwich’) – BRUTERBROT WITH CHICKEN
AddItem (‘GRILLED Chicken Sandwich’) – Bruterburg With Fried Chicken
AddItem (‘Cucumber’) – Cucumber
AddItem (‘Dried Fruit’) – Dried Fruits
AddItem (‘Dried Fruit and Nuts’) – Dried Fruits and Nuts
AddItem (‘Egg’) – EGG
AddItem (‘Fish’) – Fish
AddItem (‘Fried Fish’) – Dried Work
AddItem (‘Gutted Fish’) – Potted Fish
AddItem (‘Fondue’) – Fondue
AddItem (‘Grapes’) – Grapes
AddItem (‘Ham Sandwich’) – Brutebrot with Ham
AddItem (‘Very Good Honey’) – Selected Honey
AddItem (‘Honeycomb’) – Honey Cells
AddItem (‘FRED MEAT’) – Fried Meat
AddItem (‘Raw Meat’) – Raw Meat
AddItem (‘Cows Milk’) – Cow’s Milk
AddItem (‘Goats Milk’) – Goat Milk
AddItem (‘Mushroom’) – Mushroom
AddItem (‘Mutton Leg’) – Baiga Noga
AddItem (‘Olive’) – Olives
AddItem (‘Onion’) – Onions
AddItem (‘Pear’) – PEAR
AddItem (‘Pepper’) – Pepper
AddItem (‘Pork’) – Pork
AddItem (‘GRILLED PORK’) – Fried Pork
AddItem (‘Potatoes’) – Potatoes
AddItem (‘Baked Potato’) – Little Potatoes
AddItem (‘Chips’) – Rezanny Potatoes
AddItem (‘Raspberries’) – Malina
AddItem (‘Raspberry Juice’) – Raspberry Juice
AddItem (‘Strawberries’) – Strawberry
AddItem (‘TOFFEE’) – Torch
AddItem (‘Vinegar’) – Vinegar
AddItem (‘Apple Juice’) – Apple Juice
AddItem (‘Bottled Water’) Water Bottle
AddItem (‘Wolf Liver’) – Wolf Red
AddItem (‘Free Roasted Chicken Leg’) – Fried Chicken Leg
AddItem (‘Free Nilfgaardian Lemon’) – Nilfgard LimononCodes on Things for ROACH

AddItem (‘ToUSaint Saddle’) – Grape Saddle
AddItem (‘Tussaint Saddle 2’) – Tussent Saddle
AddItem (‘Toussaint Saddle 3’) – Boxed Saddle
AddItem (‘Tussaint Saddle 4’) – Saddle From Caeda Mathvid
AddItem (‘Toussaint Saddle 5’) – Saddle of The Wearing Knight
AdDItem (‘Tussaint Saddle 6’) – Five Virtue Saddle
AddItem (‘HORSE SADDLE 4’) – Zrrikan Saddle
AddItem (‘Tourney Geraalt Saddle’) – Gerasta Saddle
AddItem (‘Toussaint Horse Blinders’) – Grape Shores
AddItem (‘Toussaint Horse Blinders 2’) -tussential Shores
AddItem (‘Toussaint Horse Blinders 3’) – Block Shores
AddItem (‘Toussaint Horse Blinders 4’) – Shores from Kaed Markwood
AddItem (‘Toussaint Horse Blinders 5’) – Shory Knight
AddItem (‘Toussaint Horse Blinders 6’) – Shores of Five Dobodetails
AddItem (‘HORSE BAG 3’) – Zrrikan Saddle Bags

Card Codes in Gwint

Secretgwint – Play Game In Gwint
WingWint (True) – Win to Gwint
AddGwintcards 258 – Add 258 Cards
Testunpause – Remove Pause

Maps of Commander

AddItem (‘gwint_card_emhyr_Bronze’) – Emgir Var Emrais (Bronze)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_emhyr_gold’) – Emgir Var Emrais (Gold)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_emhyr_silver’) – Emgir Var Emrais (Silver)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_eredin_bronze’ – Eregion (Bronze)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_eredin_gold’) – Eregion (Gold)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_eredin_silver’) – Eregion (Silver)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_foltest_bronze’) -tholteste (Bronze)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_foltest_gold’) – FOLTEST (GOLD)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_foltest_silver’) – Foltest (Silver)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_franceesca_bronze’) – Francesca Findabair (Bronze)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_franceesca_gold’) – Francesca Findabair (Gold)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_franceesca_silver’) – Francesca Findabair (Silver)

Unique Cards

AddItem (‘gwint_card_avallach’) – Map Avalakha
AddItem (‘gwint_card_ciri’) – Curious Map
AddItem (‘gwint_card_draug’) – Drague Map
AddItem (‘gwint_card_eithne’) – Eiten Map
AddItem (‘gwint_card_esterad’) – Map Esterad
AddItem (‘gwint_card_geralt’) – Geralle Map
AddItem (‘gwint_card_imlerith’) – Map of Immigra
AddItem (‘gwint_card_iorveth’) – Map of Yorvet
AddItem (‘gwint_card_isengrim’) – Map of Izengrim
AddItem (‘gwint_card_kayran’) – Cayrana Map
AddItem (‘gwint_card_leshen’) – Lesgo Map
AddItem (‘gwint_card_letho’) – Summer Map
AddItem (‘gwint_card_menno’) – Map Monno
AddItem (‘gwint_card_moorvran’) – Map Morevan
AddItem (‘gwint_card_natalis’) – Map Natalis
AddItem (‘gwint_card_philippa’) – Philip Map
AddItem (‘gwint_card_tibor’) – Tibor Map
AddItem (‘gwint_card_triss’) – TRISS Card
AddItem (‘gwint_card_vernon’) – Vernon Map
AddItem (‘gwint_card_yennefer’) – Yennifer Map

Special Maps

AddItem (‘GWint_Card_Clear_Sky’) – Clear Sky
Additemmy (‘gwint_card_dummy’) – scarecrow
AddItem (‘gwint_card_fog’) – MB
AddItem (‘gwint_card_frost’) – Frost
AddItem (‘gwint_card_horn’) – Commander Horn
AddItem (‘gwint_card_rain’) – Shower
AddItem (‘gwint_card_scorch’) – EXECUTION

Ballistic Guns

AddItem (‘gwint_card_arachas_behemoth’) – A HUGE COMMANDER
AddItem (‘gwint_card_catapult’) – Catapult
AddItem (‘gwint_card_catapult2’) – Catapult 2
AddItem (‘gwint_card_combat_engineer’) – SAPPER
AddItem (‘gwint_card_dun_banner_medic’) – Heaster Bura Khorugvi
AddItem (‘gwint_card_earth_elemental’) – Earth Elemental
AddItem (‘gwint_card_fire_elemental’) – Elemental Fire
AddItem (‘gwint_card_heaby_zerri’) – Big Fire Scorpio
AddItem (‘gwint_card_ice_giant’) – Icy Giant
AddItem (‘gwint_card_rotten’) – Rotting Petrairia
AddItem (‘gwint_card_siege_support’) – Siege Support
AddItem (‘gwint_card_siege_tower’) – Siege Tower
AddItem (‘gwint_card_thaler’) – Taller
AddItem (‘gwint_card_zerri’) – Fire Scorpio

Mixed Troops

AddItem (‘gwint_card_barclay’) – Barclay ELS
AddItem (‘gwint_card_ciaran’) – Kiaran AEP
AddItem (‘gwint_card_dol_infantry’) – Tracker from Dollars (1)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_dol_infantry2’) -news from Dollars (2)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_dol_infantry3’) -news from Dollars (3)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_filavandrel’) – Philavandrel
AddItem (‘gwint_card_harpy’) – Garpia
AddItem (‘gwint_card_vrihedd_brigade’) – Brigade Virehead
AddItem (‘gwint_card_vrihedd_brigade2’) – Brigade Virehead
AddItem (‘gwint_card_yaevinn’) – yaevin

Maps Shooters

AddItem (‘gwint_card_albrich’) – Albry
AddItem (‘gwint_card_archer_support’) – Moon Support (1)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_archer_support2’) – Moon Support (2)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_assire’) – Assyre Var Anagid
AddItem (‘gwint_card_black_archer’) – Archer Bura Horugwi (1)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_black_archer2’) – Archer Bura Horugwi (2)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_celaeno_harpy’) -garpia kelen
AddItem (‘gwint_card_cockatrice’) – Vasilisk
Additem (‘gwint_card_crinfrid’) – Rubala from Kinfried (1)
Additem (‘gwint_card_crinfrid2’) – Rubala from Kinfried (2)
additem (‘gwint_card_crinfrid3’) – Rubala from Kinfried (3)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_cynthia’) – Qing
AddItem (‘GWint_Card_DOL_ARCHER’) – Archer from Dollars
AddItem (‘gwint_card_elf_skirmisher’) – Elf Shot (1)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_elf_skirmisher2’) – Elf Shot (2)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_elf_skirmisher3’) – Elf Shot (3)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_endrega’) – Endriaga
AddItem (‘gwint_card_fringilla’) – FRIGIL VIGO
AddItem (‘gwint_card_gargoyle’) – Gargula
AddItem (‘gwint_card_grave_hag’) – Cemetery Baba
AddItem (‘gwint_card_havekar_nurse’) – HeavenKar (1)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_havekar_nurse2’) GavenKar (2)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_havekar_nurse3’) – Heavenkar (3)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_ida’) – IDA Eman
AddItem (‘gwint_card_milva’) – Milva
AddItem (‘gwint_card_pettkammer’) – Puttkammer
AddItem (‘gwint_card_renuald’) – RENUALD AERP MATTA
AddItem (‘gwint_card_riordain’) – Riordain
AddItem (‘gwint_card_saskia’) – Saskovia
AddItem (‘gwint_card_sweers’) – Swirls
AddItem (‘gwint_card_toruviel’) – Torouvel
AddItem (‘gwint_card_vanhemar’) – WanGanar
AddItem (‘gwint_card_vrihedd_cadet’) – CADET VRICHNEDA
AddItem (‘gwint_card_wyvern’) – vfulnna

Cards of Troops

AddItem (‘gwint_card_arachas’) – Slavagoz
AddItem (‘gwint_card_arachas2’) – SOLDAGING (2)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_arachas3’) – SOLDAGING (3)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_blue_stripes’) – Bosz Blue Stripes (1)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_blue_stripes2’) – Bosz Blue Stripes (2)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_blue_stripes3’) – Bosz Blue Stripes (3)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_bootchling’) – igosha
AddItem (‘gwint_card_bruxa’) – Brooks Vampires
AddItem (‘gwint_card_cahir’) – Kagyr Maur
AddItem (‘gwint_card_crone_brewness’) – Witch Cooker
AddItem (‘gwint_card_crone_weavess’) – Witch
AddItem (‘gwint_card_crone_whispess’) – Witch Sheptuch
AddItem (‘gwint_card_dandelion’) – Buttercup
AddItemis (‘gwint_card_dennis’) – Dennis Cransmer
AddItem (‘gwint_card_dijkstra’) – DIYKSTRA
AddItem (‘gwint_card_dol_dwarf’) – KRASNOLYUD SINGLER (1)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_dol_dwarf2’) – KRASNOLYUD SANGER (2)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_dol_dwarf3’) – KRASNOLYUD SHOTGER (3)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_ekkima’) – vampires ekimma
AddItem (‘gwint_card_emiel’) – Emiel Regis
AddItem (‘gwint_card_fiend’) –
AddItem (‘gwint_card_fleder’) – Vampires Flea
AddItem (‘gwint_card_fogling’) -tmannik
AddItem (‘gwint_card_forktail’) – VILOHVOST
AddItem (‘gwint_card_frightener’) -pugach
AddItem (‘gwint_card_garkain’) – Vampires Garkain
AddItem (‘gwint_card_ghoul’) – GUL (1)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_ghoul2’) – GUL (2)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_ghoul3’) – GUL (3)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_griffin’) – Griffin
AddItem (‘gwint_card_havekar_support’) – Support for havegankarov (1)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_havekar_support2’) -support havegancarov (2)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_havekar_support3’) – Support for Havegancarov (3)
AddItemA (‘gwint_card_impera_brigade’) – BRIGADE IMPER (1)
additem (‘gwint_card_impera_brigade2’) – Brigade Imper (2)
AddItema_Bigade3 ‘) – BRIGADE OF THE IMPER (3)
AddItemA (‘gwint_card_impera_brigade4’) – BRIGADE OF THE IMPER (4)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_katakan’) – Cabacan Vampires
AddItem (‘gwint_card_mahakam’) – Mahakov Volunteers (1)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_mahakam2’) – Mahakov Volunteers (2)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_mahakam3’) – Mahakov Volunteers (3)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_mahakam4’) – Mahakovsky Volunteers (4)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_mahakam5’) – Mahakov Volunteers (5)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_morteisen’) – Mortezain
AddItem (‘gwint_card_nausicaa’) – Navitaria Cavalry (1)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_nausica2’) – CAVALRY OF NAZIIKA (2)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_nausicaa3’) -cavalery Navigaa (3)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_nekker’) – Squake (1)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_nekker2’) – SQUAKE (2)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_nekker3’) – SQUAKE (3)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_plague_maiden’) – Sea Virgo
AddItem (‘gwint_card_poor_infantry’) – Glasted Infanor (1)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_poor_infantry2’) – Glasted Infanor (2)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_poor_infantry3’) – Glasted Infanor (3)
Additem (‘gwint_card_rainfarn’) – rainfarn
AddItem (‘gwint_card_shilard’) – Shird
AddItem (‘gwint_card_siegfried’) – siegfried
AddItem (‘gwint_card_stefan’) – Stephen Sellen
AddItem (‘gwint_card_stennis’) – Prince Stennis
AddItem (‘gwint_card_vattier’) – Watie de Rido
AddItem (‘gwint_card_vesemir’) – velsemire
AddItem (‘gwint_card_villen’) – Villagentimeter
AddItem (‘gwint_card_vreemde’) – Timeless
AddItem (‘gwint_card_werewolf’) – Volkolak
AddItem (‘gwint_card_young_emissary’) – YOUNG MESSENGER (1)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_young_emissary2’) – YOUNG MESSENGER (2)
AddItem (‘gwint_card_zoltan’) – zoltowEnable Console WITHOT MODS
For example, I Lie Here (by Default):
(C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ Steamapps \ COMMON \ THE WITCHER 3 Wild Hunt \ Bin \ Config \ Base).
There You Need A File: General.ini.

2. Open This File Using A Notepad, Add The Dbgconsoleon = True String and Save the File.

3. RUN THE GAME AND CLICK TILDA (~). IF The Console Is Started, Then Accept Our Congratolations. You can Start using Codes.


God – Immortality
god2 () – Endless Energy
Cat (1/0) – Activate / Deactivate Night Vision
DRUNK (1/0) – Activate / Deactivate Drunken State
Cleardevelop – Reset The Character (You Will Look Like At the Beginning of the Game and Everything That Is In The Inventory Will Disappear)
HEALME – Restore Health Health
SETLEVEL (*) – Set The Desired Level (Write in Parentheses The Desired Level)
Levelup – Raise The Character Level
AddExp (*) – Add Experience (Write in Brackets The Desired Amount Of Experience)
AddSkillPoints (*) – Add Skills Skills
AddItem (‘Clearing Potion’) – Resets All Glasses Distributed in Skies.
AddABL (HorseBag3) – Increase Weight Limit Per 100
AddABL (Mistcharge) – Increase Resistance To 100%
AddABL (attack_explosion) – An Increase In Damage and Intensity of Signs BY 200%
AdDabl (AARDSHRINEBUFF) – Increase the Intensity of Signs BY 50%


Addhair1 – Standard Hairstyle
Addhair2 – Kosichka
Addhair3 – Long Flame Hair
Addhairdlc1 – Cork Haircut, Framed Hair
AddhairdLC2 – Irquim With Pigtail Rear
Addhairdlc3 – Cork Haircut, Hair Back
SETBEARD (0) Or Shave () or Shave – Shave
SetCustomhead (1) – Bristles

Gameplay Codes, Interface and Action WITH NPC

KILLALL – Kill All Enemies Involved in Battle
ShowallFT (1) – Open All Pointers
Showpins (1) – Open All Locations and Icons on the Map
Testpause – Put The Game Pause
Testunpause – Remove Pause
Mainmenu – Call The Main Menu At Any Time Of The Game

Time Management and Weather

SetTime (Time) – Time Change (in Parentheses The Desired Time Is Indicated)
TM (Number) – Changing The Speed ​​Of Time
CHANGEWEATHER (WT_MID_Clouds) – Middle Cloudy
ChangeWeather (WT_Heavy_Clouds) – Very Cloudy
ChangeWeather (WT_BLIZZARD) – Storm

Adding Resources (Experience, Skill Glasses) And Other

Witchcraft – Add Everything That Is In The Game (The Game Can Hang For a Couple of Minutes)
ActivateallGlossaryCharacters – All Records in the Vote
ActivateallGlossaryBeastiary – All Entries in Bestiary
AddExp (*) – Add Experience (Write in Brackets The Desired Amount Of Experience)
AddSkillPoints (*) – Add Skills Skills
AddItem (‘Clearing Potion’) – Resets All Glasses Distributed in Sillah.
AddMoney (*) – Add Money (Write In Brackets The Desired Amount Of Money)
RemoveMoney (*) – Reduce The Amount of Money (in Brackets Write The Desired Amount Of Money)

Cyrian Management

ReplacePlayer (‘Geraalt’) Returns Heralyt Character
Spawn (‘Cirilla’) Will Spawn in Front Of You Cereals. STANDS ON THE SPOT.
Appearance (‘__ q205_bandaged_naked’) Towel Courses.
Appearance (‘__ Q205_Naked’) Strips Cursions.
Appearance (Ciri_Winter) Clothes On Cursions Winter Down Jacket.
APPEARANCE (__ Q103_DIRTY) Cyrgy Clothes Becomes Evaporated.
Appearance (__ Q205_Bandaged_naked) Curries With Byssta Band.
Appearance (__ Q205_bandAged) Dressed in A Cursion Belt With A Breast Bandage.
Appearance (__ Q305_Dudu) Cirins WHEN MEETING WITH APE.
APPEARANCE (__ Q310_MASKED) Tsiri With A Gangster Mask.
Appearance (__ Q505_Hooded) Cydial Cape On Hooded Shoulders.
Appearance (__ Q505_Hooded_02) Cydes In The Cape On The Shoulders WITHOUT A HOOD.

AddABL (DamageBuff) Greatly Imprives All the Characteristics
AdDabl Chance to Apply Critical Damage Increased by 100%
AdDabl (Geraltmult) Critical Damage Increased by 1000%
AddABL (attack_explosion) Damage and Duration of Signs Increased by 200%
AddABL (Mutagen17Effect) Damage and Duration of Signs Increased by 50%
AddABL (attack_heabe_stagger) Damage from Swords Increases by 50%
AddABL (attack_heably_knockdown) Damage from Swords Increases BY 50%
AddABL (Enhancedweaponeffect) Damage From Swords Increases BY 20%
AddABL (Mutagen10Effect) Damage From Swords Increases BY 1%
AddABL (Mutagen14Effect) Damage From Swords Increases BY 1%
AddABL (Mutagen25Effect) Damage From Swords Increases BY 50%
AddABL (Sword_2) Damage From Swords Increases by 33%
AddABL (Sword_5) Damage From Swords Increases BY 10%
AddABL (Sword_S4) Damage From Swords Increases BY 5%
AddABL (Sword_S11) Damage From Swords Increases BY 30%
AddABL (Sword_S21) Damage From Swords Increases BY 5%
AddABL (skillinkbonus_red) Damage From Swords Increases BY 10%
AddABL (Skillinkbonus_yellow) Damage From Swords Increases BY 10%
AddABL (PERK_2) Damage from Swords Increases BY 25%
AddABL (Thunderbolteffect_Level1) Damage From Swords Increases by 30%
AddAbl (Thunderbolteffect_Level2) Damage From Swords Increases by 30%
AddAbl (Thunderbolteffect_level3) Damage From Swords Increases BY 35%
AddABL (shrineattackpowerpermanentBufff) Damage From Swords Increases BY 20%
AddABL (RageActive) Damage from Swords Increases by 30%
AddABL (Q101_WilddDog) Damage From Swords Increases BY 140%
AddABL (Alchemy_S10) Silver Sword Damage Increases by 30%
AddABL (Alchemy_S11) Silver Sword Damage Increases BY 120%
AddABL (Sword_S8) Critical Damage Increases BY 15%
AdDabl (Sword_S17) Critical Damage Increases BY 15%
AddABL (Alchemy_S7) Critical Damage Increases BY 20%

Armor of the School of Wolf
“*” This Means That There Are Several Levels of this Item from 0-1 to 3-4-5. (In That Case, If You Want to Get A Standard (Not Improved Armor), Enter 1 To Get The Improved Version Of The Subject, The Specer Seat Is Writing The Desired Level Of The Subject.


Armor – AddItem (‘Wolf Armor *’)
Boots – AddItem (‘Wolf Boots *’)
Gloves – AddItem (‘Wolf Gloves *’)
Trousers – AddItem (‘Wolf Pants *’)
Steel Sword School Wolf – AddItem (‘Wolf School Steel Sword *’)
Silver Sword Wolf School – AddItem (‘Wolf School Silver Sword *’)
Steel Sword of Red Wolf – AddItem (‘Red Wolf School Steel Sword’)
Silver Sword of a Red Wolf – AddItem (‘Red Wolf School Silver Sword 1’)

Armor of the Medveda School
Armor – AddItem (‘Bear Armor *’)
Boots – AddItem (‘Bear Boots *’)
Gloves – AddItem (‘Bear Gloves *’)
Trousers – AddItem (‘Bear Pants *’)
Steel Sword School Wolf – AddItem (‘Wolf School Steel Sword *’)
Silver Sword Wolf School – AddItem (‘Wolf School Silver Sword *’)
ARBALET SCHOOL Medveda – AddItem (‘Bear School Crossbow’)

Armor of Griffin School
Armor – AddItem (‘Gryphon Armor *’)
Boots – AddItem (‘Gryphon Boots *’)
Gloves – AddItem (‘Gryphon Gloves *’)
Trousers – AddItem (‘Gryphon Pants *’)
Griffin Steel Sword – AddItem (‘GRYPHON SCHOOL STEEL SWORD *’)
Silver Sword Griffin School – AddItem (‘GRYPHON SCHOOL SILVER SWORD *’)

Armor – AddItem (‘Lynx Armor *’)
Boots – AddItem (‘Lynx Boots *’)
Gloves – AddItem (‘Lynx Gloves *’)
Trousers – AddItem (‘Lynx Pants *’)
Steel Sword Cat School – AddItem (‘Lynx School Silver Sword *’)
Crossbow School Kota – AddItem (‘Lynx School Crossbow’)

Snake School Armor
Armor – AddItem (‘EP1 Witcher Armor *’)
Boots – AddItem (‘EP1 WITCHER BOOTS *’)
Gloves – AddItem (‘EP1 Witcher Gloves *’)
Trousers – AddItem (‘EP1 Witcher Pants *’)
Poisoned Steel Snake Sword – AddItem (‘EP1 VIPER SCHOOL Steel Sword’)
Poisoned Silver Sword Snake School – AddItem (‘EP1 VIPER SCHOOL SILVER SWORD’)

Armor from hen gaidt
Hen Gaidt Mask – AddItem (‘Q704_Vampire_Mask’)
Armor from hen gaidt – AddItem (‘Q704_Vampire_armor’)
Hen Gaidt Gloves – AddItem (‘Q704_vampire_gloves’)
Hen Guidt Pants – AddItem (‘Q704_Vampire_Pants’)
Hen Gaidt Shoes – AddItem (‘Q704_Vampire_Boots’)

If The Subject At The End of the Code IS “*” This Means That There Are Several Levels of this Item from 1 to 4-5.

Vitis – AddItem (‘UNIQUE Steel Sword’) – Necessary Level 98. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Power of The Aard Sign Increased by 20%. Igniya’s Sign Increased by 20%. The Sign of the Kven Sign IS Increased by 20%. The Power Of The Irden Sign Increased by 20%. AXIUS SIGN IS INCRASED BY 20%.

Sword of Gerasta From Rivia – AddItem (‘SQ701 GERALT OF RIVIA Sword’) – Necessary LEVEL 100. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 150. Critical Damage Causes 50% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 15%.

Boxing Steel Sword – AddItem (‘Hanza Steel Sword 1’) – Necessary Level 100. Masters Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor IS Increased by 32. CHANCE TO CAUSE BLEEDING 5%.

Boxing Steel Sword – AddItem (‘Hanza Steel Sword 2’) – Necessary Level 100. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. POWER OF ARMOR BREAKDOWN INCRASED BY 20. Chance to Apply Critical Damage Increased by 2%. CHANCE TO CAUSE BLEEDING 5%.

Blade From Volyady – AddItem (‘Hanza Steel Sword 3’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 100. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 781-955. Critical Damage Causes 50% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 15%. Chance to Cause Bleeding 15%. CHANCE TO POISON THE ENEMY 15%. With a Probability of 3%, You can Instantly Kill The Enemy.

Steel Sword From Hen Gaidt – AddItem (‘Q704 Vampire Steel Sword’) – Necessary Level 98. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 150. Critical Damage Causes 75% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 15%. CHANCE TO CAUSE BLEEDING INCRASED BY 15%. Chance to Stun The Embise Increased by 15%. ADDITIONAL EFFECT APPEAR WHEN YOU ARE WEARING 3 THINGS FROM THIS SET. Murder Restores 1% of the Maximum Level of Health for Each Element of the Set.

Steel Sword from Tushm Mutna – AddItem (‘Q702 Vampire Steel Sword’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 96. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 731-893. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 150. Critical Damage Causes 75% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 15%. CHANCE TO CAUSE BLEEDING INCRASED BY 15%. Chance to Stun The Embise Increased by 15%. ADDITIONAL EFFECT APPEAR WHEN YOU ARE WEARING 3 THINGS FROM THIS SET. Murder Restores 1% of the Maximum Level of Health for Each Element of the Set.

Raviks Sword From Church – AddItem (‘SQ701 RAVIX OF FURHORN SWORD’) – NESSASSARY LEVEL 100. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 150. Critical Damage Causes 50% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 15%.

Bluff – AdDItem (‘Gwent Steel Sword 1’) – Required Level 98. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Power of The Aard Sign Increased by 15%. Igniy Sign Increased by 24%. AXIUS SIGN IS INCRASED BY 15%. Critical Damage Causes 75% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 15%.

Steel Sword squirrels – AddItem (‘Squire Steel Sword 1’) – Necessary Level 100. Masters Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 150. Critical Damage Causes 7% More Damage.

Steel Sword squirrels – AddItem (‘Squire Steel Sword 2’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 100. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Power Of The Breakfast of the ARMOR IS Increased by 211. Chance to Apply The Critical Damage Increased by 4%.

Steel Sword squirrels – AddItem (‘Squire Steel Sword 3’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 98. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Power of the Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 200. The Power Of The Irden Sign Increased by 20%. Critical Damage Causes 75% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 10%. Chance to Ignite The Enemy Increased by 15%.

Highborhood – AddItem (‘MQ7001 TOUSAINT STEEL SWORD’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 100. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Power Of The Armor Is Increased by 75. Critical Damage Causes 50% More Damage. CHANCE TO CAUSE BLEEDING 5%.

Account – AddItem (‘MQ7011 CIANFANELLI STEEL SWORD’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 100. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Power Of The Armor Is Increased by 75. Critical Damage Causes 50% More Damage. CHANCE TO CAUSE BLEEDING 5%.

Iris – AddItem (‘Olgieerd Sabre’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 94. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 737-901. CHARGED DURING STRIKES OPPONENTS. After A Set of Energy, The Sword Is Painted Red, After Which It Is Possible to Free Up All the Power, Due to the Part of the Health of the Attacker.

Angivar – AddItem (‘ANGIVARE’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. Critical Damage Causes 46% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 9%. CHANCE TO CAUSE BLEEDING 2%.

Arbiter – AddItem (‘Arbitrator’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 741-905. Critical Damage Causes 38% More Damage. CHANCE TO KNOCK OUT THE ENEMY FROM EQUILIBRIM 2%. WITH PROBABILITY OF 7% THERE IS A CHANCE TO CUT OFF THE LIMB.

ARD’NIER – AddItem (‘ArDaenye’) – Required Level 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 741-905. The Power of the Igni Sign Increased by 12%. CHANCE TO IGNITE THE ENEMY 3%.

Barber – AddItem (‘Barbersurgeon’) – Required LEVEL 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Force of the Aard Sign Increased by 10%. Chance to Stun The Embise Increased by 5%. WITH A PROBABILITY OF 10% THERE IS A CHANCE TO CUT OFF THE LIMB. INCREASES THE RESULTING EXPERIENCE BY 5% FOR A MORTAL BOW TO MAN. Increases The Amount Of Gold Found BY 5%.

Bashi – AddItem (‘Beannshie’) – Necessary LEVEL 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. THE ENEMY GETS 10 COLD DAMAGE. The Power Of The Armor Is Increased by 49. The Power of The Aard Sign Increased by 15%.

Black Unicorn – AddItem (‘BLACKUNICORN’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-906. The Force of the Aard Sign Increased by 10%. CHANCE TO CAUSE BLEEDING 5%.

Cerm – AddItem (‘Caerme’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The ENEMY RECEIVES 10 Damage To Fire. Igniya Sign Increased by 11%. WITH PROBABILITY OF 9% THERE IS A CHANCE TO CUT OFF THE LIMB.

Emmental – AddItem (‘Cheesecutter’) – Necessary LEVEL 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Enemy Receive 20 Fire Damage. The Power of the Igni Sign Increased by 12%.

D’Iabel – AddItem (‘DYAEBL’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-906. Chance to Ignite The Enemy 4%.

Deira – AddItem (‘DeiReadh’) – Required Level 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. Critical Damage Causes 14% More Damage. Chance to Stun The Enemy Increased by 1%. Increases The Amount Of Gold Found BY 5%.

Hope – AddItem (‘Vynbleidd’) – Necessary LEVEL 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-906. The Power Of The Sign of the Ignius Is Increased by 16%. WITH A PROBABILITY OF 8% THERE IS A CHANCE TO CUT OFF THE LIMB. INCREASES THE EXPERIENCE GAINED BY 4% FOR A FATAL BWOW TO MAN.

Gwihir – AddItem (‘GWYHYR’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Power Of The Breakdown of The Armor Is Increased by 96. Irden’s Sign Power Increased by 10%. Critical Damage Causes 10% More Damage. CHANCE TO CAUSE BLEEDING 6%.

Forgotten Sword of Vranov – AddItemVord (‘ForgottenvranSword’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-906. Critical Damage Causes 14% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 15%. Chance to Stun The Opponent Increased by 10%.

Garval – AddItem (‘Harvall’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. Igniya Sign Increased by 13%. CHANCE TO IGNITE THE ENEMY 9%.

Hyalmar Steel Sword – AddItem (‘HJALMAR_SHORT_STEEL_SWORD’) – Required LEVEL 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. Critical Damage Causes 192% More Damage. INCREASES THE EXPERIENCE GAINED BY 3% FOR A FATAL BWOW TO MAN.

Sword Princess Ksenia – AddItem (‘PrincessxenthiasWord’) – Required LEVEL 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Power of the Igni Sign Increased by 9%. The Strength of the Sign of the Acts Is Increased by 9%. CHANCE TO KNOCK OUT AN ENEMY FROM EQUILIBRIR. WITH PROBABILITY OF 4% THERE IS A CHANCE TO CUT OFF THE LIMB.

Karabella – AddItem (‘Karabela’) – Required LEVEL 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 13%. CHANCE TO FREEZE THE ENEMY 2%.

Great Sword from Dollars – AddItem (‘RobustSwordOffdolblathanna’) – Necessary LEVEL 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. Critical Damage Causes 15% More Damage. INCREASES THE RESULTING EXPERIENCE BY 5% FOR A MORTAL BOW TO MAN. Increases The Amount Of Gold Found BY 3%.

Ash Rune – AddItem (‘Ashrune’) – Required LEVEL 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. Critical Damage Causes 5% More Damage. CHANCE TO FREEZE THE ENEMY 5%. WITH A PROBABILITY OF 3% THERE IS A CHANCE TO CUT OFF THE LIMB. INCREASES THE RESULTING EXPERIENCE BY 2% FOR A MORTAL BOW TO MAN.


Daylight – AddItem (‘Daystar’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Enemy Receives 8 Damage To Fire. Chance to Ignite The Enemy 8%. Increases The Amount Of Gold Found BY 3%.

Devin – AddItem (‘Devine’) – Required LEVEL 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Power Of The Armor Is Increased by 49. The Force of the Aard Sign Increased by 10%. Chance to Stun The Opponent Increased by 7%. INCREASES THE EXPERIENCE GAINED BY 3% FOR A FATAL BWOW TO MAN.

Blackhead – AddItem (‘Bloedeaedd’) – Necessary LEVEL 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. THE SIGN OF THE IRON IS INCRASED BY 9%. Critical Damage Causes 10% More Damage. CHANCE TO CAUSE BLEEDING 6%. INCREASES THE RESULTING EXPERIENCE BY 2% FOR A MORTAL BOW TO MAN.

INIS – AddItem (‘Inis’) – Necessary Level 98. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 733-895. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 35. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 3%. CHANCE TO POISON THE ENEMY 3%. Increases The Experience Gained by 1% Per Fatal Blow To Man.

Gwestor – AddItem (‘Gwestog’) – Required LEVEL 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-906. The Power Of The Kven Sign IS Increased by 9%. CHANCE TO FREEZE THE ENEMY 2%. WITH PROBABILITY OF 9% THERE IS A CHANCE TO CUT OFF THE LIMB.

Winter Blade – AddItem (‘Abarad’) – Required LEVEL 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Enemy Gets 19 Cold Damage. CHANCE TO FREEZE THE ENEMY 2%.

Wolf – AddItem (‘Wolf’) – Required LEVEL 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-906. The Power Of The Armor Is Increased by 88. Chance to Cause Bleeding 4%. Increases The Amount Of Gold Found BY 5%.

Sorvishalka – AdDItem (‘Cleaver’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Power Of The Armor Is Increased by 88. Critical Damage Causes 68% More Damage. WITH A PROBABILITY OF 2% THERE IS A CHANCE TO CUT OFF THE LIMB.

Dancer – AddItem (‘Dancer’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. Chance to Apply Critical Damage Increased by 11%. Chance to Cause Bleeding 7%. INCREASES THE RESULTING EXPERIENCE BY 2% FOR A MORTAL BOW TO MAN.

Head Hunter – AdDItem (‘Headtaker’) – Necessary LEVEL 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 43. Critical Damage Causes 58% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 6%. WITH A PROBABILITY OF 2% THERE IS A CHANCE TO CUT OFF THE LIMB.

Mourner – AddItem (‘Mourner’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Power Of The Breakfast Of The Armor Is Increased by 19. Irden’s Sign Power Increased by 10%. Critical Damage Causes 21% More Damage. INCREASES THE RESULTING EXPERIENCE BY 2% FOR A MORTAL BOW TO MAN.

Ultimatum – AddItem (‘Ultimatum’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-906. The Power of the Igni Sign Increased by 9%. Critical Damage Causes 21% More Damage. Chance to Apply The Critical Damage Increased by 4%. CHANCE TO KNOCK OUT AN ENEMY FROM EQUILIBRIR.

Caroline – AddItem (‘Caroline’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-906. The Power of the Kven Sign Increased by 10%. The Force of the Sign of the Action Increased by 14%. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 19%. CHANCE TO CAUSE BLEEDING 10%.

Moon – AddItem (‘Lune’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Power Of The Aard Sign Increased by 8%. Chance to Freeze The Enemy 4%.

Glory to North – AddItem (‘GloryoftHenorth’) – Required Level 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Power Of The Igni Sign Increased by 10%. CHANCE TO IGNITE THE ENEMY 6%.

Tor Lara – AddItem (‘Torlara’) – Necessary Level 98. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 735-899. The Power of The Aard Sign Increased by 20%. The Power of the Kven Sign IS Increased by 15%. CHANCE TO IGNITE THE ENEMY 12%. With a Probability of 3%, You can Instantly Kill The Enemy.

Blade Faramona – AddItem (‘Serpent Steel Sword 1’) – Necessary Level 100. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 760-928. The Power of the Aard Sign Increased by 26%. Critical Damage Causes 85% More Damage. Chance to Apply Critical Damage Increased by 11%. CHANCE TO POISON THE ENEMY 15%. INCREASES THE RESULTING EXPERIENCE BY 5% FOR A MORTAL BOW TO MAN.

Confidant – AddItem (‘Serpent Steel Sword 2’) – Necessary Level 100. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 767-937. The Power of the Aard Sign Increased by 28%. Critical Damage Causes 95% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 12%. CHANCE TO POISON THE ENEMY 15%. INCREASES THE RESULTING EXPERIENCE BY 5% FOR A MORTAL BOW TO MAN.

Belhawed Blade – AddItem (‘Serpent Steel Sword 3’) – Necessary Level 100. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 774-946. THE POWER OF THE ARD SIGN INCRASED BY 30%. Critical Damage Causes 100% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 15%. CHANCE TO POISON THE ENEMY 15%. INCREASES THE RESULTING EXPERIENCE BY 5% FOR A MORTAL BOW TO MAN.

Steel Tustern Sword – AddItem (‘Toussaint Steel Sword 2’) – Necessary Level 100. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. POWER OF ARMOR BREAKDOWN INCRASED BY 250. Critical Damage Causes 9% More Damage. CHANCE TO CAUSE BLEEDING 5%.

Tustern Steel Sword – AddItem (‘Toussaint Steel Sword 3’) – Necessary Level 100. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 796-972. POWER OF ARMOR BREAKDOWN INCRASED BY 250. Critical Damage Causes 75% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 15%. CHANCE TO IGNITE THE ENEMY 10%. CHANCE TO CAUSE BLEEDING 5%.

Steel Sword of a Side Officer – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 Steel Sword 3’) – Required LEVEL 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 752-920. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 150. Critical Damage Causes 75% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 15%. Chance to Cause Bleeding 15%. Chance to Stun The Opponent Increased by 12%.

Improved Warrior Sword Wild Hunting – AddItem (‘EREDIN SWORD’) – Required Level 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Strength of the Igni Sign Increased by 19%. Critical Damage Causes 14% More Damage. WITH A PROBABILITY OF 2%, YOU CAN INSTANTLY KILL THE ENEMY. WITH A PROBABILITY OF 10% THERE IS A CHANCE TO CUT OFF THE LIMB. INCREASES THE RESULTING EXPERIENCE BY 5% FOR A MORTAL BOW TO MAN.

Dwarf gwihir – AddItem (‘GNOMISH SWORD 1’) – Necessary Level 100. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-908. The Power of the Kven Sign IS Increased by 5%. Critical Damage Causes 60% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 15%.

Blade from Tir Tokhar – AddItem (‘GNOMISH SWORD 2’) – Required Level 99. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-906. Critical Damage Causes 50% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 5%. CHANCE TO CAUSE BLEEDING 35%.

Kovirsky Kortik – AddItem (‘Short Sword 1’) – Necessary Level 97. REGULAR SUBJECT. Steel Sword. Damage 719-879.

Kovirsky Kortik – AddItem (‘Short Sword 1_crafted’) – Necessary Level 57. Masters Object. Steel Sword. Damage 437-535. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 35.

Temer Dagger – AddItem (‘Short Sword 2’) – Required LEVEL 97. REGULAR SUBJECT. Steel Sword. Damage 721-881.

Temer Dagger – AddItem (‘Short Sword 2_crafted’) – Required Level 59. Masters Object. Steel Sword. Damage 446-546. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 37.

VELENIAN LONG Sword – AddItem (‘No Mans Land Sword 1’) – Necessary LEVEL 97. REGULAR SUBJECT. Steel Sword. Damage 720-880.

VELENIAN LONG Sword – AddItem (‘No Mans Land Sword 1_crafted’) – Required 60. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 455-557. Critical Damage Causes 9% More Damage. CHANCE TO CAUSE BLEEDING 5%

Sword from Doriana – AddItem (‘No Mans Land Sword 2’) – Necessary Level 100. Masters Object. Steel Sword. Damage 741-905. Critical Damage Causes 6% More Damage.

Sword from Doriana – AdDItem (‘No Mans Land Sword 2_crafted’) – Necessary Level 61. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 464-568. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 28. Critical Damage Causes 6% More Damage.

Maribor’s Sword – Maribor’s Sword – Necessary Level 99. Masters Object. Steel Sword. Damage 739-903. Chance to Apply Critical Damage Increased by 2%.

Maribor’s Sword – AddItem (‘No Mans Land Sword 3_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 72. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 545-667. POWER OF ARMOR BREAKDOWN INCRASED BY 38. Critical Damage Causes 9% More Damage.

Blame from Bremeroorda – AddItem (‘No Mans Land Sword 4’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 100. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-906. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 7%.

Blame from Bremeroorda – AddItem (‘No Mans Land Sword 4_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 77. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 581-711. The Power Of The Breakfast of the ARMOR IS Increased by 34. AXII SIGN Force Increased by 4%.

NILFGARDIAN LONG SWORD – AddItem (‘NILFGAARDIAN Sword 1’) – Necessary Level 97. REGULAR SUBJECT. Steel Sword. Damage 719-879.

NILFGARDIAN LONG SWORD – AddItem (‘Nilfgaardian Sword 1_crafted’) – Necessary Level 64. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 482-590. The Power Of The Armor Breakdown Increased by 27. Critical Damage Causes 6% More Damage.

Blade from Mettina – AddItem (‘NILFGAARDIAN Sword 2’) – Required Level 97. Masters Object. Steel Sword. Damage 720-880. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 3%.

Blade From Vicovro – AddItem (‘NILFGAARDIAN Sword 3’) – Necessary Level 100. Masters Object. Steel Sword. Damage 740-904. Chance to Apply Critical Damage Increased by 2%.

Hemmer Steel Sword – AddItem (‘NILFGAARDIAN Sword 4’) – Necessary Level 98. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 728-890. The Power Of The Armor Is Increased by 40. The Force of the Aard Sign Increased by 5%

Hemmer Steel Sword – AddItem (‘Nilfgaardian Sword 4_Crafted’) – Necessary Level 87. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 653-799. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 39. Igniya Sign Increased by 5%.

Novigrad Long Sword – AddItem (‘Novigraadan Sword 1’) – Required LEVEL 98. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 728-890. POWER OF ARMOR BREAKDOWN INCRASED BY 38. Igniya Sign Increased by 5%.

Novigrad Long Sword – AddItem (‘Novigraadan Sword 1_crafted’) – Necessary Level 62. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 469-573. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 74.

Sword from the Golden City – AddItem (‘Novigraadan Sword 2’) – Required Level 98. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 728-890. Axius Sign Force Increased by 5%. Chance to Apply The Critical Damage Increased by 4%.

Sword from the Golden City – AddItem (‘novigraadan sword 2_crafted’) – Required Level 67. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 505-617. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 35. Critical Damage Causes 9% More Damage.

Sword From A Silver City – AddItem (‘Novigraadan Sword 3’) – Necessary Level 98. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 727-889. The Force of the Aard Sign Increased by 4%. Critical Damage Causes 9% More Damage.

Sword From A Silver City – AddItem (‘novigraadan sword 3_crafted’) – Necessary Level 73. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 547-669. The Power Of Armor Breakdown Increased by 68.

Sword from cropping – AddItem (‘Novigraadan Sword 4’) – Necessary Level 100. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-906. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 73.

Sword from cropping – AddItem (‘novigraadan sword 4_crafted’) – Necessary Level 83. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 620-758. Critical Damage Causes 18% More Damage.

Sword of Hunters for Sorcerers – AddItem (‘Inquisitor Sword 1’) – Necessary Level 100. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 741-905. Critical Damage Causes 7% More Damage. Chance to Cause Bleeding 4%.

Sword of Hunters for Sorcerers – AdDItem (‘Inquisitor Sword 1_crafted’) – Required Level 88. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 656-802. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 29. Critical Damage Causes 7% More Damage.

Witchcraft – AddItem (‘Inquisitor Sword 2’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 100. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-906. The Force of the Aard Sign Increased by 4%. ADRENALINE SET SPEED INCRASED BY 3%.

Witchcraft – AdDItem (‘Inquisitor Sword 2_crafted’) – Necessary Level 94. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 698-854. POWER OF ARMOR BREAKDOWN INCRASED BY 80.

Skeligi Long Sword – AddItem (‘Skellige Sword 1’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 97. Masters Object. Steel Sword. Damage 721-881. Critical Damage Causes 85% More Damage.

Skeligi Long Sword – AddItem (‘Skellige Sword 1_crafted’) – Necessary Level 63. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 478-584. POWER OF ARMOR BREAKDOWN INCRASED BY 38. Igniya Sign Increased by 5%. Critical Damage Causes 75% More Damage.

Long Sword with Speaker – AddItem (‘Skellige Sword 2’) – Necessary Level 100. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-906. The Force of the Aard Sign Increased by 4%. Critical Damage Causes 75% More Damage. Chance to Cause Bleeding 4%.

Long Sword with Speaker – AddItem (‘Skellige Sword 2_crafted’) – Necessary LEVEL 68. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 514-628. Critical Damage Causes 84% ​​More Damage. Chance to Cause Bleeding 4%

Sword clan an hindar – AddItem (‘Skellige Sword 3_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 76. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 572-700. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 39. Critical Damage Causes 75% More Damage. CHANCE TO CAUSE BLEEDING 5%.

Faroe Blade – AddItem (‘Skellige Sword 4’) – Required LEVEL 98. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 728-890. The Power of the Kven Sign IS Increased by 5%. ADRENALINE SET SPEED INCRASED BY 4%. Critical Damage Causes 75% More Damage.

Faroe Blade – AddItem (‘Skellige Sword 4_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 84. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 626-766. Critical Damage Causes 94% More Damage.

Blade Brigade Vriedd – AddItem (‘Scoiatael Sword 1’) – Necessary Level 98. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 728-890. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 39. Critical Damage Causes 10% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 10%.

Blade Brigade Vriedd – AddItem (‘Scoiatael Sword 1_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 80. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 601-735. The Power Of The Armor Is Increased by 75. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 10%.

Sword Ska’talee – AddItem (‘Scoiatael Sword 2’) – Necessary Level 98. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 728-890. Chance to Apply Critical Damage Increased by 14%. CHANCE TO POISON THE ENEMY 5%.

Sword Ska’talee – AddItem (‘Scoiatael Sword 2_crafted’) – Necessary Level 85. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 635-777. Igniya Sign Increased by 4%. Critical Damage Causes 9% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 10%.

Steel Elf Sword – AddItem (‘Scoiatael Sword 3’) – Necessary Level 100. Masters Object. Steel Sword. Damage 741-905. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 13%.

Steel Elf Sword – AddItem (‘Scoiatael Sword 3_crafted’) – Required Level 89. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 662-810. The Power Of The Breakfast of the ARMOR IS Increased by 34. Critical Damage Causes 8% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 10%.

Sword from Red Meteorite Steel – AddItem (‘Scoiatael Sword 4’) – Necessary LEVEL 98. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 728-890. Igniya Sign Increased by 5%. Critical Damage Causes 10% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 10%.

Sword from Red Meteorite Steel – AddItem (‘Scoiatael Sword 4_crafted’) – Necessary Level 92. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 685-837. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 39. Critical Damage Causes 10% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 10%.

Steel Sword from Mahakama – AddItem (‘Dwarven Sword 1’) – Necessary Level 100. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-906. The Force of the Aard Sign Increased by 4%. Critical Damage Causes 75% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 3%.

Steel Sword from Mahakama – AddItem (‘DWARVEN Sword 1_crafted’) – Necessary Level 91. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 680-832. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor IS Increased by 32. Critical Damage Causes 83% More Damage.

Krasnolyudsky Blade – AddItem (‘Dwarven Sword 2’) – Necessary Level 100. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 742-906. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 35. The Force of the Aard Sign Increased by 4%. Critical Damage Causes 75% More Damage.

Krasnolyudsky Blade – AddItem (‘DWARVEN Sword 2_crafted’) – Necessary Level 93. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 694-848. The Force of the Aard Sign Increased by 5%. Critical Damage Causes 84% ​​More Damage.

Sword Cyrin – AddItem (‘Zireael Sword’) – Necessary Level 66. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 194-238. ADDS 350 Physical Damage Points. The Power Of The Breakdown of the ARMOR IS Increased by 800.

Gnome Gwihinr – AddItem (‘GNOMISH SWORD 1_CRAFTED’) – Necessary Level 91. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 676-826. Critical Damage Causes 60% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 5%. CHANCE TO POISON THE ENEMY 5%.

Blade from Tir Tokhar – AddItem (‘GNOMISH SWORD 2_CRAFTED’) – Necessary Level 93. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 703-859. Critical Damage Causes 50% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 5%. Chance to Cause Bleeding 15%.

Sword Knights of Flaming Roses – AddItem (‘Burning Rose Sword’) – Required Level 93. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 692-846. Increases Health By 27 Points. CHANCE TO IGNITE THE ENEMY 10%. With a probability of 3%, The Emborn CAN CUT OFF THE LIMB

Sword Knights of Flaming Roses – AddItem (‘Crafted Burning Rose Sword’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 93. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 711-869. CHANCE TO IGNITE THE ENEMY 10%. CHANCE TO STUN THE OPPONENT 10%. CHANCE TO DROP THE ENEMY 10%. WITH A PROBABILITY OF 3% Of The Enemy, You Can Instantly Kill. With a probability of 3%, The Emborn CAN CUT OFF THE LIMB.

Sword Knights of Flaming Roses – AddItem (‘Burning Rose Sword B’) – Required LEVEL 93. Masters Object. Steel Sword. Damage 692-846. WHEN CRITICAL IMPACT DAMAGE INCREASS BY 8%. With a probability of 3%, The Emborn CAN CUT OFF THE LIMB.

Alfir Sabl – AddItem (‘Crafted Ofir Steel Sword’) – Necessary LEVEL 95. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 725-887. Aard Power Increased by 10%. IGNI Power Increased by 20%. Power Axia Increased by 10%. WHEN CRITICAL IMPACT DAMAGE INCREASSES BY 75%. Chance to Apply Critical Damage 15%.

Far Curve Saber – AdDItem (‘Ofir Saber 1’) – Required Level 92. Real Object. Steel Sword. Damage 699-855. Power of the Breakdown of Armor Increased by 100 Points. Aard Power Increased by 15%. IGNI Power Increased by 25%. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage 10%. CHANCE TO IGNITE THE ENEMY 10%.

ALFIRSKY YATAGAN – AddItem (‘Ofir Saber 2’) – Required LEVEL 92. Magic Object. Steel Sword. Damage 688-840. Power of the Breakdown of Armpeople Increased by 50 Points. ADRENALINE SET SPEED INCRASED BY 50%. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage 10%.

ALFIRSKY YATAGAN – AddItem (‘Hakland Sabre’) – Required LEVEL 92. Masters Object. Steel Sword. Damage 678-828. Chance to Apply Critical Damage 12%

Dryn from the Fence – AddItem (‘Plank’) – Required LEVEL 26.REGULAR SUBJECT. Steel Sword. Damage 194-238. Impact Damage Increased by 22 Points

Silver Swords
Arondite – AddItem (‘Aerondight EP2’) – Required LEVEL 98. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 981-1199. Each Blow Generates Charges, Increasing Damage WITH A Sword On 10. Charges Are Sport During Inaction OR Damage. Fully Charged Sword Causes Critical Damage. The Murder of the Enemy Annuls The Charge Of A Sword, At The Same Time Increasing The Damage Of Weapons Forever.

Gesheft – AddItem (‘UNIQUE SILVER Sword’) – Required Level 98. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 981-1199. The Power of the Aard Sign Increased by 20%. Igniya’s Sign Increased by 20%. The Sign of the Kven Sign IS Increased by 20%. The Power Of The Irden Sign Increased by 20%. AXIUS SIGN IS INCRASED BY 20%.

Cantata – AdDItem (‘Q704 Vampire Silver Sword’) – Required Level 98. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 981-1199. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 150. Critical Damage Causes 75% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 15%. CHANCE TO CAUSE BLEEDING INCRASED BY 15%. Chance to Stun The Embise Increased by 15%.

Dahia – AddItem (‘EP2 Silver Sword 1’) – Necessary LEVEL 95. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 936-1144. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 150. Critical Damage Causes 50% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 10%.

Dahia – AddItem (‘EP2 Silver Sword 1R’) – Required LEVEL 98. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 981-1199. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 150. Igniya’s Sign Increased by 20%. Critical Damage Causes 50% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 10%. CHANCE TO POISON THE ENEMY 10%.

Casus Foederis – AddItem (‘EP2 Silver Sword 2’) – Required LEVEL 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 982-1200. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 150. The Power of The Aard Sign Increased by 15%. The Power of the King Sign Increased by 15%. Critical Damage Causes 50% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 15%.

AMI – AddItem (‘EP2 Silver Sword 3’) – Necessary LEVEL 100. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 982-1200. The Power of the Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 200. Critical Damage Causes 75% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 15%.

AMI – AddItem (‘EP2 Silver Sword 3R’) – Required LEVEL 98. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 982-1200. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 300. King Sign Power Increased by 30%. Critical Damage Causes 75% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 15%. CHANCE TO KNOCK OUT AN ENEMY FROM EQUILIBRIM 15%.

Blaised – AddItem (‘WITCHERVERWOLF’) – Required Level 98. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 968-1184. Igniya Sign Increased by 6%. King Sign Power Increased by 6%. Critical Damage Causes 16% More Damage. Increases The Experience Gained by 3% for Death in Monsters.

Addan Date – AddItem (‘Addandeith’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 981-1199. The Force of the Aard Sign Increased by 10%. The Force of the Sign of the Acts Increased by 10%. Critical Damage Causes 25% More Damage. Chance to Apply The Critical Damage Increased by 4%. CHANCE TO FREEZE THE ENEMY 1%.

Lunar Blade – AddItem (‘MoonBlade’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 980-1198. The Iron Sign Force Increased by 5%. Critical Damage Causes 15% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 5%. CHANCE TO FREEZE THE ENEMY 1%.

Mogrim – AddItem (‘Aerondight’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 981-1199. The Power Of The Kven Sign IS Increased by 7%. The Sign of Irdan Is Increased by 7%. Increases The Resulting Experience BY 2% for death in monsters.

Bloody Sword – AddItem (‘Bloodsword’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 980-1198. Critical Damage Causes 19% More Damage. Chance to Apply The Critical Damage Increased by 4%. Chance to Cause Bleeding Increased by 9%. WITH A PROBABILITY OF 2% THERE IS A CHANCE TO CUT OFF THE LIMB.

Deevlin – AddItem (‘Deithwen’) – Required LEVEL 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 981-1199. THE ENEMY RECEIVES 20 DAMAGE BY COLD. CHANCE TO FREEZE THE ENEMY 1%.

Fate – AddItem (‘Fate’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 978-1196. Igniya’s Sign Increased by 8%. AXII Sign Force Increased by 8%. CHANCE TO KNOCK OUT THE ENEMY FROM EQUILIBRIUM 10%.

Ginwael Add – AddItem (‘GynValadd’) – Required LEVEL 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 981-1199. The Power Of The Igni Sign Increased by 10%. CHANCE TO CAUSE BLEEDING INCRASED BY 8%. Increases The Experience Gained by 3% for Death in Monsters. Increases The Amount Of Gold Found BY 10%.

Navid Sid – AddItem (‘NaevDeseIDHE’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 980-1198. The Power Of The Sign of the Ignius Is Increased by 15%. The Irden Sign IS Increased by 15%. CHANCE TO KNOCK OUT THE ENEMY FROM EQUILIBRIUM 10%.

BLADE FROM I – AddItem (‘Bladeofys’) – Required LEVEL 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 979-1197. Igniya Sign Increased by 13%. Chance to Apply The Critical Damage Increased by 4%. CHANCE TO IGNITE THE ENEMY 10%. Increases The Resulting Experience BY 2% for death in monsters.

Merrorians – AddItem (‘Zerrikantern’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 981-1199. The Power of The Aard Sign Increased by 15%. The Power of the Kven Sign IS Increased by 15%. AXIUS SIGN IS INCRASED BY 15%. Chance to Cause Bleeding Increased by 10%.

Anathema – AddItem (‘Anathema’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 981-1199. The Power of The Aard Sign Increased by 15%. The Power of the Kven Sign IS Increased by 15%. Critical Damage Causes 21% More Damage. CHANCE TO IGNITE THE ENEMY 10%.

Rose from Shairrvedda – AddItem (‘Roseofaelirenn’) – Required LEVEL 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 980-1198. The Power of the Irden Sign Increased by 12%. Axius Sign Force Increased by 12%. CHANCE TO KNOCK OUT THE ENEMY FROM EQUILIBRIUM 12%.

CURSED – AddItem (‘REACHOFTHEDAMNED’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 981-1199. The Power of the Kven Sign Increased by 10%. The Power Of The Sign of The Acts Is Increased by 19%. CHANCE TO FREEZE THE ENEMY 13%. WITH A PROBABILITY OF 10% THERE IS A CHANCE TO CUT OFF THE LIMB.

Azure Anger – AddItem (‘Azurewrat’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 980-1198. The Power Of The Armor Is Increased by 107. Chance to Stun The Opponent Increased by 12%. Increases The Experience Gained by 3% for Death in Monsters. Increases The Amount Of Gold Found BY 3%.

Dergdit – AddItem (‘deargdeith’) – Required LEVEL 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 980-1198. The Aard Sign IS Increased by 17%. THE SIGN OF THE IRDEN SIGN INCRASED BY 17%. The Power of the Sign of the Action Increased by 17%. INCREASES THE RESULTING EXPERIENCE BY 5% FOR A MORTAL BOW TO MAN.

Araine – AddItem (‘ARAINNE’) – Required LEVEL 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 979-1197. The Power of the Igni Sign Increased by 9%. THE SIGN OF THE IRON IS INCRASED BY 9%. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 5%. Chance to Cause Bleeding Increased by 10%. Increases The Resulting Experience BY 2% for death in monsters.

Gav’Kar – AddItem (‘Havcaaren’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 972-1188. Chance to Apply Critical Damage Increased by 11%. CHANCE TO KNOCK OUT AN ENEMY FROM EQUILIBRIUM 11%. Increases The Experience Gained by 3% for Death in Monsters.

Loafen – AddItem (‘Loathen’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 980-1198. The Enemy Gets 19 Fire Damage. CHANCE TO IGNITE THE ENEMY 12%.

Ginwael – AddItem (‘Gynvael’) – Required LEVEL 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 981-1199. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 51. The Power of the Irden Sign Increased by 13%. CHANCE TO POISON THE ENEMY 11%.

Ant – AddItem (‘ANTH’) – Required LEVEL 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 980-1198. CHANCE TO POISON THE ENEMY 18%.

Mourner – AddItem (‘Weeper’) – Required LEVEL 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 979-1197. Critical Damage Causes 70% More Damage. WITH A PROBABILITY OF 3% THERE IS A CHANCE TO CUT OFF THE LIMB. Increases The Experience Gained by 3% for Death in Monsters.

Bride – AddItem (‘Virgin’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 979-1197. CHANCE TO CAUSE BLEEDING INCRASED BY 13%. WITH A PROBABILITY OF 2% THERE IS A CHANCE TO CUT OFF THE LIMB. Increases The Experience Gained by 3% for Death in Monsters.

Nonsense – AddItem (‘Negotiator’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 981-1199. The Power Of The Armor Is Increased by 49. Chance to Apply Critical Damage Increased by 16%. Chance to Stun The Opponent Increased by 12%.

Grapiia – AddItem (‘Harpy’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 981-1199. CHANCE TO CAUSE BLEEDING INCRASED BY 14%.

Tlareg – AddItem (‘Tlareg’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 981-1199. Igniya’s Sign Increased by 20%. CHANCE TO FREEZE THE ENEMY 13%. INCREASES THE EXPERIENCE GAINED BY 1% FOR DEATH IN MONSTSERS.

Breath of North – AddItem (‘BreatHofthenorth’) – Required Level 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 979-1197. Critical Damage Causes 45% More Damage. Chance to Stun The Opponent Increased by 10%. WITH A PROBABILITY OF 3% THERE IS A CHANCE TO CUT OFF THE LIMB.

Tor Zirael – AddItem (‘Torzirael’) – Necessary Level 99. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 972-1188. Igniy Sign Increased by 25%. The Power of the Kven Sign IS Increased by 15%. CHANCE TO FREEZE THE ENEMY 20%. WITH A PROBABILITY OF 2%, YOU CAN INSTANTLY KILL THE ENEMY.

Dislavar – AddItem (‘Silver Sword 1’) – Required LEVEL 97. Masters Object. Silver Sword. Damage 954-1166. Critical Damage Causes 10% More Damage.

Dislavar – AddItem (‘Silver Sword 1_crafted’) – Necessary Level 61. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 630-770. The Power Of The Breakdown of the Armor Is Increased by 31. Critical Damage Causes 7% More Damage.

Gwen’Nel – AddItem (‘Silver Sword 2’) – Necessary LEVEL 98. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 963-1177. The Force of the Aard Sign Increased by 5%. CHANCE TO POISON THE ENEMY 5%.

Gwen’Nel – AddItem (‘Silver Sword 2_crafted’) – Necessary Level 67. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 684-836. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 39. ADRENALINE SET SPEED INCRASED BY 4%.

Workshop Silver Sword – AddItem (‘Silver Sword 3’) – Required LEVEL 98. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 963-1177. The Power Of The Armor Is Increased by 40. Chance to Apply The Critical Damage Increased by 4%.

Workshop Silver Sword – AddItem (‘Silver Sword 3_crafted’) – Necessary Level 69. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 702-858. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor IS Increased by 32. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 3%.

Erlikhard – AddItem (‘Silver Sword 4’) – Required LEVEL 98. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 962-1176. POWER OF ARMOR BREAKDOWN INCRASED BY 38. CHANCE TO CAUSE BLEEDING 5%.

Erlikhard – AddItem (‘Silver Sword 4_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 71. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 724-886. Critical Damage Causes 20% More Damage.

Enemy – AddItem (‘Silver Sword 5’) – Necessary LEVEL 98. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 963-1177. Critical Damage Causes 50% More Damage. CHANCE TO POISON THE ENEMY 10%.

Enemy – AddItem (‘Silver Sword 5_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 73. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 738-902. The Power Of The Breakdown of the ARMOR IS Increased by 60. Critical Damage Causes 50% More Damage.

Tor-Herun – AddItem (‘Silver Sword 6’) – Required LEVEL 98. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 962-1176. POWER OF ARMOR BREAKDOWN INCRASED BY 38. Axius Sign Force Increased by 5%. Critical Damage Causes 50% More Damage.

Tor-Herun – AddItem (‘Silver Sword 6_Crafted’) – Required Level 76. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 769-941. POWER OF ARMOR BREAKDOWN INCRASED BY 23. Critical Damage Causes 55% More Damage.

An’ferhe – AddItem (‘Silver Sword 7’) – Necessary Level 100. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 980-1198. The Iron Sign Force Increased by 5%. Critical Damage Causes 50% More Damage. Chance to Apply The Critical Damage Increased by 4%.

An’ferhe – AddItem (‘Silver Sword 7_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 78. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 783-957. The Power Of The Armor Is Increased by 56. Critical Damage Causes 50% More Damage.

Torunn – AddItem (‘Elven Silver Sword 1’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 100. Masters Object. Silver Sword. Damage 977-1195. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 28. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 10%.

Torunn – AddItem (‘Elven Silver Sword 1_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 80. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 805-985. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 35. The Power of the Kven Sign IS Increased by 4%. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 10%.

Meltich – AddItem (‘Elven Silver Sword 2’) – Necessary Level 100. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 981-1199. Axius Sign Force Increased by 5%. Critical Damage Causes 10% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 10%.

Meltich – AddItem (‘Elven Silver Sword 2_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 83. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 828-1012. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 37. Chance to Apply Critical Damage Increased by 14%.

Tamer – AddItem (‘DWARVEN SILVER Sword 1’) – Necessary Level 100. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 979-1197. The Force of the Aard Sign Increased by 4%. Igniya Sign Increased by 5%. Critical Damage Causes 75% More Damage.

Tamer – AddItem (‘Dwarven Silver Sword 1_crafted’) – Required Level 86. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 855-1045. POWER OF ARMOR BREAKDOWN INCRASED BY 38. The Force of the Aard Sign Increased by 5%. Critical Damage Causes 75% More Damage.

Shtheiger – AddItem (‘Dwarven Silver Sword 2’) – Necessary Level 100. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 978-1196. Critical Damage Causes 82% More Damage. Chance to Cause Bleeding 4%

Shtheiger – AddItem (‘Dwarven Silver Sword 2_crafted’) – Required Level 88. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 873-1067. The Sign of Irdan Is Increased by 4%. Critical Damage Causes 84% ​​More Damage.

Potter – AddItem (‘GNOMISH SILVER SWORD 1’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 100. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 980-1198. The Iron Sign Force Increased by 5%. Critical Damage Causes 34% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 5%.

Potter – AddItem (‘GNOMISH SILVER SWORD 1_CRAFTED’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 92. Magic Object. Silver Sword. Damage 909-1111. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 33. Critical Damage Causes 33% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 5%.

Sarrim – AddItem (‘Ep1 Crafted Witcher Silver Sword’) – Required LEVEL 92. Real Object. Silver Sword. Damage 931-1139. Aard Power Increased by 15%. IGNI Power Increased by 15%. Power Axia Increased by 15%. WHEN CRITICAL IMPACT DAMAGE INCREASSES BY 75%. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage 10%.

Crown and Bear Arbents A in Tables with these sets.
Gives Ordinary Arbalet. The Digit May Vary From 1 To 7. The Greater The Number, The More Powerful The Crossbow Becomes. – AddItem (‘Crossbow 7’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 30. Damage 9-11. ADDS TO Your Strength Attack 200%. Increases Adrenaline Recruitment Speed ​​by 2%. Increases Experience for Death In Monsters BY 9%, AS Well As a Bow to A Person by 9%.

Crossweet Death From Heaven – AddItem (‘Crossbow Q206’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 13. Damage 6-8. Adds to Your Strength Attack 145%. Increases Adrenaline Recruitment Speed ​​by 1%. Increases EXPERIENCE FOR A MORTAL BOW TO A PERSON BY 9%.

Tusssensky Crossbow 1 – AddItem (‘Toussaint Crossbow 1’) – Required for Use Level 31. Damage 12-14. Adds To Your Strength Attack 250%.

Tussent Arbelt 2 – AddItem (‘Toussaint Crossbow 2’) – Necessary Level 31. Damage 13-17. Adds to Your Strength Attack 300%.

Gives Crossbows Not Related to Additions – Addcrossbows

Codes for Crossbows From DLC, Found On The Site in their Sections

Auxiliary Weapons
Battle Hammer Tusten Knight – AddItem (‘KNIGHT MACE 1’) – Required Level 99. Masters Object. Auxiliary Weapons. Damage 739-903. Chance to Apply Critical Damage Increased by 1%.

Battle Hammer Tusten Knight – AddItem (‘KNIGHT MACE 2’) – Necessary Level 98. Magic Object. Auxiliary Weapons. Damage 728-890. Chance to Cause Bleeding Increased by 9%.

Battle Hammer Tusten Knight – AddItem (‘KNIGHT MACE 3’) – Required Level 99. Real Object. Auxiliary Weapons. Damage 742-906. The Power Of The Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 150. Critical Damage Causes 50% More Damage. CHANCE TO Apply Critical Damage Increased by 5%. Chance to Stun The Embise Increased by 5%. CHANCE TO KNOCK OUT THE ENEMY FROM EQUILIBRIM 2%.

Dumb AX – AddItem (‘W_AXE01’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 100. REGULAR SUBJECT. Auxiliary Weapons. Damage 743-909.

Toporik – AddItem (‘W_AXE02’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 100. REGULAR SUBJECT. Auxiliary Weapons. Damage 749-915.

Battle AX – AddItem (‘W_AXE03’) – Necessary Level 100. Magic Object. Auxiliary Weapons. Damage 769-939. The Power Of The Armor Breakdown Increased by 27. The Sign Of The Iron Is Increased by 3%.

VELENSKY AX – AddItem (‘W_AXE04’) – Necessary Level 100. Magic Object. Auxiliary Weapons. Damage 765-935. The Power Of The Breakdown of the Armor Is Increased by 31. ADRENALINE SET SPEED INCRASED BY 3%.

Krasnolyudsky Topor – AddItem (‘W_AXE05’) – Necessary Level 100. Real Object. Auxiliary Weapons. Damage 814-994. The Power Of The Breakfast of the ARMOR IS Increased by 100. Critical Damage Causes 25% More Damage.

AX WAR Wild Hunting – AddItem (‘W_AXE06’) – Necessary Level 100. Real Object. Auxiliary Weapons. Damage 846-1034. The Power of the Breakfast of the Armor Is Increased by 200. Critical Damage Causes 50% More Damage.

Little Dubinka – AddItem (‘W_Club’) – Necessary Level 100. REGULAR SUBJECT. Auxiliary Weapons. Damage 720-880. Add 32 Points of Shock Damage.

Palice – AddItem (‘W_MACE01’) – Required Level 99. REGULAR SUBJECT. Auxiliary Weapons. Damage 718-878. Add 17 Points of Shock Damage.

Heavy Palitsa – AddItem (‘W_MACE02’) – Required Level 99. Masters Object. Auxiliary Weapons. Damage 721-881. Adds 44 Points of Shock Damage. CHANCE TO CAUSE BLEEDING 5%.

Kylo – AddItem (‘W_Pickaxe’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 100. REGULAR SUBJECT. Auxiliary Weapons. Damage 720-880. Adds 25 Points of a Stitching Damage.

Poker – AddItem (‘W_Poker’) – Necessary Level 100. Masters Object. Auxiliary Weapons. Damage 719-879. Adds 38 Points of Shock Damage. The Power Of The Breakfast of The Armor Is Increased by 30.

Palice – AddItem (‘Q302_mace’) – Necessary Level 99. REGULAR SUBJECT. Auxiliary Weapons. Damage 733-897

Shovel Klympnika – AddItem (‘PC Caretaker Shovel’) – Necessary LEVEL 97. Real Object. Auxiliary Weapons. Damage 732-894. 10% of the infused Impact Restores Health.

Armor New Moon – AddItem (‘Thief Armor’) – Required LEVEL 93. Middle Armor. Armor 500. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 30%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 35%.Adds 20% to The Damage at Critical Strike. Chance to Apply Crete. Five%. Increases The Amount Of Gold Found BY 10%

Gloves New Moon – AddItem (‘Thief Gloves’) – Required LEVEL 93. Middle Armor. Armor 191. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.Adds 20% to The Damage at Critical Strike. Chance Apply Crete 3%. Increases The Amount Of Gold Found BY 5%

Pants New Moon – AddItem (‘Thief Pants’) – Required LEVEL 93. Middle Armor. Armor 195. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 10%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 15%.Adds 20% to The Damage at Critical Strike. Chance to Apply Crete 4%. Increases The Amount Of Gold Found BY 5%

NEW MOON BOOTS – AddItem (‘Thief Boots’) – Required LEVEL 93. Middle Armor. Armor 195. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.Adds 20% to The Damage at Critical Strike. Chance to Apply Crete. 3%. Increases The Amount Of Gold Found BY 5%

Hyndt Armor – AddItem (‘Q704_Vampire_armor’) – Necessary LEVEL 98. Heavy Armor. Armor 525. Strams Resistance Increases BY 40%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 30%. Resistance to Bleeding 25%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 35%. Monsters Apply 35% Less Damage.

Hen Gaidt Gloves – AddItem (‘Q704_Vampire_Gloves’) – Required LEVEL 98. Heavy Armor. Armor 201. The Resistance Of Stamping Strikes Increases BY 6%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Bleeding 25%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%. Monsters Apply 6% Less Damage.

Hen Guidt Pants – AddItem (‘Q704_Vampire_Pants’) – Required LEVEL 98. Heavy Armor. Armor 205. Strams Resistance Increases by 16%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 12%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases by 13%. Monsters Apply 16% Less Damage. The Chance To Ignite Is Reduced By 25%.

Hyd Gaidt Boots – AddItem (‘Q704_Vampire_Boots’) – Necessary LEVEL 98. Heavy Armor. Armor 205. The Resistance Of Stamping Strikes Increases BY 6%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%. Monsters Apply 6% Less Damage. The Chance To Ignite Is Reduced By 25%.

Hen Gaidt Mask – AddItem (‘Q704_Vampire_Mask’) – Necessary Level 1. The Effect APPEARS AS Soon As You Wear Three Things From This Set. Murder Restores 1% of the Maximum Level of Health for Each Element of the Set.

Poles From Teres Mutna – AddItem (‘Q702_Vampire_armor’) – Necessary Level 96. Heavy Armor. Armor 515. Resistance to Stamps Increases by 30%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 25%. Resistance to Bleeding 25%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%. Monsters Apply 25% Less Damage.

Gloves From Teres Mutna – AddItem (‘Q702_Vampire_Gloves’) – Required LEVEL 96. Heavy Armor. Armor 198. Strams Resistance Increases BY 4%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 2%. Resistance to Bleeding 25%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 4%. Monsters Are AppLied by 2% Less Damage.

Pants From Teres Mutna – AddItem (‘Q702_Vampire_Pants’) – Necessary Level 96. Heavy Armor. Armor 201. The Resistance To Stamps Increases by 12%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 10%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 12%. Monsters Apply 10% Less Damage. The Chance To Ignite Is Reduced By 25%.

Sweet Mutam Boots – AddItem (‘Q702_Vampire_Boots’) – Necessary LEVEL 96.Heavy Armor. Armor 201. Strams Resistance Increases BY 4%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 3%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 4%. Monsters Apply 3% Less Damage. The Chance To Ignite Is Reduced By 25%.

Mask from Tushme Mutna – AddItem (‘Q702_Vampire_Mask’) – Required LEVEL 1. The Effect APPEARS AS Soon As You Wear Three Things From This Set. Murder Restores 1% of the Maximum Level of Health for Each Element of the Set.

ARMOR KNIGHTS OF FLAMING ROSES – AddItem (‘Crafted Burning Rose Armor’) – Required LEVEL 93. Heavy Armor. Armor 500. Strams Resistance Increases BY 40%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 40%. Resistance to Rubbing Strikes Increases BY 40%. Resistance To The Elements Increased by 30%. The Chance To Ignite Is Reduced By 25%.

Gloves Knights of Flaming Roses – AddItem (‘Crafted Burning Rose Gloves’) – Necessary LEVEL 93. Heavy Armor. Armor 191. The Resistance Of Stamping Strikes Increases BY 6%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 6%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 6%. Resistance To The Elements Increased by 10%. The Chance To Ignite IS Reduced by 10%

Tsydariy Gambezon – AddItem (‘Light Armor 01’) – Required LEVEL 96. Light Armor. REGULAR SUBJECT. Armor 506. Resistance to Stamps Increases by 7%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 10%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 15%.

Tsydariy Gambezon – AddItem (‘Light Armor 01_crafted’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 56. Light Armor. Magic Object. Armor 305. The Power of Irrin Is Increased by 3%. Power Axia Increased by 3%. Resistance to Stamps Increases by 7%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 10%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 15%.

Tsydariy Gambezon – AddItem (‘Light Armor 01R’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 96. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 522. ADDS 74 Health Points. Resistance to Stamps Increases by 7%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 10%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 15%.

Skeligi Gambezon – AddItem (‘Light Armor 02’) – Necessary LEVEL 92. Light Armor. REGULAR SUBJECT. Armor 486. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 10%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 15%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 15%.

Skeligi Gambezon – AddItem (‘Light Armor 02_crafted’) – Necessary Level 59. Light Armor. Magic Object. Armor 320. King’s Power Increased by 3%. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 10%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 15%. Resistance To Bleeding Increased by 2%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 15%.

Skeligi Gambezon – AddItem (‘Light Armor 02R’) – Necessary LEVEL 97. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 519. IGNI Power Increased by 11%. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 10%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 15%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 15%.

Caeden Gambezon – AddItem (‘Light Armor 03’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 90. Light Armor. REGULAR SUBJECT. Armor 476. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 10%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 15%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 25%.

Caeden Gambezon – AddItem (‘Light Armor 03_crafted’) – Necessary Level 61. Light Armor. Magic Object. Armor 330. Power Axia Increased by 3%. Resistance To Stamps Increases by 13%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 15%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 25%.

Caeden Gambezon – AddItem (‘Light Armor 03R’) – Required LEVEL 61. Light Armor. Magic Object. Armor 330. Power Axia Increased by 3%. Resistance To Stamps Increases by 13%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 15%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 25%.

Caeden Gambezon – AddItem (‘Light Armor 03R’) – Required LEVEL 98. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 520. Aard Power Increased by 12%. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 10%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 15%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 25%.

Acton with Speakerogue – AddItem (‘Light Armor 04’) – Necessary Level 91. Light Armor. REGULAR SUBJECT. Armor 483. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 10%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 15%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%.

Acton with Speakerogue – AddItem (‘Light Armor 04_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 63. Light Armor. Magic Object. Armor 340. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 10%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 15%. Poison Resistance Increased by 4%. Resistance To Bleeding Increased by 4%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 25%.

Acton with Speakerogue – AddItem (‘Light Armor 04R’) – Required LEVEL 96. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 514. ADRENALINE SET SPEED INCRASED BY 5%. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 10%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 15%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%.

Armor Khail – AddItem (‘Light Armor 05_crafted’) – Necessary Level 81. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 435. IGNI Power Increased by 20%. The Resistance Of Stamping Strikes Increases BY 25%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 10%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 25%. The Chance To Ignite Is Reduced BY 100%.

Gambezon Verden Archer – AddItem (‘Light Armor 06’) – Necessary Level 94. Light Armor. Masters Object. Armor 497. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 20%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases by 23%.

Gambezon Verden Archer – AddItem (‘Light Armor 06_crafted’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 65. Light Armor. Magic Arrival. Armor 350. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases by 22%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases by 22%.

Gambezon Verden Archer – AddItem (‘Light Armor 06R’) – Necessary LEVEL 98. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 522. The Power Of Irind Is Increased by 13%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 20%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 20%.

Head Hunter Gambezon – AddItem (‘Light Armor 07’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 95. Light Armor. Masters Object. Armor 504. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 25%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 25%. Monsters Are AppLied by 2% Less Damage.

Head Hunter Gambezon – AddItem (‘Light Armor 07_crafted’) – Necessary Level 66. Light Armor. Magic Arrival. Armor 355. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 25%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 25%. The Chance Will Define Reduced by 7%.

Head Hunter Gambezon – AddItem (‘Light Armor 07R’) – Required LEVEL 97. Light Armor. Real Advice. Armor 520. Power Axia Increased by 15%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 25%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 25%.

Acton WITH ARD SKELIGA – AddItem (‘Light Armor 08’ – Necessary Level 71. Light Armor. Magic Object. Armor 380. INCREASES HEALTH FOR 45 POINTS. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 30%. Poison Resistance Increased by 4%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 25%.

Acton WITH ARD SKELIGA – AddItem (‘Light Armor 08_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 99. Light Armor. Magic Object. Armor 525. The Power of Irrin Is Increased by 5%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 34%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%.

Acton WITH ARD SKELIGA – AddItem (‘Light Armor 08R’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 97. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 515. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 30%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%. Increases The Resulting Experience BY 4% for death in monsters.

Cyrass Warrior Frey – AddItem (‘Light Armor 09’) – Required LEVEL 95. Light Armor. Masters Object. Armor 503. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 10%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 30%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%.

Cyrass Warrior Frey – AddItem (‘Light Armor 09R’) – Required LEVEL 97. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 518. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 10%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 30%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%. INCREASES THE EXPERIENCE GAINED BY 4% FOR A FATAL BWOW TO MAN.

Salmita Brigantine – AddItem (‘MEDIUM Armor 01’) – Required Level 72. Middle Armor. Masters Object. Armor 385. The Resistance of Stamps Increases by 17%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 20%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 20%.

Salmita Brigantine – AddItem (‘Medium Armor 01_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 97. Middle Armor. Magic Arrival. Armor 513. Strams Resistance Increases BY 15%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 20%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases by 23%.

Salmita Brigantine – AddItem (‘MEDIUM Armor 01R’) – Necessary Level 98. Middle Armor. Real Advice. Armor 524. Increases Health By 145 Points. Strams Resistance Increases BY 15%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 20%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 20%.

ARMOR OF CYDARIAN CAVALRYSTA – AddItem (‘MEDIUM Armor 02’) – Required Level 94. Middle Armor. Masters Object. Armor 496. Strams Resistance Increases BY 15%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 20%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%. The Chance Will Define Reduced by 3%.

ARMOR OF CYDARIAN CAVALRYSTA – AddItem (‘MEDIUM Armor 02_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 73. Middle Armor. Magic Arrival. Armor 390. Increases Health For 44 Points. Strams Resistance Increases BY 15%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 20%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%.

ARMOR OF CYDARIAN CAVALRYSTA – AddItem (‘MEDIUM Armor 02R’) – Required Level 97. Middle Armor. Real Advice. Armor 515. Increases Health By 152 Points. Strams Resistance Increases BY 15%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 20%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%.

Armor of the Redan Alabardist – AddItem (‘MEDIUM Armor 03’) – Required Level 95. Middle Armor. Masters Object. Armor 501. Resistance To Stamp Increases BY 20%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 20%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%. Resistance To The Elements Increased by 3%.

Armor of the Redan Alabardist – AddItem (‘Medium Armor 03_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 74. Middle Armor. Magic Object. Armor 395. AARD’S POWER INCRASED BY 3%. Resistance To Stamp Increases BY 20%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 20%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%. The Chance Will Define Reduced by 3%.

Armor of the Redan Alabardist – AddItem (‘MEDIUM Armor 03R’) – Required Level 98. Middle Armor. Real Object. Armor 522. Increases Health For 208 Points. Resistance To Stamp Increases BY 20%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 20%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%.

Angren Kirase – AddItem (‘MEDIUM Armor 04’) – Necessary Level 90. Middle Armor. REGULAR SUBJECT. Armor 475. The Resistance Of Stamping Strikes Increases BY 25%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 25%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 35%.

Angren Kirase – AddItem (‘Medium Armor 04_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 76. Middle Armor. Magic Object. Armor 405. The Resistance Of Stamping Strikes Increases BY 26%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 25%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 35%. Resistance To the Elements Increased by 1%.

Angren Kirase – AddItem (‘MEDIUM Armor 04R’) – Required Level 97. Middle Armor. Real Object. Armor 518. Increases Health For 269 Points. The Resistance Of Stamping Strikes Increases BY 25%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 25%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 35%.

Brigantine from Belhaven – AddItem (‘Medium Armor 05’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 99. Middle Armor. Masters Object. Armor 522. Strams Resistance Increases BY 15%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 20%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 20%. The Chance Will Define Reduced by 3%.

Brigantine from Belhaven – AddItem (‘MEDIUM Armor 05R’) – Required Level 98. Middle Armor. Real Advice. Armor 524. Increases Health By 326 Points. Strams Resistance Increases BY 15%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 20%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 20%. CHANCE TO REFLECT THE OPPONENT’S BOW INCRASED BY 9%.

Caeden Cire – AddItem (‘MEDIUM Armor 07’) – Required LEVEL 96. Middle Armor. Magic Object. Armor 510. Power Axia Increased by 5%. Resistance to Stamps Increases by 30%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 20%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%. Monsters Apply 4% Less Damage.

Caeden Cire – AddItem (‘MEDIUM Armor 07R’) – Required Level 96. Middle Armor. Real Object. Armor 511. Increases Health By 144 Points. Resistance to Stamps Increases by 30%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 20%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%.

Armor of Hunters for Sorcerers – AddItem (‘MEDIUM Armor 10’) – Necessary Level 94. Middle Armor. Masters Object. Armor 500. Resistance To Stamps Increases by 27%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 25%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%.

Armor of Hunters for Sorcerers – AddItem (‘MEDIUM Armor 10R’) – Required Level 97. Middle Armor. Real Object. Armor 516. Increases Health For 306 Points. The Resistance Of Stamping Strikes Increases BY 25%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 25%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%.

ARMOR OF THE EXECTIONER OF THE ETERNAL FLAME – AddItem (‘MEDIUM Armor 11’) – Required Level 97. Middle Armor. Magic Object. Armor 514. Resistance To Stamp Increases BY 20%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 20%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 34%.

ARMOR OF THE EXECTIONER OF THE ETERNAL FLAME – AddItem (‘MEDIUM Armor 11R’) – Required Level 97. Middle Armor. Real Object. Armor 516. Increases Health By 180 Points. Resistance To Stamp Increases BY 20%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 20%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%.

Kirase from Mag Daire – AddItem (‘Heavy Armor 01’) – Required LEVEL 96. Heavy Armor. Masters Object. Armor 506. Strams Resistance Increases by 33%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 25%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%.

Kirase from Mag Daire – AddItem (‘Heavy Armor 01_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 84. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 445. ADRENALINE SET SPEED INCRASED BY 2%. Resistance to Stamps Increases by 30%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 25%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%. The Chance Will Definitely Reduce BY 2%.

Kirase from Mag Daire – AddItem (‘Heavy Armor 01R’) – Necessary LEVEL 97. Heavy Armor. Real Object. Armor 516. Increases Health By 339 Points. Resistance to Stamps Increases by 30%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 25%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%.

BIB From Ban Arda – AddItem (‘Heavy Armor 02’) – Required LEVEL 95. Heavy Armor. Masters Object. Armor 502. Resistance to Stamps Increases by 30%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 20%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 35%. Resistance To The Elements Increased by 3%.

BIB From Ban Arda – AddItem (‘Heavy Armor 02_crafted’) – Necessary Level 85. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 450. Resistance to Stamps Increases by 30%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 20%. Poison Resistance Increased by 1%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 35%. Monsters Apply 1% Less Damage.

BIB From Ban Arda – AddItem (‘Heavy Armor 02R’) – Required LEVEL 98. Heavy Armor. Real Object. Armor 525. Increases Health By 590 Points. Resistance to Stamps Increases by 30%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 20%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 35%.

Armor of Nilfgardian Guard – AddItem (‘Heavy Armor 03’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 94. Heavy Armor. REGULAR SUBJECT. Armor 495. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 35%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 30%. Resistance to Rubbing Strikes Increases BY 40%.

Armor of Nilfgardian Guard – AddItem (‘Heavy Armor 03_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 86. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 455. The Resistance To Stamps Increases BY 37%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 32%. Resistance to Rubbing Strikes Increases BY 40%.

Armor of Nilfgardian Guard – AddItem (‘Heavy Armor 03’) – Required LEVEL 98. Heavy Armor. Real Object. Armor 520. Increases Health By 527 Points. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 35%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 30%. Resistance to Rubbing Strikes Increases BY 40%.

Heavy Armor With Hindarsfyal – AddItem (‘Heavy Armor 04’) – Required LEVEL 97. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 514. Power Axia Increased by 5%. Strams Resistance Increases BY 40%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 30%. Resistance To Bleeding Increased by 4%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases by 45%.

Heavy Armor With Hindarsfyal – AddItem (‘Heavy Armor 04_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 88. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 465. Strams Resistance Increases BY 40%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 30%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases by 45%. Resistance To The Elements Increased by 2%.

Heavy Armor With Hindarsfyal – AddItem (‘Heavy Armor 04R’) – Required LEVEL 97. Heavy Armor. Real Object. Armor 516. Increases Health for 516 Points. Strams Resistance Increases BY 40%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 30%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases by 45%.

Mahakamsky Heavy Armor – AddItem (‘Heavy Armor 05’) – Necessary LEVEL 95. Heavy Armor. Masters Object. Armor 504. The Resistance Of Stamping Strikes Increases BY 25%. Resistance To the Shock Damage Increases by 27%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%.

Mahakamsky Heavy Armor – AddItem (‘Heavy Armor 05R’) – Required LEVEL 96. Heavy Armor. Real Object. Armor 511. Increases Health By 563 Points. The Resistance Of Stamping Strikes Increases BY 25%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 25%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%.

Armor Swallows – AddItem (‘Zireael Armor’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 96. Heavy Armor. Real Object. Armor 513. Strams Resistance Increases BY 40%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 30%. Resistance To Bleeding Increased by 100%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%. Monsters Apply 25% Less Damage.

ARMOR VERUFACTURE – AddItem (‘OathBreaker Armor’) – Required LEVEL 98. Middle Armor. Real Object. Armor 520. Power Axia Increased by 25%. The Resistance Of Stamping Strikes Increases BY 25%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 25%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 35%. Increases The Amount Of Gold Found BY 5%.

ARMOR OF THE GREAT SUN – AddItem (‘Shadaal Armor’) – Required LEVEL 98. Heavy Armor. Real Object. Armor 523. QUENA POWER INCRASED BY 20%. Strams Resistance Increases BY 40%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 30%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases by 45%. 5% CHANCE TO REFLECT THE KWEN’S PROJECTILE.

Armor from Caer Morhan – AdDItem (‘Autogen Armor’) – Necessary Level 98. Middle Armor. REGULAR SUBJECT. Armor 517. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 7%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 10%. Monsters Apply 10% Less Damage. Resistance To The Elements Increased by 10%.

Hunting Gloves – AdDItem (‘Autogen Gloves’) – Necessary LEVEL 98. Middle Armor. REGULAR SUBJECT. Armor 199. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 1%. Resistance To The Elements Increased by 2%.

Hunting Pants – AdDItem (‘Autogen Pants’) – Required LEVEL 97. Middle Armor. REGULAR SUBJECT. Armor 200.

Hunting Boots – AddItem (‘Autogen Boots’) – Necessary Level 100. Middle Armor. REGULAR SUBJECT. Armor 259. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 1%. Resistance To The Elements Increased by 2%.

Tissren Armor – AddItem (‘THYSSEN ARMOR CRAFTED’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 87. Middle Armor. Real Object. Armor 465. Resistance To Stamp Increases BY 20%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 20%. Poison Resistance Increased by 100%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 35%. 5% CHANCE TO REFLECT THE KWEN’S PROJECTILE.

Far Armor – AddItem (‘Crafted Ofir Armor’) – Required LEVEL 95. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 510. QUENA POWER INCRASED BY 20%. The Power of Irind Is Increased by 10%. Power Axia Increased by 10%.Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 30%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%.

Alfir’s Gloves – AddItem (‘Crafted Ofir Gloves’) – Required LEVEL 95. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 195. Aard Power Increased by 10%. Inga Power Increased by 10%. Power Axia Increased by 20%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.

ALFIRSKY SHAROVARY – AddItem (‘Crafted Ofir Pants’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 95. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 199. Aard Power Increased by 20%. QUENA POWER INCRASED BY 10%. The Power of Irind Is Increased by 10%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 10%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 10%.

Nursing Boots – AddItem (‘Crafted Ofir Boots’) – Required LEVEL 95. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 199. IGNI Power Increased by 10%. QUENA POWER INCRASED BY 10%. The Power of Irrin Is Increased by 20%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.

Embroidered Contour – AddItem (‘Geraalt Kontusz’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 91. Light Armor. Masters Object. Armor 480. Resistance To Stamp Increases BY 20%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 20%.

Extended Boots – AddItem (‘Geraalt Kontusz Boots’) – Necessary LEVEL 91. Light Armor. Masters Object. Armor 187. Strams Resistance Increases BY 2%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 2%.

Embroidered Contour – AddItem (‘Geraalt Kontusz R’) – Required LEVEL 92. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 495. IGNI Power Increased by 20%. The Resistance Of Stamping Strikes Increases BY 26%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 26%. Resistance To The Elements Increased by 26%. The Chance Will Define Reduced by 20%.

Extended Boots – AddItem (‘Geraalt Kontusz Boots R’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 92. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 193. IGNI Power Increased by 6%. Strams Resistance Increases BY 3%. Resistance to Rubbing Strikes Increases BY 3%. Resistance To The Elements Increased by 6%. The Chance Will Definitely Reduce BY 6%.

ARMOR OF KARE MORCHER – AddItem (‘Starting Armor’) – Required LEVEL 54. Middle Armor. REGULAR SUBJECT. Armor 295. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 7%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 10%. Monsters Apply 10% Less Damage. Resistance To The Elements Increased by 10%.

Military Leather Jury – AddItem (‘Starting Armor 1’) – Necessary Level 52. Middle Armor. SUBject from the kit. Armor 295. Strams Resistance Increases BY 15%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 15%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 25%. Monsters Apply 25% Less Damage. Resistance To The Elements Increased by 25%.

ARMOR OF THE KNIGHT OF GERALTA FROM RIVIA – AddItem (‘SQ701_GERALT_ARMOR’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 100. Heavy Armor. Masters Object. Armor 525. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 25%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%.

Armor of ravix from the church – AddItem (‘SQ701_RAVIX_ARMOR’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Masters Object. Armor 525. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 25%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%.

Gloves of Toussment Knight – AddItem (‘SQ701_GERALT_GLOVES’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 100. Heavy Armor. Masters Object. Armor 201. Strams Resistance Increases BY 3%. Resistance to Rubbing Strikes Increases BY 3%.

Pants Tustern Knight – AddItem (‘SQ701_GERALT_PANTS’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Masters Object. Armor 205. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 10%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 10%.

BOOTS OF TUSSTEN KNIGHT – AddItem (‘SQ701_GERALT_BOOTS’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 100. Heavy Armor. Masters Object. Armor 205. Strams Resistance Increases BY 3%. Resistance to Rubbing Strikes Increases BY 3%.

Tustern Armor – AddItem (‘Toussaint Armor 2’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Magic Arrival. Armor 525. The Power of Irrin Is Increased by 3%. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 35%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 38%.

Tustern Armor – AddItem (‘Toussaint Armor 3’) – Necessary Level 98. Heavy Armor. Real Object. Armor 525. Increases Health By 350 Points. The Resistance To The Stocks Increases BY 41%. Resistance To SHOCK Damage Increases BY 41%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 41%. The Chance Will Define Reduced BY 25%.

Tustern Gloves – AddItem (‘Toussaint Gloves 2’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 201. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance Blooding IS Increased by 4%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.

Tustern Gloves – AddItem (‘Toussaint Gloves 3’) – Necessary Level 98. Heavy Armor. Real Object. Armor 201. Increases Health By 450 Points. The Resistance Of Stamping Strikes Increases BY 6%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 6%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 6%. The Chance Will Define Reduced BY 25%.

Tusten Pants – AddItem (‘Toussaint Pants 2’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 205. Increases Health For 39 Points. The Resistance To Stamp Increases BY 14%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 16%

Tusten Pants – AddItem (‘Toussaint Pants 3’) – Necessary Level 98. Heavy Armor. Real Object. Armor 205. Increases Health By 450 Points. Strams Resistance Increases BY 15%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 15%. Resistance To Bleeding Increased by 25%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 16%.

Tustern Boots – AddItem (‘Toussaint Boots 2’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 205. King’s Power Increased by 5%. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.

Tustern Boots – AddItem (‘Toussaint Boots 3’) – Required Level 98. Heavy Armor. Real Object. Armor 205. Increases Health for 450 Points. The Resistance Of Stamping Strikes Increases BY 6%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 6%. Resistance To Bleeding Increased by 25%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 6%.

Block Captain Guard Armor – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 A Armor 1’) – Required LEVEL 98. Middle Armor. Masters Object. Armor 515. Resistance to Stamps Increases by 21%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases by 28%.

Block Captain Guard Armor – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 A Armor 2’) – Required LEVEL 99. Middle Armor. Magic Object. Armor 520. ADRENALINE SET SPEED INCRASED BY 2%. The Resistance Of Stamping Strikes Increases BY 26%. Resistance to Rubbing Impacts Increases by 31%.

Block Captain Guard Armor – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 A Armor 3’) – Necessary Level 100. Middle Armor. Real Object. Armor 545. Increases Health For 400 Points. Resistance To Stamp Increases by 31%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 31%. Poison Resistance Increased by 20%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 36%.

Gloves of the Boklersky Captain Guard – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 A Gloves 1’) – Necessary Level 98. Middle Armor. Masters Object. Armor 197. Strams Resistance Increases BY 3%. Resistance to Rubbing Strikes Increases BY 3%.

Gloves of the Boklersky Captain Guard – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 A Gloves 2’) – Required LEVEL 99. Middle Armor. Magic Object. Armor 199. IGNI Power Increased by 1%. Strams Resistance Increases BY 4%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 4%.

Gloves of the Boklersky Captain Guard – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 A Gloves 3’) – Necessary Level 100. Middle Armor. Real Object. Armor 209. Increases Health For 400 Points. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases BY 4%. Poison Resistance Increased by 15%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.

Guardian Captain Guards – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 A Pants 1’) – Required Level 98. Middle Armor. Masters Object. Armor 201. The Resistance of Stamps Increases by 11%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 11%.

Guardian Captain Guards – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 A Pants 2’) – Necessary Level 99. Middle Armor. Magic Object. Armor 203. The Power of Irrin Is Increased by 3%. The Resistance of Stamps Increases by 11%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 16%.

Guardian Captain Guards – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 A Pants 3’) – Necessary Level 100. Middle Armor. Real Object. Armor 213. Increases Health For 400 Points. The Resistance of Stamps Increases by 11%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases by 11%. Poison Resistance Increased by 20%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 16%.

Boots of Boklersky Captain Guard – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 A Boots 1’) – Required LEVEL 98. Middle Armor. Masters Object. Armor 201. Strams Resistance Increases BY 3%. Resistance to Rubbing Strikes Increases BY 3%.

Boots of Boklersky Captain Guard – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 A Boots 2’) – Required LEVEL 99. Middle Armor. Magic Object. Armor 203. Increases Health For 400 Points. Strams Resistance Increases BY 4%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 4%.

Boots of Boklersky Captain Guard – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 A Boots 3’) – Necessary Level 100. Middle Armor. Real Object. Armor 213. Increases Health For 400 Points. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases BY 4%. Poison Resistance Increased by 15%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.

Tournament Armor Tustern Knight – AddItem (‘Knight Geralt A Armor 1’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Masters Object. Armor 525. Strams Resistance Increases by 28%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 36%.

Tournament Armor Tustern Knight – AddItem (‘Knight Geralt A Armor 2’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 525. The Power Of Irrin Is Increased by 2%. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 35%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 39%.

Tournament Armor Tustern Knight – AddItem (‘Knight Geralt A Armor 3’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 100. Heavy Armor. Real Object. Armor 560. Increases Health By 500 Points. Strams Resistance Increases BY 43%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 43%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 43%. 25% CHANCE TO REFLECT THE KWEN’S PROJECTILE.

Tournament Gloves Toussment Knight – AddItem (‘Knight Geralt A Gloves 1’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 100. Heavy Armor. Masters Object. Armor 201. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.

Tournament Gloves Toussment Knight – AddItem (‘Knight Geralt A Gloves 2’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 201. Power Axia Increased by 1%. The Resistance Of Stamping Strikes Increases BY 6%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 6%.

Tournament Gloves Toussment Knight – AddItem (‘Knight Geralt A Gloves 3’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Real Object. Armor 215. Increases Health By 500 Points. Resistance to Stamps Increases by 7%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 7%. Resistance To Bleeding Increased by 40%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 7%.

Tournament Pants Tusten Knight – AddItem (‘Knight Geralt A Pants 1’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Masters Object. Armor 205. Resistance To Stamps Increases by 13%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases by 13%.

Tournament Pants Tusten Knight – AddItem (‘Knight Geralt A Pants 2’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 100. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 201. The Resistance To Stamp Increases BY 14%. Resistance To Bleeding Increased by 3%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 16%.

Tournament Pants Tusten Knight – AddItem (‘Knight Geralt A Pants 3’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Real Object. Armor 219. Increases Health By 500 Points. Strams Resistance Increases by 16%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 16%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 16%. The Chance Will Define A Reduced by 40%.

Tournament Boots of Tusten Knight – AddItem (‘Knight Geralt A Boots 1’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Masters Object. Armor 205. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.

Tournament Boots of Tusten Knight – AddItem (‘Knight Geralt A Boots 2’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 205. The Resistance Of Stamping Strikes Increases BY 6%. Resistance To Bleeding Increased by 3%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 6%.

Tournament Boots of Tusten Knight – AddItem (‘Knight Geralt A Boots 3’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Real Object. Armor 219. Increases Health By 500 Points. Resistance to Stamps Increases by 7%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 7%. Resistance to Poisons Increased by 40%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 7%.

Armor of Bokler’s Guardian – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 A Armor 1’) – Necessary Level 95. Light Armor. Masters Object. Armor 500. The Resistance Of Stamping Strikes Increases BY 26%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 26%.

Armor of Bokler’s Guardian – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 A Armor 2’) – Required Level 96. Light Armor. Magic Object. Armor 505. The Power of Irrin Is Increased by 3%. Resistance To the Shock Damage Increases by 27%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases by 27%.

Armor of Bokler’s Guardian – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 A Armor 3’) – Required LEVEL 99. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 530. INCREASES HEALTH FOR 300 POINTS. Resistance to Stamps Increases by 21%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases by 28%. Resistance to Bleeding Increased by 20%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases by 28%.

Gloves of Bokler’s Guardian – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 A Gloves 1’) – Required LEVEL 95. Light Armor. Masters Object. Armor 191. Strams Resistance Increases BY 3%. Resistance to Rubbing Strikes Increases BY 3%.

Gloves of Bokler’s Guardian – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 A Gloves 2’) – Necessary Level 96. Light Armor. Magic Object. Armor 193. Power Axia Increased by 1%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases BY 4%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 4%.

Gloves of Bokler’s Guardian – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 a Gloves 3’) – Required LEVEL 99. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 203. INCREASES HEALTH FOR 300 POINTS. Strams Resistance Increases BY 4%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Bleeding Increased by 15%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.

Pants of Bokrel’s Guardian – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 A Pants 1’) – Required Level 95. Light Armor. Masters Object. Armor 195. The Resistance of Stamps Increases BY 8%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 8%.

Pants of Bokrel’s Guardian – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 A Pants 2’) – Necessary Level 96. Light Armor. Magic Object. Armor 197. INCREASES HEALTH FOR 46 POINTS. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 9%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 9%.

Pants of Bokrel’s Guardian – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 A Pants 3’) – Necessary Level 99. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 207. INCREASES HEALTH FOR 300 POINTS. The Resistance of Stamps Increases BY 8%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases by 11%. Resistance to Bleeding Increased by 20%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 11%.

Boots of Bokler’s Guardian – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 A Boots 1’) – Required LEVEL 95. Light Armor. Masters Object. Armor 195. Strams Resistance Increases BY 3%. Resistance to Rubbing Strikes Increases BY 3%.

Boots of Bokler’s Guardian – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 A Boots 2’) – Necessary Level 96. Light Armor. Magic Object. Armor 197. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases BY 4%. Resistance To Bleeding Increased by 3%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 4%.

Boots of Bokler’s Guardian – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 A Boots 3’) – Required LEVEL 99. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 207. INCREASES HEALTH FOR 300 POINTS. Strams Resistance Increases BY 4%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Bleeding Increased by 15%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.

Armor of the Guardian Officer Guards – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 Armor 1’) – Required LEVEL 96. Middle Armor. Masters Object. Armor 505. Resistance To Stamp Increases BY 20%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases by 27%.

Armor of the Guardian Officer Guards – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 Armor 2’) – Required LEVEL 97. Middle Armor. Magic Object. Armor 505. IGNI Power Increased by 4%. The Resistance Of Stamping Strikes Increases BY 25%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 30%.

Armor of the Guardian Officer Guards – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 Armor 3’) – Necessary Level 100. Middle Armor. Real Object. Armor 540. Increases Health By 350 Points. Resistance to Stamps Increases by 30%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 30%. Poison Resistance Increased by 15%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 35%.

Gloves of the Guardian Officer Guard – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 Gloves 1’) – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 Gloves 1’)

Gloves of the Guardian Officer Guard – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 Gloves 2’) – Necessary LEVEL 97. Middle Armor. Magic Object. Armor 195. Power Axia Increased by 2%. Strams Resistance Increases BY 4%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 4%.

Gloves of the Guardian Officer Guard – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 Gloves 3’) – Necessary Level 100. Middle Armor. Real Object. Armor 207. Increases Health By 350 Points. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 3%. Poison Resistance Increased by 10%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.

Guard Officher Pants – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 Pants 1’) – Necessary Level 96. Middle Armor. Masters Object. Armor 197. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 10%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 10%.

Guard Officher Pants – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 Pants 2’) – Required LEVEL 97. Middle Armor. Magic Object. Armor 199. AARD’S POWER INCRASED BY 4%. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 10%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 15%.

Guard Officher Pants – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 Pants 3’) – Necessary Level 100. Middle Armor. Real Object. Armor 211. Increases Health By 350 Points. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 10%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 10%. Poison Resistance Increased by 15%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 15%.

Boots of the Boiler Officer Guard – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 Boots 1’) – Necessary Level 96. Middle Armor. Masters Object. Armor 197. Strams Resistance Increases BY 3%. Resistance to Rubbing Strikes Increases BY 3%.

Boots of the Boiler Officer Guard – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 Boots 2’) – Required LEVEL 97. Middle Armor. Magic Object. Armor 199. IGNI Power Increased by 1%. Strams Resistance Increases BY 4%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 4%

Boots of the Boiler Officer Guard – AddItem (‘Guard LVL2 Boots 3’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 100. Middle Armor. Real Object. Armor 211. Increases Health By 350 Points. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 3%. Poison Resistance Increased by 10%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.

Armor of the Boxer Guard – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 Armor 1’) – Required LEVEL 94. Light Armor. Masters Object. Armor 495. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 25%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 25%.

Armor of the Boxer Guard – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 Armor 2’) – Necessary LEVEL 95. Light Armor. Magic Object. Armor 500. IGNI Power Increased by 2%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 26%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 26%.

Armor of the Boxer Guard – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 Armor 3’) – Required LEVEL 98. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 525. Increases Health For 250 Points. Resistance To Stamp Increases BY 20%. Resistance To the Shock Damage Increases by 27%. Resistance to Bleeding Increased by 15%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases by 27%.

Gloves of the Box Guard – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 Gloves 1’) – Necessary Level 94. Light Armor. Masters Object. Armor 189. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 3%. Resistance to Rubbing Strikes Increases BY 3%.

Gloves of the Box Guard – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 Gloves 2’) – Necessary Level 95. Light Armor. Magic Object. Armor 191. Aard Power Increased by 2%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases BY 4%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 4%.

Gloves of the Box Guard – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 Gloves 3’) – Required LEVEL 98. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 201. Increases Health For 250 Points. Strams Resistance Increases BY 3%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 5%. Resistance To Bleeding Increased by 10%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.

Pants of the Bokler’s Guardian – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 Pants 1’) – Required LEVEL 94. Light Armor. Masters Object. Armor 193. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 7%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 7%.

Pants of the Bokler’s Guardian – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 Pants 2’) – Necessary LEVEL 95. Light Armor. Magic Object. Armor 195. QUENA POWER INCRASED BY 4%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 8%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 8%.

Pants of the Bokler’s Guardian – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 Pants 3’) – Required LEVEL 98. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 205. Increases Health For 250 Points. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 10%. Resistance to Bleeding Increased by 15%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 10%.

BOOTS OF THE BOWLER GUARDIAN – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 Boots 1’) – Required LEVEL 94. Light Armor. Masters Object. Armor 193. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 3%. Resistance to Rubbing Strikes Increases BY 3%.

BOOTS OF THE BOWLER GUARDIAN – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 Boots 2’) – Necessary Level 95. Light Armor. Magic Object. Armor 195. Power Axia Increased by 2%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases BY 4%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 4%.

BOOTS OF THE BOWLER GUARDIAN – AddItem (‘Guard LVL1 Boots 3’) – Required LEVEL 98. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 205. Increases Health For 250 Points. Strams Resistance Increases BY 3%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 5%. Resistance To Bleeding Increased by 10%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.

ARMOR OF TUSTERN KNIGHT – AddItem (‘KNIGHT GERALT ARMOR 1’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Masters Object. Armor 525. Resistance To Stamps Increases by 27%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 35%.

ARMOR OF TUSTERN KNIGHT – AddItem (‘Knight Geraal Armor 2’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 525. King’s Power Increased by 1%. The Resistance Of Stamping Strikes Increases BY 34%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 38%.

ARMOR OF TUSTERN KNIGHT – AddItem (‘Knight Geralt Armor 3’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Real Object. Armor 555. Increases Health By 450 Points. The Resistance To The Stocks Increases BY 41%. Resistance To SHOCK Damage Increases BY 41%. Resistance To Bleeding Increased by 25%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 41%.

Gloves of Toussment Knight – AddItem (‘Knight Geratt Gloves 1’) – Required LEVEL 99. Heavy Armor. Masters Object. Armor 199. Strams Resistance Increases BY 4%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 4%.

Gloves of Toussment Knight – AddItem (‘Knight Geralt Gloves 2’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 201. King’s Power Increased by 1%. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.

Gloves of Toussment Knight – AddItem (‘Knight Geraal Gloves 3’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Real Object. Armor 213. Increases Health By 450 Points. The Resistance Of Stamping Strikes Increases BY 6%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 6%. Resistance To Bleeding Increased by 25%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 6%.

Pants Tustern Knight – AddItem (‘Knight Geraal Pants 1’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Masters Object. Armor 205. The Resistance To Stamps Increases by 12%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 12%.

Pants Tustern Knight – AddItem (‘Knight Geraal Pants 2’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 205. Resistance To Stamps Increases by 13%. Resistance To Bleeding Increased by 3%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 16%.

Pants Tustern Knight – AddItem (‘Knight Geralt Pants 3’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Real Object. Armor 217. Increases Health By 450 Points. Strams Resistance Increases BY 15%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 15%. Resistance To Poisons Increased by 25%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 16%.

BOOTS OF TUSSTEN KNIGHT – AddItem (‘Knight Geralt Boots 1’) – Necessary LEVEL 100. Heavy Armor. Masters Object. Armor 205. Strams Resistance Increases BY 4%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 4%.

BOOTS OF TUSSTEN KNIGHT – AddItem (‘Knight Geratt Boots 2’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 205. Power Axia Increased by 4%. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%

BOOTS OF TUSSTEN KNIGHT – AdDItem (‘Knight Geratt Boots 3’) – Necessary Level 100. Heavy Armor. Real Object. Armor 217. Increases Health By 450 Points. The Resistance Of Stamping Strikes Increases BY 6%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 6%. Resistance To Poisons Increased by 25%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 6%.

ARMOR BRIGADE EMPPER – AddItem (‘Relic Heavy 3 Crafted’) – Necessary Level 87.Heavy Armor. Relic Object Armor 465. Aard Power Increased by 20%. Strams Resistance Increases BY 40%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 35%. Resistance to Rubbing Strikes Increases BY 40%. Resistance To The Elements Increased by 25%.

Hunting Gloves – AddItem (‘Gloves 01’) – Required Level 96. Light Armor. REGULAR SUBJECT. Armor 194. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases BY 1%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 1%.

Hunting Gloves – AddItem (‘Gloves 01_crafted’) – Necessary Level 58. Light Armor. Magic Object. Armor 118. The Strength of Your Attacks Increased by 7%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases BY 1%. Resistance To Bleeding Increased by 3%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 1%.

Cavalry Gloves – AddItem (‘Gloves 02’) – Necessary LEVEL 93. Middle Armor. REGULAR SUBJECT. Armor 188. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 1%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 2%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 2%.

Cavalry Gloves – AddItem (‘Gloves 02_crafted’) – Necessary Level 63. Middle Armor. Magic Object. Armor 127. The Power Of Irrin Is Increased by 2%. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 1%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 2%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 2%. Chance to Apply Crete. 2%.

Track Gloves – AddItem (‘Gloves 03’) – Necessary Level 96. Light Armor. REGULAR SUBJECT. Armor 194. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 1%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 2%. Resistance to Rubbing Strikes Increases BY 3%.

Track Gloves – AddItem (‘Gloves 03_crafted’) – Required Level 67. Light Armor. Magic Object. Armor 135. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 1%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 2%. Resistance To Bleeding Increased by 4%. Resistance to Rubbing Strikes Increases BY 3%.

Killer Gloves – AddItem (‘Gloves 04’) – Required 70. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 143. Strams Resistance Increases BY 2%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 2%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%. Chance to Apply Crete. 10%. Increases The Number of Herbs Found BY 5%

Killer Gloves – AddItem (‘gloves 04_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 97. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 199. Strams Resistance Increases BY 2%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 2%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%. Chance to Apply Crete. 10%. Increases The Number of Herbs Found BY 5%

TOPOLOGICAL GLOVES – AddItem (‘Heavy Gloves 01’) – Required Level 94. Heavy Armor. REGULAR SUBJECT. Armor 191. Strams Resistance Increases BY 2%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 2%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 2%. The Chance Will Define Reduced by 3%.

TOPOLOGICAL GLOVES – AddItem (‘Heavy Gloves 01_crafted’) – Required Level 74. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 149. The Power Of Irrin Is Increased by 4%. Strams Resistance Increases BY 2%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 2%. Resistance To Poisons Increased by 25%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 2%.

Knight’s Gloves – AddItem (‘Heavy Gloves 02’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 95. Middle Armor. REGULAR SUBJECT. Armor 192. Strams Resistance Increases BY 2%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 3%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 4%. The Chance Will Definitely Reduce BY 2%

Knight’s Gloves – AddItem (‘Heavy Gloves 02_crafted’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 79. Middle Armor. Magic Object. Armor 159. King’s Power Increased by 2%. Strams Resistance Increases BY 2%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 3%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 4%. The Chance Will Definitely Reduce BY 2%.

Storm Gloves – AddItem (‘Heavy Gloves 03’) – Necessary Level 84. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 169. The Power Of Irrin Is Increased by 2%. Strams Resistance Increases BY 4%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases BY 4%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%. Adds 3% To The Damage WHEN Critical Shock.

Storm Gloves – AddItem (‘Heavy Gloves 03_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 97. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 197. Strams Resistance Increases BY 4%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases BY 4%. Poison Resistance Increased by 4%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.

Gloves of Nilfgardian Guard – AddItem (‘Heavy Gloves 04’) – Required LEVEL 98. Heavy Armor. Armor 201. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%. Monsters Apply 5% Less Damage. Adds 50% to Damage WHEN CRITICAL SHOCK.

Gloves of Nilfgardian Guard – AddItem (‘Heavy Gloves 04_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 88. Heavy Armor. Armor 179. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%. Monsters Apply 5% Less Damage. Adds 50% to Damage WHEN CRITICAL SHOCK.

Hunting Pants – AddItem (‘Pants 01’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 91. Light Armor. REGULAR SUBJECT. Armor 189. Strams Resistance Increases BY 2%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 2%. Resistance to Rubbing Strikes Increases BY 3%.

Hunting Pants – AddItem (‘Pants 01_Crafted’) – Necessary Level 58. Light Armor. Magic Object. Armor 121. ENERGY RECOVERY RATE IN BATTLE INCRASED BY 1%. Strams Resistance Increases BY 2%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 2%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.

Cavalry Pants – AddItem (‘Pants 02’) – Required LEVEL 96. Light Armor. Masters Object. Armor 197. Strams Resistance Increases BY 2%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 2%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 6%. Resistance To The Elements Increased by 2%.

Cavalry Pants – AddItem (‘Pants 02_crafted’) – Necessary Level 63. Light Armor. Magic Object. Armor 131. Increases Health By 50 Points. Strams Resistance Increases BY 2%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 2%. Poison Resistance Increased by 4%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 6%.

Traffic Pants – AddItem (‘Pants 03’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 66. Middle Armor. Magic Object. Armor 137. Strams Resistance Increases BY 4%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases BY 4%. Poison Resistance Increased by 3%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 9%. The Chance Will Define Reduced by 3%.

Traffic Pants – AddItem (‘Pants 03_crafted’) – Necessary Level 97. Middle Armor. Magic Object. Armor 200. Strams Resistance Increases BY 4%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases BY 4%. Poison Resistance Increased by 3%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 9%. Monsters Apply 3% Less Damage.

Killer Pants – AddItem (‘Pants 04’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 69. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 145. Increases Health By 350 Points. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 5%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 15%.

Killer Pants – AddItem (‘Pants 04_crafted’) – Necessary LEVEL 97. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 203. Increases Health By 164 Points. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 5%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 15%.

Pants of the AX – AddItem (‘Heavy Pants 01’) – Required Level 96. Heavy Armor. Masters Object. Armor 199. Strams Resistance Increases BY 4%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases BY 4%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 6%.

Pants of the AX – AddItem (‘Heavy Pants 01_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 73. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 151. Strams Resistance Increases BY 4%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases BY 4%. Resistance To Bleeding Increased by 3%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 9%.

Sapers Pants – AddItem (‘Heavy Pants 02’) – Necessary Level 95. Middle Armor. Masters Object. Armor 196. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 5%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 7%.

Sapers Pants – AddItem (‘Heavy Pants 02_crafted’) – Necessary Level 79. Middle Armor. Magic Object. Armor 164. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 5%. Poison Resistance Increased by 2%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 7%. Monsters Are AppLied by 2% Less Damage.

Lyrian Reinforced Leather Pants – AddItem (‘Heavy Pants 03’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 95. Heavy Armor. Masters Object. Armor 196. The Resistance of Stamps Increases BY 8%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 8%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases by 13%.

Lyrian Reinforced Leather Pants – AddItem (‘Heavy Pants 03_crafted’) – Necessary Level 85. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 176. The Resistance To Stamp Increases BY 14%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 8%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 10%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 10%

Mahakov Pants – AddItem (‘Heavy Pants 04’) – Required LEVEL 92. Heavy Armor. Real Object. Armor 192. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 10%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 10%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 15%. Increases The Number of Herbs Found BY 25%

Mahakov Pants – AddItem (‘Heavy Pants 04_crafted’) – Necessary LEVEL 97. Heavy Armor. Real Object. Armor 204. Increases Health By 338 Points. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 10%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 10%. Resistance To Chopping Strikes Increases BY 15%.

Hunting Boots – AddItem (‘Boots 01’) – Necessary LEVEL 93. Light Armor. REGULAR SUBJECT. Armor 192. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 1%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases BY 1%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 1%.

Hunting Boots – AddItem (‘Boots 01_Crafted’) – Necessary Level 59. Light Armor. Magic Object. Armor 123. ENERGY RECOVERY RATE IN BATTLE INCRASED BY 1%. ADRENALINE SET SPEED INCRASED BY 2%. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 1%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases BY 1%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 1%.

Hunting Boots – AddItem (‘Boots 012’) – Required LEVEL 98. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 203. ADRENALINE SET SPEED INCRASED BY 6%. Strams Resistance Increases BY 3%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 3%. Resistance to Rubbing Strikes Increases BY 3%

Cavalry Boots – AddItem (‘Boots 02’) – Necessary LEVEL 91. Light Armor. REGULAR SUBJECT. Armor 187. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 1%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases BY 1%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 2%.

Cavalry Boots – AddItem (‘Boots 02_crafted’) – Necessary Level 62. Light Armor. Magic Object. Armor 129. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 1%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases BY 1%. Poison Resistance Increased by 7%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 2%.

Cavalry Boots – AddItem (‘Boots 022’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 98. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 205. King’s Power Increased by 2%. Strams Resistance Increases BY 3%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 3%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 4%.

Track Boots – AddItem (‘Boots 03’) – Required Level 96. Middle Armor. Masters Object. Armor 197. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 1%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases BY 1%. Resistance to Rubbing Strikes Increases BY 3%. The Chance Will Definitely Reduce BY 2%.

Track Boots – AddItem (‘Boots 03_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 65. Middle Armor. Magic Object. Armor 135. ENERGY RECOVERY RATE IN BATTLE INCRASED BY 1%. Adrenaline Recruitment Speed ​​Increased by 3%. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 1%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases BY 1%. Resistance to Rubbing Strikes Increases BY 3%.

Track Boots – AddItem (‘Boots 032’) – Required Level 97. Middle Armor. Real Object. Armor 203. Increases Health By 173 Points. Strams Resistance Increases BY 3%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 3%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.

Killer Boots – AddItem (‘Boots 04’) – Necessary Level 68. Light Armor. Magic Object. Armor 141. Strams Resistance Increases BY 2%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 2%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 4%.

Killer Boots – AddItem (‘Boots 04_crafted’) – Necessary Level 96. Light Armor. Real Object. Armor 201. Strams Resistance Increases BY 2%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 2%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 6%.

Boots of LoveChego – AddItem (‘Boots 05’) – Required LEVEL 97. Light Armor. Magic Object. Armor 201. Resistance to Stamps Increases BY 1%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases BY 1%. Poison Resistance Increased by 3%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 2%.

Swimming Boots – AddItem (‘Boots 06’) – Required LEVEL 96. Middle Armor. Magic Object. Armor 198. Strams Resistance Increases BY 2%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 2%. Resistance To Bleeding Increased by 3%. Resistance to Rubbing Strikes Increases BY 3%. The Chance Will Define Reduced by 3%.

Boots of Mountain People – AddItem (‘Boots 07’) – Required LEVEL 97. Middle Armor. Real Object. Armor 202. ADDS 57 Armor Damage. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.

Boots of Mountain People – AddItem (‘Heavy Boots 07_crafted’) – Necessary Level 87. Middle Armor. Real Object. Armor 181. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%. Increases The Amount Of Gold Found BY 25%.

TOPOPURNRY BOOTS – AddItem (‘Heavy Boots 01’) – Required LEVEL 94. Heavy Armor. Masters Object. Armor 194. Strams Resistance Increases BY 2%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 2%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 2%.

TOPOPURNRY BOOTS – AddItem (‘Heavy Boots 01_crafted’) – Necessary Level 75. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 155. Adrenaline Recruitment Speed ​​Increased by 3%. Strams Resistance Increases BY 2%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 2%. Poison Resistance Increased by 3%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 2%

Guard Boots – AddItem (‘Heavy Boots 02’) – Required LEVEL 95. Heavy Armor. Masters Object. Armor 195. Strams Resistance Increases BY 3%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 3%. Resistance to Rubbing Strikes Increases BY 3%. The Chance Will Definitely Reduce BY 2%.

Guard Boots – AddItem (‘Heavy Boots 02_crafted’) – Necessary Level 99. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 205. ADRENALINE SET SPEED INCRASED BY 4%. Strams Resistance Increases BY 3%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 3%. Resistance To Bleeding Increased by 3%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 4%.

Boots of the Robber – AddItem (‘Heavy Boots 03’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 96. Middle Armor. Masters Object. Armor 198. Strams Resistance Increases BY 4%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases BY 4%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.

Boots of the Robber – AddItem (‘Heavy Boots 03_crafted’) – Required LEVEL 96. Middle Armor. Magic Object. Armor 199. ADRENALINE SET SPEED INCRASED BY 4%. Strams Resistance Increases BY 4%. Resistance To Impact Damage Increases BY 4%. Resistance To Bleeding Increased by 4%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.

Boots of the Executioner – AddItem (‘Heavy Boots 04’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 95. Heavy Armor. Masters Object. Armor 195. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 6%. The Chance Will Definitely Reduce BY 2%.

Boots of the Executioner – AddItem (‘Heavy Boots 04_crafted’) – Necessary Level 82. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 169. Adrenaline Recruitment Speed ​​Increased by 3%. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 5%. Resistance To Bleeding Increased by 3%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 6%

Veteran Boots – AddItem (‘Heavy Boots 05’) – Required LEVEL 99. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 204. Strams Resistance Increases BY 2%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 2%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 2%. The Chance Will Define Reduced by 7%.

Captain’s Boots – AddItem (‘Heavy Boots 06’) – Required LEVEL 99. Heavy Armor. Magic Object. Armor 205. ENERGY RECOVERY RATE IN BATTLE INCRASED BY 1%. Strams Resistance Increases BY 2%. Resistance To Shock Damage Increases BY 3%. Resistance To Bleeding Increased by 4%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 4%.

Boots Kondotyeer – AddItem (‘Heavy Boots 07’) – Required LEVEL 98. Middle Armor. Real Object. Armor 204. ADDS 56 ARMOR DAMAGE. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%.

Boots of the People of Olch – AddItem (‘Heavy Boots 08’) – Required LEVEL 98. Heavy Armor. Real Object. Armor 204. IGNI Power Increased by 15%. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 5%. Monsters Apply 5% Less Damage. Resistance To the Elements Increased by 5%.

Boots of the People of Olch – AddItem (‘Heavy Boots 08_crafted’) – NECESSARY LEVEL 90. Heavy Armor. Real Object. Armor 188. The Resistance Of Stocks Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Impact Damage Increases BY 5%. Resistance to Chopping Strikes Increases BY 6%. Monsters Apply 5% Less Damage. Resistance To the Elements Increased by 5%.

AddItem (‘Beauclair Casual Suit 01’) Doublet From Bokler
AddItem (‘Beauclair Casual Suit With Medal’) Doublet with a Cider Medal
AddItem (‘Beauclair Casual Pants 01’) Pants From Bokler
AddItem (‘BEAACLAIR CASUAL SHOES 01’) Bokera Boots
AddItem (‘Beauclair Elegant Suit’) Luxury Bokler’s Doublet
AddItem (‘Beauclair Elegant Pants’) Luxury Bokera Pants
AddItem (‘Beauclair Elegant Shoes’) Luxury Booker Shoes
AddItem (‘NILFGAARDIAN CASUAL SUIT 01’) Luxury Doublet of Court
AddItem (‘Nilfgaardian Casual Suit 02’) Luxury Doublet of Court (2Rival)
AddItem (‘NILFGAARDIAN CASUAL SUIT 03’) Luxury Doublet of the Court (3RRIAN)
AddItem (‘NILFGAARDIAN CASUAL Pants’) Nilfgaga Pants
AddItem (‘NILFGAARDIAN CASUAL SHOES’) Luxury Nilfgaga Shoes
AddItem (‘Skellige Casual Suit 01’) Luxurious Skeliga Shirt
AddItem (‘Skellige Casual Suit 02’) Tunic From Skeliga
AddItem (‘Skellige Casual Pants 01’) Breeches from Skeliga
AddItem (‘Skellige Casual Pants 02’) Breeches from Skeliga (2Variant)
AddItem (‘Skellige Casual Shoes’) Festive Skeliga Shoes
AddItem (‘Bath Towel Pants 01’) TowelCodes on bombs

AdDItem (‘Devils Puffball 1’) – Damn Mushroom
AddItem (‘Devils Puffball 2’) – Improved Fig Mushroom
AddItem (‘Devils Puffball 3’) – Mushroom’s Workshop
AddItem (‘Dragons Dream 1’) – Dragon Dream
AddItem (‘Dragons Dream 2’) – Improved Dragon Dream
AddItem (‘Dragons Dream 3’) – Dragon Dream Workshop
AddItem (‘Dwimeritium Bomb 1’) – Deremonte Bomb
AddItem (‘Dwimeritium Bomb 2’) – Improved Deremonte Bomb
AddItem (‘Dwimeritium Bomb 3’) – Motorite Bomb Workshop
AddItem (‘Grapeshot 1’) –
AddItem (‘GrapeShot 2’) – Improved Cart
AdDItem (‘Grapeshot 3’) – Workshop Cart
AddItem (‘Samum 1’) – Samum
AddItem (‘Samum 2’) – Improved Samum
AddItem (‘Samum 3’) – Master Samum
AddItem (‘Silver Dust Bomb 1’) – Moon Dust
AddItem (‘Silver Dust Bomb 2’) – Improved Moon Dust
AddItem (‘Silver Dust Bomb 3’) – Moonshop Moon Dust
AddItem (‘WHITE FROST 1’) – North Wind
AddItem (‘White Frost 2’) – Improved Northern Wind
AdDItem (‘White Frost 3’) – Master North Wind
AddItem (‘Dancing Star 1’) – Dancing Star
AddItem (‘Dancing Star 2’) – Improved Dancing Star
AddItem (‘Dancing Star 3’) – Dance Star WorkshopCodes for ingredients
AddItem (‘Empty Bottle’) – Empty Bottle
AddItem (‘Cotton’) – Cotton
AddItem (‘Thread’) – Drain
AddItem (‘String’) – LACE
AddItem (‘Child Doll’) – Doll
AddItem (‘Linen’) – Canvas
AddItem (‘BAG OF GRAIN’) – Grain Bag
AddItem (‘Patchwork Vest’) – Calaisted Vest
AddItem (‘Silk’) – Silk
AddItem (‘Glyph Infusion Lesser’) – Small Smoky Glife
AddItem (‘Glyph Infusion Greater’) – Large Smoke Glife
AddItem (‘Fiber’) – Fiber
AddItem (‘Note’) – Note
AddItem (‘Flowers’) – Flowers
AddItem (‘Voodoo Doll’) – Doll for Magic Rituals
AddItem (‘Twine’) – TWINE
AddItem (‘Jumping Rope’) – Rope
AddItem (‘Rope’) – Rope
AddItem (‘Fishing Net’) – Fishing Network
AddItem (‘Dye’) – Paint
AddItem (‘SAP’) – Juice
AddItem (‘Resin’) – Resin
AddItem (‘Timber’) – Tree
AddItem (‘Flute_Junk’) – Flute
AddItem (‘Mug’) – Mug
AddItem (‘Ladle’) – Half
AddItem (‘Smoking Pipe’) – Tube
AddItem (‘Platter’) – Dish
AddItem (‘Fishing Rod’) – Fishing Fishing
AddItem (‘Casket’) – Casket
AddItem (‘Drum’) – Drum
AddItem (‘Hardened Timber’) – Fortified Wood
AddItem (‘HAFT’) – Cuttings
AddItem (‘Broken Paddle’) – Broken Paddle
AddItem (‘Broken Rakes’) – Broken Rake
AddItem (‘Wooden Rung Rope Ladder’) – Rope Staircase
AddItem (‘Ashes’) – Dust
AddItem (‘Feather’) – Pen
AddItem (‘Skull’) – Skull
AddItem (‘Valuable Fossil’) – Valuable Fossil
AddItem (‘Rotten Meat’) – Rotting MEAT
AddItem (‘Oil’) – Oil
AddItem (‘Leather Straps’) – Leather Straps
AddItem (‘Nilfgaardian Special Forces Insignia’) – A SIGN OF THE NILFGARD SPECIAL DETACHMENT
AddItem (‘Redanian Special Forces Insignia’) – A SIGN OF A Redan Special Detachment
AddItem (‘Temerian Special Forces Insignia’) – The Sign Of The Temer Special Detachment
AddItem (‘Leather Squares’) – Skin Trimming
AddItem (‘WORN LEATHER PELT’) – Affected Skin
AddItem (‘Old Goat Skin’) – Old Goat Skura
AddItem (‘Old Sheep Skin’) – Old Sheep Skura
AddItem (‘FUR SQUARE’) – Skin Scraps
AddItem (‘Scoiatael Trophies’) – Beliki
AddItem (‘Rabbit Pelt’) – Rabbit Skura
AddItem (‘Fox Pelt’) – SKURA FOX
AddItem (‘Book’) – Book
AddItem (‘Leather’) – Skins
AdDItem (‘Goat Hide’) – Goat Skura
AddItem (‘Pig Hide’) – Pork Skura
AddItem (‘Deer Hide’) – Deer Shkura
AddItem (‘Wolf Pelt’) – Wolf Skura
AddItem (‘White Wolf Pelt’) – White Wolf Skur
AddItem (‘Old Bear Skin’) – Old Bear Skura
AddItem (‘Hardened Leather’) – REINFORCED LEATHER
AddItem (‘Bear Pelt’) – Bear Skura
AddItem (‘WHITE BEAR PELT’) – White Bear Skur
AddItem (‘Horse Hide’) – HorsePower
AddItem (‘COW HIDE’) – COW
AddItem (‘Chitin Scale’) – Chitine Shell
AddItem (‘Endriag Chitin Plates’) – Fragment of the Endreagne Shell
AddItem (‘Dragon Scales’) – Dragon Scales
AddItem (‘Draconide Leather’) – Draconide Skins
AddItem (‘Wax’) – Wax
AddItem (‘Candle’) – Candle
AddItem (‘Shell’) – Sink
AddItem (‘Seashell’) – Sea Shell
AddItem (‘AETHER’) – Ether
AddItem (‘Albedo’) – Albedo
AddItem (‘Hydragenum’) – Hydragen
AddItem (‘Nigredo’) – Nigredo
AddItem (‘Quebrith’) – Quebert
AddItem (‘Rebis’) – Rebis
AddItem (‘Rubedo’) – RULED
AddItem (‘Vermilion’) – Cynan
AddItem (‘Vitriol’) – Kup
AddItem (‘Quebrith’) – Quebert
AddItem (‘Alchemical Paste’) – Alchemical Pasta
AddItem (‘Alchemists Powder’) – Alchemical Powder
AddItem (‘Bear Fat’) – Bear Salo
AddItem (‘Blasting Powder’) – ZERICAN MIXTURE
AddItem (‘COAL’) – COAL
AddItem (‘Calcium Equum’) – Calcium Equum
AddItem (‘Dog Tallow’) – Dog Salo
AdDItem (‘Ducal Water’) – Prince Water
AddItem (‘Fifth Essence’) – Fifth Essession
AddItem (‘Lunar Shards’) – Lunar Shards
AddItem (‘Optima Mater’) – Optima Mater
AddItem (‘Phosphorus’) – Phosphorus
AddItem (‘Quicksilver Solution’) – Mercury Solution
AddItem (‘Saltpetre’) – SELIVER
AddItem (‘Stammelfords Dust’) – Black Powder
AddItem (‘Sulfur’) – Sulfur
AddItem (‘Wine Stone’) – Wine Stone
AddItem (‘Glass’) – Glass
AdDItem (‘Empty Vial’) – Phial
AdDItem (‘Inkwell’) – Inkwell
AddItem (‘Perfume’) – Perfume
AddItem (‘Jar’) – Bank
AddItem (‘Flask’) – Flask
AddItem (‘Bottle’) – Bottle
AddItem (‘Jug’) – Jug
AddItem (‘Fistech’) – Fist
AddItem (‘PowDered Pearl’) – Pearls
AddItem (‘Pearl’) – Pearl
AddItem (‘Black Pearl Dust’) – Black Pearl Dust
AddItem (‘Black Pearl’) – Black Pearl
AddItem (‘AMBER DUST’) – Amber Dust
AddItem (‘AMBER FOSSIL’) – Amber Split
AddItem (‘AMBER’) – Amber
AddItem (‘AMETHYST DUST’) – Amethyst Dust
AdDItem (‘Amethyst’) – Amethyst
AddItem (‘Diamond Dust’) – Diamond Dust
AddItem (‘Diamond’) – Diamond
AddItem (‘Diamond Flawless’) – Impeccable Diamond
AddItem (‘Emerald Dust’) – Emerald Dust
AddItem (‘Emerald’) – Emerald
AddItem (‘Emerald Flawless’) – Impeccable Emerald
AddItem (‘Ruby Dust’) – Ruby Dust
AddItem (‘Ruby’) – Ruby
AddItem (‘Ruby Flawless’) – Impeccable Ruby
AddItem (‘Sapphire Dust’) – Sapphire Dust
AddItem (‘Sapphire’) – Sapphire
AddItem (‘Sapphire Flawless’) – IMPECCABLE SAPPHIRE
AddItem (‘Infused Dust’) – Smoky Crystal (Powder)
AddItem (‘Infused Shard’) – Smoky Shards
AddItem (‘Infused Crystal’) – Smoky Crystal
AddItem (‘Lead Ore’) – Tin
AddItem (‘Melitele Figurine’) – Melitel Figure
AddItem (‘Gold Mineral’) – Gold Ingot
AddItem (‘GOLD Ring’) – Golden Ring
AddItem (‘Gold Ruby Ring’) – Golden Ruby Rubber
AddItem (‘Gold Pearl Necklace’) – Golden Necklace with Pearls
AddItem (‘GOLD SAPPHIRE RING’) – Golden Sapphire Ran
AddItem (‘Gold Sapphire Necklace’) – Golden Necklace with Sapphire
AddItem (‘Gold Diamond Ring’) – Golden Ring WITH DIAMOND
AddItem (‘Gold Diamond Necklace’) – Gold Necklace with Diamond
AddItem (‘Gold Ore’) – Golden Ore
AddItem (‘Gold Candlabra’) – Gold Candlestick
AddItem (‘Golden Mug’) – Golden Mug
AddItem (‘Golden Platter’) – Golden Dish
AddItem (‘Golden Casket’) – Golden Casket
AddItem (‘Iron Ore’) – Iron Ore
AddItem (‘Bandalur Butter Knife’) – Bandalura Oil Knife
AddItem (‘Goblet’) – Glass
AddItem (‘Nails’) – Nails
AddItem (‘Old Rusty Breadnife’) – Rusty Bread Knife
AddItem (‘Salt Pepper Shaker’) – Salt and Pepper
AddItem (‘Razor’) – Razor
AddItem (‘Iron Ingot’) – Iron Cock
AddItem (‘Candlabra’) – Candlestick
AddItem (‘Wire’) – Wire
AddItem (‘LUTE’) – LUTE
AddItem (‘Wire Rope’) – Steel Lesk
AdDItem (‘Steel Ingot’) – Steel Ingot
AddItem (‘Axe Head’) – AX
AddItem (‘Pickaxe Head’) – Sharp Kyle
AddItem (‘Rusty Hammer Head’) – Rusty Mater
AddItem (‘Blunt Ax’) – Dumb AX
AddItem (‘Runestone Lesser’) – Small Rune Stone
AddItem (‘Runestone Greater’) – Big Rune Stone
AddItem (‘Smithing Tools Elven’) – Elf Bronnapy Tools
AddItem (‘Smithing Tools Dwarven’) – Krasnolyudsky Bronze Tools
AddItem (‘Smithing Tools Gnomish’) – Bronnik Dwarf Tools
AddItem (‘Steel Plate’) – Steel Plate
AddItem (‘Dark Iron Ore’) – Dark Iron Ore
AddItem (‘Dark Iron Ingot’) – Dark Iron Cancer
AddItem (‘Dark Iron Plate’) – Dark Iron Plate
AddItem (‘Dark Steel Ingot’) – Dark Steel Ingot
AddItem (‘Dark Steel Plate’) – Dark Steel Plate
AddItem (‘Silver Mineral’) – Silver (Powder)
AddItems (‘Silver Pantaloons’) – Silver Pantalon
AddItem (‘Silver Amber Ring’) – Silver Ring WITH Amber
AddItem (‘Silver Sapphire Ring’) – Silver Sapphire Run
AddItem (‘Silver Emerald Ring’) – Silver Sprout with Emerald
AddItem (‘Silver Emerald Necklace’) – Silver Necklace with Emeralds
AddItem (‘Silver Amber Necklace’) – Silver Necklace WITH Amber
AddItem (‘Silver Ruby Necklace’) – Silver Necklace with Rubins
AddItem (‘Silver Ore’) – Silver Ore
AddItem (‘Silverware’) – Silver Devices
AddItem (‘Silver Teapot’) – Silver Boiler
AddItem (‘Silver Mug’) – Silver Mug
AddItem (‘Silver Platter’) – Silver Tray
AddItem (‘Silver Casket’) – Silver Casket
AddItem (‘Silver Ingot’) – Silver Ingot
AddItem (‘Pure Silver’) – Pure Silver
AddItem (‘Silver Candelabra’) – Silver Candlestick
AddItem (‘Ornate Silver Sword Replica’) – Running Sword
AddItem (‘Silver Plate’) – Silver Plate
AddItem (‘Ornate Silver Shield Replica’) –
AddItem (‘Meteorite Ore’) – Meteorite Ore
AddItem (‘METEORITE PLATE’) – Plate from Meteorite
AddItem (‘METEORITE SILVER PLATE’) – Plate from Meteor Silver
AddItem (‘Glowing Ore’) – Luminous Ore
AddItem (‘Glowing Ingot’) – Luminous Ore Ingot
AddItem (‘DWIMERYTE ORE’) – Deverated Ord
AddItem (‘Dwimeritium Shackles’) – Delicate Shackles
AddItem (‘DWIMERYTE INGOT’) – Del Meant
AddItem (‘Dwimeritium Chains’) – Delicate Chains
AddItem (‘Whetstone Elven’) – Elf Pillars
AddItem (‘Whetstone Dwarven’) – Krasnolyudsky Pillable
AddItem (‘Whetstone Gnomish’) – DWARFCodes on Paints
AddItem (‘Dye Black’) – Black Paint
AddItem (‘Dye Turquoise’) – Turquoise Paint
AddItem (‘Dye White’) – White Paint
AddItem (‘Dye Gray’) – Gray Paint
AddItem (‘Dye Brown’) – Brown Paint
AddItem (‘Dye Green’) – Green Paint
AddItem (‘Dye Blue’) – Blue Paint
AddItem (‘Dye Orange’) – Orange Paint
AddItem (‘Dye Yellow’) – Yellow Paint
AddItem (‘Dye Pink’) – Pink Paint
AddItem (‘Dye Red’) – Red Paint
AddItem (‘Dye Purple’) – PURPLE PAINT
AddItem (‘Dye White’) – White Paint
AddItem (‘Dye Solution’) – Diluent Paint
AddItem (‘Dye Default’) – Solvent
Adddy – All Types of Paints. 10 Pieces.GLIFE CODES AND RIGHT STONES
AdDItem (‘Glyph Aard Greater Schematic’) – Large Glyph Aard
AddItem (‘Glyph Aard Lesser Schematic’) – Small Glyph Aard
AdDItem (‘Glyph Aard Schematic’) – Glyph Aard
AddItem (‘Glyph Axii Greater Schematic’) – Big Glyph Actions
AddItem (‘Glyph Axii Lesser Schematic’) – Small Glife Action
AddItem (‘Glyph Axii Schematic’) – GLIFE AKSIA
AddItem (‘Glyph Igni Greater Schematic’) – Large Glyph Igni
AddItem (‘Glyph Igni Lesser Schematic’) – Small Glyph Igni
AddItem (‘Glyph Igni Schematic’) – Glyph IGNI
AddItem (‘Glyph Infusion Greater Schematic’) – Large Smoke Glife
AddItem (‘Glyph Infusion Lesser Schematic’) – Small Smoky Glife
AddItem (‘Glyph QUEN GREATER SCHEMATIC’) – Big King Glyph
AddItem (‘Glyph QUEN LESSER SCHEMATIC’) – Small Glyph King
AddItem (‘Glyph Quen Schematic’) – King Glife
AddItem (‘Glyph Yrden Greater Schemati’) – Large Glyph Irden
AddItem (‘Glyph Yrden Lesser Schematic’) – Small Glyph Irden
AddItem (‘Glyph Yrden Schematic’) – GLIFE INDEN
AddItem (‘Rune Dazhbog Lesser Schematic’) – Small Rune Campus Lazbog
AddItem (‘Rune Dazhbog Schematic’) – Rune Campus Lazbog
AddItem (‘Rune Devana Greater Schematic’) – Large Rune Stone Devan
AddItem (‘Rune Devana Schematic’) – Rune Stone Devan
AddItem (‘Rune Elemental Greater Schematic’) – Large Rune Stone Chernobog
AddItem (‘Rune Elemental Lesser Schematic’) – Small Rune Stone Chernobog
AddItem (‘Rune Elemental Schematic’) – RUNE STONE CERNOBOG
AddItem (‘Rune Morana Greater Schematic’) – Big Rune Stone Marena
AddItem (‘Rune Morana Lesser Schematic’) – Small Rune Stone Marena
AddItem (‘Rune Morana Schematic’) – RUNE STONE MARENA
AddItem (‘Rune Perun Greater Schematic’) – Big Rune Stone Perun
AddItem (‘Rune Perun Schematic’) – RUNE STONE PERUN
AddItem (‘RUNE STRIBOG GREATER SCHEMATIC’) – Big Rune Stone Stibing
AddItem (‘Rune Stribog Lesser Schematic’) – Small Rune Stone Stibing
AddItem (‘Rune Ston Schematic’) – Rune Stone Stibing
AddItem (‘Rune Svarog Greater Schematic’) – Big Rune Stone Svarog
AddItem (‘Rune Svarog Lesser Schematic’) – Small Rune Stone Svarog
AddItem (‘Rune Svarog Schematic’) – Rune Stone Svarog
AddItem (‘Rune Triglav Greater Schematic’) – Big Rune Stone Triglav
AddItem (‘Rune Triglav Lesser Schematic’) – SMALL RUNE STONE TRIGLAV
AddItem (‘Rune Triglav Schematic’) – RUNE STONE TRIGLAV
AddItem (‘Rune Veles Greater Schematic’) – Big Rune Stone Veles
AddItem (‘Rune Veles Lesser Schematic’) – Small Rune Stone Veles
AddItem (‘Rune Veles Schematic’) – RUNE STONE VELES
AddItem (‘Rune Zoria Greater Schematic’) – LARGE RUNE STONE
AddItem (‘Rune Zoria Lesser Schematic’) – Small Rural Stone
AddItem (‘Rune Zoria Schematic’) – Rune Stone
AddItem (‘Runestone Greater Schematic’) – Large Rune Stone
AddItem (‘Runestone Lesser Schematic’) – SMALL RUNE STONE
AddItem (‘Rune Pierog Schematic’) – Pie
AddItem (‘Rune Tvarog Schematic’) – Cottage Cheese
AddItem (‘Glyph Warding Lesser Schematic’) – Small Glife Defense
AddItem (‘Glyph Warding Schematic’) – Defense Glife
AddItem (‘Glyph Warding Greater Schematic’) – Large Defense Glife
AddItem (‘Glyph Binding Lesser Schematic’) – Small Glyph Binding
AddItem (‘Glyph Binding Schematic’) – Binding Glife
AdDItem (‘Glyph Binding Greater Schematic’) – Large Glyph Binding
AddItem (‘Glyph Reinforcement Lesser Schematic’) – Small Glife Improvement
AddItem (‘Glyph Reinforcement Schematic’) – GLIFE IMPROVEMENT
AddItem (‘Glyph Reinforcement Greater Schematic’) – Large Glife Improvement
AdDItem (‘Glyph Mending Lesser Schematic’) – Small Glife Recovery
AddItem (‘Glyph Mending Schematic’) – Glife Recovered
AdDItem (‘Glyph Mending Greater Schematic’) – Large Glife RecoveryCodes for Decilities
AddItem (‘Mutagen 1’) – BROTH OF CATAKANA
AddItem (‘Mutagen 2’) – Broth of the Slavaagha
AddItem (‘Mutagen 3’) – Decoption of Cocatriix
AddItem (‘Mutagen 4’) – BROTH OF ARCHLICIFON
AddItem (‘Mutagen 5’) – Decoration From Water Baba
AddItem (‘Mutagen 6’) – Decoration from The Midnight
AddItem (‘Mutagen 7’) – Decoration from Ekima
AddItem (‘Mutagen 8’) – Decoration
AddItem (‘Mutagen 9’) – A Decoption of Fog
AddItem (‘Mutagen 10’) – BROTH OF VIVENNA
AddItem (‘Mutagen 11’) – Decoration from Doppler
AddItem (‘Mutagen 12’) – Brushing From Troll
AddItem (‘Mutagen 13’) – Decoration from Halds
AddItem (‘Mutagen 14’) – BROTH OF SUKKUB
AddItem (‘Mutagen 15’) – Decoration from Algula
AddItem (‘Mutagen 16’) – Decoration From Besa
AddItem (‘Mutagen 17’) – Broth of Viloch Supply
AddItem (‘Mutagen 18’) – Decoration From Cemetery Baba
AddItem (‘Mutagen 19’) – Decoration from Ghost
AddItem (‘Mutagen 20’) – Decoption of Elemental
AddItem (‘Mutagen 21’) – Decoration from Echidna
AddItem (‘Mutagen 22’) – BROTH OF ANCIENT LESGO
AddItem (‘Mutagen 23’) – Broth from Vasilisk
AddItem (‘Mutagen 24’) – Wolf Decoction
AddItem (‘Mutagen 25’) – Decoration from the Warrior
AddItem (‘Mutagen 26’) – Decoration from Leshgo
AdDItem (‘Mutagen 27’) – Broth from Griffin
AddItem (‘Mutagen 28’) – Decoption of A CalmCodes on Mutagna
AddItem (‘Greater Mutagen Red’) – Big Red Mutagen
AddItem (‘Greater Mutagen Green’) – Big Green Mutant
AddItem (‘Greater Mutagen Blue’) – Big Blue Mutagen
AddItem (‘Mutagen Red’) – Red Mutagen
AddItem (‘Mutagen Green’) – Green Mutagen
AddItem (‘Mutagen Blue’) – Blue Mutagen
AddItem (‘Lesser Mutagen Red’) – Small Red Mutagen
AdDItem (‘Lesser Mutagen Green’) – Small Green Mutagen
AddItem (‘Lesser Mutagen Blue’) – Small Blue Mutagen
AddItem (‘Katakan Mutagen’) – Mutagen from Katakana
AddItem (‘Arachas Mutagen’) – Mutagen from Slavaglasia
AddItem (Cockatrice Mutagen “) – Mutage of Cocratrix
AddItem (‘Volcanic Gryphon Mutagen’) – Mutagen from the Archharifon
AddItem (‘Gryphon Mutagen’) – Griffin Mutage
AdDItem (‘Water Hag Mutagen’) – Mutage Of Water Baba
AddItem (‘NightWraith Mutagen’) – Mutage Of Midnight
AddItem (‘Ekimma Mutagen’) – Mutagen from Ekimim
AddItem (‘Czart Mutagen’) – Mutagen
AddItem (‘Fogling 1 Mutagen’) – Mutagenter Mutagen
AdDItem (‘Wyvern Mutagen’) – Mutagen from Vivenna
AddItem (‘Doppler Mutagen’) – Doppler Mutagen
AddItem (‘Troll Mutagen’) – Troll Mutagen
AdDItem (‘Noonwraith Mutagen’) – Mutage of Pedennitsa
AdDItem (‘Succubus Mutagen’) – Mutagen from Sukuba
AddItem (‘Fogling 2 Mutagen’) – Strong Mutage Of Mistunia
AddItem (‘Fiend Mutagen’) – Mutagen from Besa
AddItem (‘Forktail Mutagen’) – Wilogen Mutagen
AddItem (‘Grave Hag Mutagen’) – Mutage Of Ghost
AddItem (‘Wraith Mutagen’) – Mutage of Ghost
AddItem (‘Dao Mutagen’) – Mutage Of Earth Elemental
AddItem (‘Lamia Mutagen’) – Mutagen from Echidna
AdDItem (‘Ancient Leshy Mutagen’) – Mutagen from the Ancient Lesgo
AddItem (‘Basilisk Mutagen’) – Mutagen From Vasilisk
AdDItem (‘WEREWOLF MUTAGEN’) – Mutage Of Volkolak
AddItem (‘Nekker Warrior Mutagen’) – Mutagen from the Warrior
AddItem (‘Leshy Mutagen’) – Mutagen from LesgoCodes for The Appearance of Creatures, Animals and Characters

To Put A Monster or NPC, You Need to Enter The Code – Spawn (‘Name’, Number) Where ‘name’ by Replacing The Number of The Monster We Need and Write The Number of Number in Which We Need to Create This Monster. Example: “SPAWN (‘HORSE’, 7)” – CREATE 7 HORSES. Creatures List for Spawn Below.

_Quest__Bear_Grizzly_honey – Grizzly Berserk
_Quest__endriaga_Spiral – Sandworm (Endriaga)
_Quest__Fogling – Fogman
_Quest__godling – ivasik
_Quest__Him – Chem
_Quest__Miscreant – IShosha (Baby)
_Quest__Miscreant_Greater – Igosha (Turned)
_Quest__NoonWright_pesta – Sea Virgo
_Quest __werewolf – Volkolak
_Quest__witch_1 – Sheptuha
_Quest__witch_2 – Cooker
_Quest__witch_3 – Right
Alghoul – Algul
Alghoul_LVL1 – Algul 14 LVL
Alghoul_LVL2 – Algul 17 LVL
Alghoul_LVL3 – Algul 21 LVL
Arachas_Poison – Slagaging Poison 31
ArmoredArachas – Pancar Challenge 26
Basilisk – Vasilisk
Basilisk_LVL1 – Vasilisk 32
Bear – Bear
Bear_Berserker – Berrik
Bear_Berserker_LVL1 – Berserk 1
Bear_Black – Black Bear
Bear_Grizzly – Grizzly
Bear_LVL1__Black – Black Bear
Bear_LVL2__Grizzly – Grizzly
Bear_LVL3__White – Polar Bear
Bear_White – Polar Bear
Bees – Bees
Bies – BES 28
Bies_LVL1 – BE 16
Bies_LVL2 – BE 28
Bies_MH – BES 50
Black_mage_LVL1 – Black Mag 1
Black_Troll – Black Troll
Blood_Flies – Black Bees
Cave_Troll – Wild Rock Troll
Cavetroll – Wild Rock Troll
Cockatrice – Kurolisk 16
Cockatrice_LVL1 – Kurolisk 20
Cockatrice_MH – Kurolisk 25
Cyclop_LVL1 – Cyclops 45
DAO – Elemental Earth
Djinn – Jean
Drowner – Utopen 4
Drowner_LVL2 – UtOople 9
Drowner_LVL3 – UtOople 15
Ekima – Ekima 11
Elemental_Dao_LVL1 – Earth Elemental 25
Elemental_Dao_LVL2 – Earth Elemental 27
Elemental_Dao_LVL3 __- Ice Ice Elemental 30
Elemental_Dao_MH – Earth Elemental 49
Endrega – Endriaga Warrior 11
Endriaga_LVL1__Worker Andriaga – Worker 9
Endriaga_LVL3__Spikey Endriaga – Drone 30
Erynia – Erinia 13
Fogling – Detector
Fogling_LVL1 – FOG 4
Fogling_LVL1__Doppelganger – Deceptive 0
Fogling_LVL2 – FOG 10
Fogling_LVL3__Willoduisp – Tangalor
Fogling_MH – FOG 29
Forktail – VilochVost 37
Forktail_lvl1 – VilohVost 18
Frozen_soldier – Giant Ice Statue
Fugas – Silvan 27
Gargoile – Garguli 13
Ghoul – Gul
ghoul_lesser – Gul Small
ghoul_lvl1 – Gul 15
ghoul_lvl2 – Gul 25
ghoul_lvl3 – Gul 45
Golem – Golem 29
Golem_LVL1 – Golem 6
Golem_LVL2__ifryt – IPRHITE 9
Golem_LVL3 – IPRHITE 35
Gravehag – Cemetery Baba 29
Gravehag_barons_Wife – Anna (Baba) Hostile 10
Griffon – Griffin 4
Grizzly – Grizzly 12
Gryphon_LVL2 – Griffin 25
Gryphon_LVL3__Volcanic – Archharfon 48
GRYPHON_MH__VOLCANIC – Archharfon 54
Hag_Grave__MH – Cemetery Baba 35
Hag_Grave_LVL1 – Cemetery Baba 18
hag_water_lvl1 – vodnitsa
hag_water_lvl2 – Vodnitsa 20
hag_water_mh – Water Baba 30
Harpy – Garpia 7
Harpy_lvl2 – Garpia 13
Heart – Tree Heart
HIM – Chem
Ice_Golem – Ice Golem
Katakan – Catacan 11
Katakan_Large – Catacan 45
Lamia – Echidna 19
Leshen – Leshe 20
Lessog – lesy
lessog_lvl2__ancient – Ancient Lady 34
lessog_mh – leshel 49
Lycan – Volkolak 17
Miscreant – Igosha
NightWraith – Midnight 15
NightWraith_MH – Midnight 34
Noonwordh – Half The Afternoon 15
NoonWraith_MH – Half The Afternoon 26
Pesta – Sea Virgo
Rotfiend – Gniec 6
Rotfiend_Large – Eater 13
Siren – Siren 13
Siren_Mh__lamia – Echid 25
Succubus – Sukkub 1
Troll – Troll
Wild_Dog – Wild Dog 1
Wildhunt_mage – Warfish Wild Hunt 1
Wildhunt_minion_lvl1 – Hounding Wild Hunt 4
Wildhunt_minion_lvl2 – Hounding Wild Hunt 27
Wildhunt_minion_MH – Hound Wild Hunt 37
Willowisp – Tangalor
Wolf – Wolf
Wolf_alpha – Varg 9
wolf_lvl1__summon – Wolf 22
Wolf_White – White Wolf 15
Wyvern – Vivenna 9

Bat – Bat
Cat – Cot
Chicken – Chicken
Cow – Cow
Crab – Crab
Deer – Deer
Dog – Dog
Fish_Kingfish – Royal Fish
Fish_mackerel – Mackerel
Fish_Tuna – Tuna
Goat – Goat
Goose – Gus
Goose_Leader – Goose Leader
Hare – Hare
Mountain_Goat – Mountain Goat
Pig – Piglery
Pigeon – Dove
RAM – Baran
Rat – rat
Rooster – Rooster
Seagull – Chaika
Sheep – Sheep
Snow_Deer – Snow Deer
Snow_rabbit – Snow Rabbit
Sparrow – Sparrow
Swallow – Swallow
Toad – Toad
Whale – Kit

Cirilla – Cirins
Grenn – Green
Keira – Caera
Sorceress – Witch
Vesemir – Vesmere
Witcher – Witcher
Yennefer – Yennipher
Zoltan – Zoltan

Barrel – Barrel
Beehive -ul
Boat – Boat
GrapeShot – A Large-Scale
PawelmTest – Test
Petard – NiFeuta
Playerhorse – Player Horse
Poison_Cloud – Poisonous Cloud
PROJECTILE_RIFT – Hole in the ground from the projectile
Projectile_RIFT2 – Hole In The Ground From the Projectile (2 options)
Rotfiend_Explode – Explosion
Wild_hunt_Axe – Wild Hunting AX
Wild_Hunt_Halberd – Wild Hunting Alebard
Wild_hunt_Sword – Wild Hunting Sword
Wildhunt_Hammer – Wild Holver Hammer
yennefer_bubble – Inflate Bubble
yennefer_bubble_2 – Inflate Bubble (2)
yennefer_bubble_3 – Inflate Bubble (3)Codes on Elixirs
Black Blood – AddItem (‘Black Blood 1’)
Improved Black Blood – AddItem (‘Black Blood 2’)
INCREASES TOXICITY BY 15. Effect Lasts 45 Seconds. Reflects 20% Damage. Vampires and Truads Get Damage and Discard From Herald When He Is Wounded. 4 Pieces.
Excellent Black Blood – AddItem (‘Black Blood 3’)
Blizzard – AddItem (‘BLIZZARD 1’)
INCREASES TOXICITY BY 25. Effect Lasts 15 Seconds. Increases The Reaction Time By 50%. 2 pieces.
Improved Purga – AddItem (‘BLIZZARD 2’)
Excellent Purga – AddItem (‘BLIZZARD 3’)
Cat – AddItem (‘Cat 1’)
INCREASES TOXICITY BY 15. Effect Lasts 60 Seconds. Allows You to See In The Dark. 3 Pieces.
Improved cat – AddItem (‘Cat 2’)
INCREASES TOXICITY BY 15. The Effect Lasts 120 Seconds. Allows You to See In The Dark, As Well As, Gives Immunity To Hypnosis. 4 Pieces.
Excellent Cat – AddItem (‘Cat 3’)
INCREASES TOXICITY BY 15. Effect Lasts 180 Seconds. Allows You to See In The Dark, As Well As, Gives Immunity To Hypnosis. 5 Items.
Full Moon – AddItem (‘Full Moon 1’)
INCREASES TOXICITY BY 25. Effect Lasts 60 Seconds. Increases Health By 300. 3 Pieces.
Improved Full Moon – AddItem (‘Full Moon 2’)
INCREASES TOXICITY BY 25. Effect Lasts 90 Seconds. Increases Health By 650. 4 Pieces.
Excellent Full Moon – AddItem (‘Full Moon 3’)
INCREASES TOXICITY BY 25. Effect Lasts 180 Seconds. Increases Health By 1000. 5 Items.
Oriole – AddItem (‘Golden Oriole 1’)
Increases toxicity by 20. Effect Lasts 60 Seconds. Neutralizes The Effects of Poisons, Gives Resistance To Poisons. 3 Pieces.
Improved Ivolga – AddItem (‘Golden Oracle 2’)
Increases Toxicity By 20. The Effect Lasts 120 Seconds. Neutralizes The Effects of Poisons, Gives Resistance To Poisons. 4 Pieces.
Excellent ivolga – AddItem (‘Golden Oracle 3’)
Increases Toxicity By 20. Effect Lasts 180 Seconds. Poisons Now Instead of Damage Begin to Kiss. 5 Items.
Kotaka – AddItem (‘killer Whale 1’)
Increases Toxicity By 20. Effect Lasts 180 Seconds. Increases Air Stock BY 50%. Water Vision Improves. 3 Pieces.
Maribor Forest – AddItem (‘Maribor Forest 1’)
Increases Toxicity By 20. Effect Lasts 30 Seconds. Accelerates Adrenaline Glasses For 0.15. 3 Pieces.
Superior Maribor Forest – AddItem (‘Maribor Forest 2’)
Increases toxicity by 20. Effect Lasts 60 Seconds. Accelerates Adrenaline Glasses For 0.15. 4 Pieces.
Great Maribor Forest – AddItem (‘Maribor Forest 3’)
Increases Toxicity By 20. Effect Lasts 90 Seconds. Accelerates Adrenaline Glasses For 0.15. Gives 1 Adrenaline Point. 5 Items.
Petri Potion – AddItem (‘Petri Philter 1’)
INCREASES TOXICITY BY 25. Effect Lasts 30 Seconds. Increases The Power Of Signs BY 15%. 3 Pieces.
Improved Petri Potion – AddItem (‘Petri Philter 2’)
Excellent Petri Potion – AddItem (‘Petri Philter 3’)
INCREASES TOXICITY BY 25. Effect Lasts 90 Seconds. Increases The Power Of Signs BY 25%. 5 Items.
Martin – AddItem (‘Swallow 1’)
Increases toxicity by 20. Effect Lasts 20 Seconds. Restores Health By 40. Accelerates Health Restoration BY 40. Health Recovery IS Suspended For 2 Seconds Upon Receipt of Damage. 3 Pieces.
Improved Swallow – AddItem (‘Swallow 2’)
Increases toxicity by 20. Effect Lasts 20 Seconds. Restores Health By 65. Accelerates 65 Health Restoration. Health Recovery IS Suspended For 2 Seconds Upon Receipt of Damage. 4 Pieces.
Great Swallow – AddItem (‘Swallow 3’)
Increases toxicity by 20. Effect Lasts 20 Seconds. Restores Health by 80. Accelerates Health Restoration by 80. The ReSulting Damage Does Not Stop Regeneration. 5 Items.
DOZATE – AddItem (‘Tawny Owl 1’)
Increases Toxicity By 20. Effect Lasts 30 Seconds. Increases Energy Recovery Rate in Battle BY 5%. 3 Pieces.
Improved Nezat – AddItem (‘Tawny Owl 2’)
Increases Toxicity By 20. Effect Lasts 45 Seconds. Increases Energy Recovery Rate In Battle BY 8%. 4 Pieces.
Excellent Nesyat – AddItem (‘Tawny Owl 3’)
Increases toxicity by 20. Effect Lasts 60 Seconds. Increases Energy Recovery Rate in Battle BY 10%. AT NIGHT IS VALID UNTIL DAWN. 5 Items.
Thunder – AddItem (‘Thunderbolt 1’)
INCREASES TOXICITY BY 25. Effect Lasts 30 Seconds. Increases The Power Of Your Attack By 30%. 3 Pieces.
Improved Thunder – AddItem (‘Thunderbolt 2’)
INCREASES TOXICITY BY 25. Effect Lasts 60 Seconds. Increases The Power Of Your Attack By 30%. 4 Pieces.
Excellent Thunder – AddItem (‘Thunderbolt 3’)
INCREASES TOXICITY BY 25. Effect Lasts 90 Seconds. Increases The Power Of Your Attack By 35%. Gives 100% Chance to Apply Critical Damage During Storm. 5 Items.
White Med – AddItem (‘White Honey 1’)
Reduces INTOXICATION TO ZERO. Cancels The Actions of All Elixirs. 1 piece.
Improved White Medical – AddItem (‘WHITE HONEY 2’)
Reduces INTOXICATION TO ZERO. Cancels The Actions of All Elixirs. 2 pieces.
Excellent White Medical – AddItem (‘WHITE HONEY 3’)
Reduces INTOXICATION TO ZERO. Cancels The Actions of All Elixirs. 5 Items.
White Raffare Potion – AddItem (‘White Raffards Decoption 1’)
Increases toxicity by 30. Instantly Restores 30% of Health. 2 pieces.
Increases toxicity by 30. Instantly Restores 60% Of Health. 2 pieces.
Excellent Potion White Raffare – AddItem (‘WHITE RAFFARDS DecOption 3’)
Increases toxicity by 30.Instantly Restores 100% Health. For 3 Seconds Gives Immunity To Any Damage. 3 Pieces.
Potion From Pearomon Bear – AddItem (‘Pharomone Potion Bear 1’)
INCREASES TOXICITY BY 15. Bears Do Not Touch Herald 90 Seconds. 2 pieces.
Power FroMonon Roots – AddItem (‘Pharmone Potion Drowner 1’)
INCREASES TOXICITY BY 15. Rocks Do Not Touch Herald 90 Seconds. 2 pieces.
Potion from Pharomones – AddItem (‘Pharomone Potion Nekker 1’)
INCREASES TOXICITY BY 15. Nears Do Not Touch Herald 90 Seconds. 2 pieces
Wolf Hour – AddItem (‘Wolf Hour’)
Reduces The Required Level For Items for 2. Works 1 Hour.
Elixir Cleansing – AddItem (‘Clearing Potion’)
Antidote from Pop Mold – AddItem (‘Pops Antidote’)
INCREASES TOXICITY BY 25. Gives Immunity To Pops Mold For 360 Seconds. 3 Pieces.Question Codes
AddItem (‘Q101_Kendrik_Trapdoor_Key’) – Genther’s Key
AddItem (‘Q202_Navigator_Horn’) – Rorn Rorn
AddItem (‘Q103_Medallion’) -talisman
AddItem (‘Q103_BOTCH_BLOOD’) – Igoshi Blood
AddItem (‘Q103_Talisman’) – Wooden Amulet
AddItem (‘Q104_OILLAMP’) – Eyes
Additem (‘Q105_Johnnys_Doll’) – Sealed Bottle
AddItem (‘Q105_RAVENS_FEATHER’) – Voronovo Pen
AddItem (‘Q105_RITUAL_DAGGER’) – Ritual Stiletto
AddItem (‘Q105_SOLTIS_EAR’) – Ear Strets
AddItem (‘Q105_WITCH_BONES’) – Women’s Remains
AddItem (‘Q106_Magic_Communicator’) – Xenovox
AddItem (‘Q106_anabelle_remains’) – Abandi
AddItem (‘Q106_anabelle_vial’) – Bottle Of Elixir
AddItem (‘Q108_NECKLET’) – Old Necklace
AddItem (‘Q109_Popiels_Formula’) – Alexander’s Notes
AddItem (‘Q111_fugas_Top_Key’) – Key With A Mountain
AddItem (‘Q111_Falkas_Coin’) – Oren Of SMutians
AddItem (‘Q111_imlerith_acorn’) – Magic Acorn
AddItem (‘Q201_MEAD’) – Honey
AdditeMem (‘Q201_Pine_Cone’) – Bump
AddItem (‘Q201_SKULL’) – Skull
AddItem (‘Q202_Shackles’) – Brackets
AddItem (‘Q202_Sail’) – Sail
AddItem (‘Q202_Nails’) – Nails
AddItem (‘Q203_Broken_Eyeofloki’) – Broken Mask of the Voltage
AddItem (‘Q203_CHEST_KEY’) – The Key From The Basement
AddItem (‘Q203_BROKSVARD’) – Brokin
AddItem (‘Q206_Wine_Sample’) – Honey Residues
AddItem (‘Q210_Avallach_Notes_01’) – Notes on the Death of Oberon
AddItem (‘Q210_avallach_Notes_02’) – Quarantir’s Successes
AddItem (‘Q210_Avallach_lover_Notes’) – Tales and Legends ABOUT PEOPLE
AddItem (‘Q210_SOLARSTEIN’) – Sunny Stone
AddItem (‘Q301_ROSE_REMEMBRANCE’) – Rose of Memory
AddItem (‘Q301_TRISS_PARCEL’) – Leather Bundle
AddItem (‘Q301_Magic_rat_incense’) – Magic Incense
AddItem (‘Q301_Haunted_Doll’) – Rag Doll
AddItem (‘Q301_BURDOCK’) – A Rag Doll
AddItem (‘Q302_ESTATE_KEY’) – The Key To the Shelter Bastard of the Young
AddItem (‘Q001_Bedroom_Key’) – The Key To the Bedroom
AddItem (‘Q302_Ring_Door_Key’) – Igor Key
AddItem (‘Q303_BOMB_FRAGMENT’) – Fragment of the Silver Cylinder
AddItem (‘Q303_BOMB_CAP’) – Silver Cover
AddItemEm (‘Q303_Wine_Bottle’) – Bottle Of Wine
AddItem (‘Q305_Dandelion_Signet’) – Peregas Print
AddItem (‘Q309_Key_Piece1’) – Key
AddItem (‘Q309_Key_Piece2’) – Key
AddItem (‘Q309_Key_Piece3’) – Key
AddItem (‘Q309_Three_Keys_Combined’) – Key
AddItem (‘Q310_Wine’) – Aged Wine From Tussgen
AddItem (‘Q310_Ler’) – Lever
AddItem (‘Q310_Sewer_Door_Key’) – Channel Key
AddItem (‘Q310_CELL_KEY’) – Camera Key
AddItem (‘Q310_BACKDOOR_KEY’) – Key
AddItem (‘Q401_TRISS_EARRING’) – Sergey TRISS
AddItem (‘Q401_Bread’) – Bread
AddItem (‘Q401_Cheese’) – Cheese
AddItem (‘Q401_Trial_Key_ingRedient_a’) – Vilhor Willtore
AddItem (‘Q401_TRial_Key_ingred_B’) – Manticory Braces
AddItem (‘Q401_TRial_Key_ingred_C’) – Language Brooksa Albinos
AddItem (‘Q401_Bucket_and_rag’) – Bucket and Rag
AddItem (‘Yennefers_omelette’) – Omelet for Yenifer
AddItem (‘yennefers_omelette_fantasie’) – OMLE A LA Heralet From Rivia
AddItem (‘scrambled_eggs’) – Scrambled Eggs
AddItem (‘Q401_DiSgusting_meal’) – Discusting Food
AddItem (‘Q401_Avalchs_Wisp’) – Magic Fireflies
AddItem (‘Q504_FISH’) – Dark
AddItem (‘Q505_GEMS’) – Jewelry Casket
AddItem (‘SQ101_SAFE_GOODS’) – Parcel for Caire
AddItem (‘SQ104_Key’) – Brand Key
AddItem (‘SQ107_Vault_Key’) – The Key From The Home of the Weping
AddItem (‘SQ108_Smith_Tools’) – First-Class Blacksmith Tools
AddItem (‘SQ108_ACID_GLAND’) – Enginifon ELOGIC
AddItem (‘SQ201_WEREWOLF_MEAT’) – Wolp Meat
additem (‘SQ201_ROTTENT_MEAT’) – Rotting Meat
AddItem (‘SQ201_CURSED_JEWEL’) – Damned Fang
AddItem (‘SQ201_PADLOCK_KEY’) – Key From The Castle
AddItem (‘SQ201_CHAMBER_KEY’) – Temple Key
AddItem (‘SQ202_Half_Seal’) – Broken SEAL
AddItem (‘SQ204_WOLF_HEART’) – Wolf’s Heart
AddItem (‘SQ204_Leshy_Talisman’) – Leshego Talisman
AddItem (‘SQ205_FERNFLOWER_PETAL’) – Kurosalep Flower
Additemved_mash ‘) – Malt
Additem (‘sq205_moonshine_spirit’) – Skeligi Alcohol
AddItem (‘SQ302_Crystal’) – Polished Crystal
AddItem (‘SQ302_Generator_3’) – Crystal
AddItem (‘SQ302_EYES’) – Damaged Eyes
AddItem (‘SQ302_Agates’) – AGAT
AddItem (‘SQ305_Conduct’) – Redan Greeting
AddItem (‘SQ305_TROPHIES’) – Beliki Tail
AddItem (‘MQ0002_BOX’) – TURNS WITH A Commodity
AddItem (‘MQ0004_Thalers_Monocle’) – Broken Monocle
AddItem (‘MQ0004_Frying_Pan’) – Cast Iron Puff
AddItem (‘MQ1001_Locker_Key’) – Key
AddItem (‘MQ1002_artifact_1’) – Bachelor Figurine
AddItem (‘MQ1002_artifact_2’) – Bull Figurine
AddItem (‘MQ1002_artifact_3’) – Snake Figurine
AddItem (‘MQ1022_PAINT’) – Paints
AddItem (‘MQ1010_RING’) – Wedding Ring
additem (‘MQ1050_DRAGON_ROOT’) – DRAGON ROOT
AddItem (‘SQ310_LEDGER_BOOK’) – Accounting Book
additem (‘CG100_BARONS_NOTES’) – Notes of Baron
AddItem (‘MQ0003_GIRLS_DIARY’) – Yellow Diary
AddItem (‘MQ0004_BURNT_PAPERS’) – Food Paper
AddItem (‘MQ1001_LOCKER_DIARY’) – Druzus Hermit Notes
AddItem (‘MQ1002_aeramas_Journal’) – Note of the Augera Masonry
AddItemas_Journal_2 ‘) – The Last Record of The Sorceress Of The Aerma
AddItem (‘MQ1015_HANG_MAN_NOTE’) – Letter from Nilfgardz Wife
AddItem (‘MQ1014_OLD_MINE_JOURNAL’) – Mason Notes
AddItem (‘sq205_brewing_instructions’) – Vinokur Letter
Additem (‘sq205_brewmasters_log’) – DIARY OF THE DIACYT
AddItem (‘SQ210_GOG_BOOK’) – Global Gotfride Lock
AddItem (‘SQ304_LEDGER_BOOK’) – Settlement Book
AddItem (‘sq302_philippa_letter’) – Letter Philip
AddItem (‘sq303_robbery_speech’) – script
AddItem (‘sq306_sacha_letter’) – Piste Of Cantarella
AddItem (‘SQ102_DOLORES_DIARY’) – Diary Dolores from Rodadon
AddItem (‘SQ102_HUBERTS_DIARY’) – Diary of the Province from the Rodadon
AddItem (‘SQ102_Loose_Papers’) – PRICKRESS FAREWELL Letter
AddItem (‘SQ104_Notes’) – Mysterious Notes
AddItem (‘SQ106_Manuscript’) – List On Expensive Paper
AddItem (‘SQ106_Hammond_WhereAbouts’) – Hammond’s Disposal
AddItem (‘SQ201_SHIP_MANIFESTO’) – Diary of Morcavre
AddItem (‘SQ202_Book_1’) – Power Of First Elements
AddItem (‘MQ2001_KUILU’) – Kuliu
AddItem (‘MQ2001_HORN’) – Horg Holger Chernukhoe
AddItem (‘MQ2002_SWORD’) – Good Skeliga Sword
AddItem (‘MQ2006_KEY_1’) – Old Key
AddItem (‘MQ2006_KEY_2’) – Old Key
AddItem (‘MQ2030_SHAWL’) – Skeliga Shawl
AddItem (‘MQ2037_DRAKKAR_CHEST_KEY’) – Key Of The Chest
AddItem (‘MQ2038_Headsman_SWord’) – Sword of Horned Horch
AddItem (‘MQ2048_STONE_MEDALION’) – Stone Medallion
AddItem (‘MQ2048_SHIPS_LogBook’) – Ship Magazine
AddItem (‘MQ3012_NOBLE_STATUETTE’) – Jade Statuette
AddItem (‘MQ3012_SOLDIER_STATUETTE’) – Jade Statuette
AddItem (‘MQ3031_MOTHER_OF_PEARL’) – Black Pearl
AddItem (‘MQ3035_philppa_Ring’) – Risomir’s Ring
AddItem (‘MQ3039_LOOT_CHEST_KEY’) – Key
AddItem (‘MQ1051_SPYGLASS’) – Pipe Pipe
AddItem (‘MQ4003_Siren_Ring’) – Silver Algae Ring
AddItem (‘MQ4003_HUSBAND_RING’) – Round Ring
AddItem (‘MQ4004_Boy_remains’) – Boy Remains
AddItem (‘MH103_Killers_Knife’) – Killer Knife
AddItem (‘MH106_hags_Skulls’) – Cherep Cemetery Baba
AddItem (‘MH107_Fiend_Dung’) – Dema
AddItem (‘MH307_minion_Lair_Key’) – The Key From The Basement
AddItem (‘MH308_DAGGER’) – Silver Stiletto
AddItem (‘vivaldis_bill_of_exchange’) – BILL
AddItem (‘Q001_letter_From_yenn’) – Letter From Yenifer
AddItemic_Book ‘) – UNFINISHED BOOK
Additem (‘Q002_yenn_Notes_about_ciri’) – Letter to YeniPher
AddItem (‘Q101_Hendrik_Notes’) – Genther Notes
AddItem (‘Q101_Candle_instruction’) – Note
AddItem (‘Q103_TAMARA_PRAYER’) – Prayer
AddItem (‘Q103_LETTER_FROM_GRADEN_1’) – Letter to Tamara
AddItem (‘Q103_LETTER_FROM_GRADEN_2’) – Mysterious Letter
AddItem (‘Q103_NILFGAARDIAN_DEMAND’) – Requirement of Nilfgardians
AddItem (‘Q103_ABOUT_Eve’) – Letter to God
AddItem (‘Q103_Love_letter’) – Love Letter
AddItem (‘Q103_CURSE_BOOK’) – Obscure Nature Of Curses
AddItem (‘Q103_Safe_Conduct’) – Redan Greeting
additem (‘Q103_Baron_Dagger’) – Baron Dagger
AddItem (‘Q104_Cure_Recipe’) – a Recipe for Warming Ointment
AddItem (‘Q104_Eye_ink_Recipe’) – Recipe for eyelashes
AddItem (‘Q104_aleksander_letter’) – Letter To Alexander
AddItem (‘Q104_avallach_Notes’) – Knocking
AddItem (‘Q104_Avallach_Poetry’) – White Grade Field
AddItem (‘Q105_BOOK_ABOUT_WITCHES’) – Forest Hostesses
AddItem (‘Q105_Marabella_Receptions’) – Newcomers of the Shelter MRS. Marabell
AddItem (‘Q106_NOTE_FROM_KEIRA’) – Letter From Caire
AddItem (‘Q106_ALEXANDER_NOTES_01’) – Diary of Alexander H 1
AddItem (‘Q106_ALEXANDER_NOTES_02’) – Alexander Diary H 2
AddItem (‘Q206_arits_letter’) – Letter To Druid Arrits
AddItem (‘Q206_ARNVALDS_LETTER’) – Letter Arnwald
AddItem (‘Q210_LETTER_FOR_EMHYR’) – Letter Yenifer to Emgyra
AddItem (‘Q301_DRAWING_CRIB’) – Drawing Of The Cradle
AddItem (‘Q301_DRAWING_OVEN’) – Figure Furnace
AddItem (‘Q302_Zdenek_Contract’) – Certificate
AddItem (‘Q302_igor_Note’) – Message From Igor
AddItem (‘Q302_ROChe_letter’) – Mysterious Letter
AddItem (‘Q302_Dijkstras_Notes’) – Notes Dixers
AddItem (‘Q302_RICO_THUGS_NOTES’) – List of Debtors
AddItem (‘Q302_Casino_Register’) – Parish-Case
AddItem (‘Q302_Roche_Report’) – Report
AddItem (‘Q302_CRAFTER_NOTES’) – Notes of Balton Dubis
additem (‘Q302_Whoreson_letter_to_radowid’) – Letter Bastard Young To Radu
AddItem (‘Q303_Note_For_ciri’) – Mysterious Note
AddItem (‘Q303_Dududus_Briefing’) – Letter DUD
AddItem (‘Q303_Contact_Note’) – Letter to Caleba Menge
AddItem (‘Q303_MARKED_BIBLE’) – Holy Book Caleb Menge
AddItem (‘Q304_Dandelion_Diary’) – Litique Championship
AddItem (‘Q201_Yen_Journal_1’) – Diary Yenifer
AddItem (‘Q201_Poisoned_Source’) – Poisoned Source
AddItem (‘Q201_Wild_hunt_Book’) – Tradition Skeliga About Wild Hunting
AddItem (‘Q201_CRIMINAL’) – Corpse from Novigrad
AddItem (‘Q304_letter_1’) – Letter from the Adorable
AddItem (‘Q304_letter_2’) – Letter From France
AddItem (‘Q304_letter_3’) – a Letter from Dogumila de Rabe
AddItem (‘Q304_Dandelion_Ballad’) – Balds
AddItem (‘Q304_priscilla_letter’) – Letter to Lutchik
AddItem (‘Q304_ambasador_letter’) – Diplomatic Report
AddItem (‘Q304_ROSA_Lover_letter’) – Love Letter
AddItem (‘Q305_Script_drama_Title1’) – Remote Saved
AddItem (‘Q305_Script_drama_Title2’) – Doppler
AddItemM (‘Q305_Script_Comedy_Title1’) – Remote Saved or Triumph Witcher
AddItem (‘Q305_Script_Comedy_Title2’) – Doppler
AddItem (‘Q305_Script_for_irina’) – Copy of the Play for Madame Irene
AddItemEm (‘Q308_Coroner_MSG’) – Message for Governor Rake
AddItem_1 ‘) – The First Sermon Not Indifferent
Additem (‘Q308_Sermon_2’) – The Second Preaching Of The Non-Indifference
additem (‘Q308_Sermon_3’) – The Third Sermon Not Indifferent
additem (‘Q308_Sermon_4’) – The Fourth Sermon Not Indifferent
additem (‘Q308_Sermon_5’) – The Fifth Sermon Not Indifferent
AddItem (‘Q308_PSYCHO_FAREWELL’) – Letter from the Governor Rake
AddItem (‘Q308_VegelBud_invite’) – Letter Found on The Body Of Joris Aquinus
AddItem (‘Q308_priscilla_invite’) – Letter Found On The Body Of A Carpenter
AddItem (‘Q308_anneke_invite’) – a Letter of Killer
AddItem (‘Q308_last_invite’) – Letter Found on The Body Of the Victim
AddItem (‘SQ101_Shipment_List’) – Letter Positive
AddItem (‘Q309_Note_From_Varese’) – CRUMPLED Letter
AddItem (‘Q309_WITCH_HUNERS_Orders’) – Orders of Hunters for Sorcerers
AddItem (‘q309_glejt_from_dijkstra’) – Security Mission Of The Eternal Flame
AddItem (‘Q309_MSSG_FROM_TRISS’) – Nudeshev Note
AddItem (‘Q309_Key_Letters’) – Letter About Vlade
AddItem (‘Q309_Key_Orders’) – Round Leaf
AddItem (‘Q310_Journal_Notes_1’) – Notes Poinanngo Correction
AddItem (‘Q310_Journal_Notes_2’) – List of Prisoners
AddItem (‘Q311_LOST_DIARY1’) – Ervila Diary
AddItem (‘Q311_LOST_DIARY2’) – Diary of the City Secretary
AddItem (‘Q311_LOST_DIARY3’) – Notes Anna
AddItem (‘Q311_LOST_DIARY4’) – Note of the Motorizer
AddItem (‘Q311_aen_elle_Notes’) – Report
AddItem (‘Q401_Yen_Journal_2’) – Note Yenifer
AddItem (‘Q403_Treaty’) – Northern Wars World of Lies and Half
AddItem (‘Q110_BILL_OF_EXCHANGE’) – Imperial Bill
AddItem (‘Q310_YEN_TRINKET’) – Magic Baule Yenifer
AdditeMem (‘Q310_Explorer_Note’) – Empty Letter
AddItem (‘Yennefers Dress’) – Yenifer Pants
AddItem (‘Florens’) – Florena
AddItem (‘Orens’) – Oren
AddItem (‘An_Skellige_Map’) – Guide to the Academy of Scarlet
AddItem (‘ard_skellige_map’) – Travel Guide for Ard Skeliga
AdDItem (‘Faroe_map’) – Fararam Travel Guide
AddItem (‘hindarsfjal_map’) – Guide for Hinersfyal
AddItem (‘undvik_map’) – Dowvika Guide
AddItem (‘SPIKEROOG_MAP’) – Speaker Guide
AddItem (‘OIL LAMP’) – Lamp for Perfume (Other Not Caire)
AddItem (‘Illusion Medallion’) – Eye Is Not Good
AddItem (‘Q103_BELL’) – Bell Glad
AddItem (‘Q203_EyeFloki’) – Mask of Umoboros
AddItem (‘PotestAquisitor’) – PigSvestivizer
Additemy (‘Ciris_Phylactery’) – Filacteria
AddItem (‘Q403_Ciri_Meteor’) – Activator from TRISS
AddItem (‘MH107_czart_Lure’) – Primaka
ADDMISC – Items for Quests (Camera Light)
AddQUESTEMS1 – Items for Quests (SET1)
AddQUESTEMS2 – Items for Quests (SET2)
AddQUESTEMS3 – Items for Quests (SET3)
AddTreasureHuntiTems – Books for Tasks
AddCharacterDecorages – Masks for Task, What You Need to Do to Enter Cheat Codes on Alcohol. Find On Your Computer Folder With The Installed Game Witcher 3, Its Standard Location Here – (Steam \ Steamapps \ COMMON \ THE WITCHER 3 Wild Hunt \ Bin \ Config \ Base).
NEXT WE NEED A FILE CALLED GENERAL.ini. Open A File Using A Notepad and Add a “Dbgconcoleon = True” Line At the End of the String and Save the File.
Go to the Game. Press Tilda (~) and ENTER THE CODES You Are Interested in. Have a Nice Game.

Codes on Alcohol
Ervelaus – AddItem (‘Erveluce’) – restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points in 1 Second During Battle, The Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Temptation of Diykstra – AddItem (‘Dijkstra Dry’) – Restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points in 1 Second During Battle, The Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Bokler’s White Wine – AddItem (‘Beauclair White’) – Restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points for 1 Second During Battle, The Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Pink Wine From Methines – AddItem (‘Mettina Rose’) – Restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points For 1 Second During Battle, The Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Wine Est Est – AddItem (‘Est Est’) – Restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points For 1 Second During Battle, The Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

White Wolf – AddItem (‘White Wolf’) – Restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points For 1 Second During Battle, The Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Local Pertovka – AddItem (‘Local Pepper Vodka’) – Restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points for 1 Second During Battle, The Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Vysiman Champion – AddItem (‘Viziman Champion’) – Restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points In 1 Second During Battle, Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Rvian Fruit – AddItem (‘Rivian Kriek’) – Restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points for 1 Second During Battle, The Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Caeden Stout – AddItem (‘Kaedwenian Stout’) – Restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points for 1 Second During Battle, The Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Redanskoye Light – AddItem (‘Redanian Lager’) – Restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points In 1 Second During Battle, Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Alkales – AddItem (‘Alcohest’) – Restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points in 1 Second During Battle, The Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Bokler’s White Wine – AddItem (‘Beauclair White’) – Restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points for 1 Second During Battle, The Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Cherry Tincture from Sprit – AddItem (‘Cherry Cordial’) – Regeneras 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points for 1 Second During Battle, The Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Temptation of dicastra – AddItem (‘Dijkstra Dry’) – Restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points in 1 Second During Battle, The Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Krasnlolyudsky Alcohol – AddItem (‘dwarven Spirit’) – Restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points For 1 Second During Battle, The Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Ervelaus Wine – AddItem (‘Erveluce’) – restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points in 1 Second During Battle, The Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Caeden Statuta – AddItem (‘Kaedwenian Stout’) – Restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points for 1 Second During Battle, The Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Mahakamsky Alcohol – AddItem (‘Mahakam Spirit’) – Restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points For 1 Second During Battle, The Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Pink Wine From Methines – AddItem (‘Mettina Rose’) – Restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points For 1 Second During Battle, The Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Nilfgard Limonon – AddItem (‘NILFGAARDIAN LEMON’) – Restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points In 1 Second During Battle, The Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Redanskaya Vodka – AddItem (‘Local Pepper Vodka’) – Restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points for 1 Second During Battle, The Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Redanskaya Stomach – AddItem (‘Redanian Herbal’) – Restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points for 1 Second During Battle, The Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Redanskoye Light – AddItem (‘Redanian Lager’) – Restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points In 1 Second During Battle, Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Rvian Fruit – AddItem (‘Rivian Kriek’) – Restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points for 1 Second During Battle, The Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Temer Rzhane – AddItem (‘Temerian Rye’) – Restores 50 Health Points, Regenerates 50 Health Points In 1 Second During Battle, The Effect Lasts 5 Seconds.

Alcohol – AddDrinks – Adds All Alcohol.Codes on the oil
AddItem (‘CURSED OIL 1’) – Oil from Damned
AddItem (‘CURSED OIL 2’) – Improved Oil from Damned
AddItem (‘CURSED OIL 3’) – Excellent Oil From Damned
AddItem (‘Necrophage Oil 1’) – Oil Against Cradles
AddItem (‘Necrophage Oil 2’) – Improved Oil Against Troadov
AddItem (‘Necrophage Oil 3’) – Excellent Oil Against Crap
AddItem (‘Specter Oil 1’) – Oil Against Ghosts
AddItem (‘Specter Oil 2’) – Improved Ghost Oil
AddItem (‘Specter Oil 3’) – Excellent Oil Against Ghosts
AddItem (‘BEAST OIL 1’) – Oil Against Animals
AddItem (‘BEAST OIL 2’) – Improved Butter Against Animals
AddItem (‘BEAST OIL 3’) – Excellent Butter Against Animals
AddItem (‘Hybrid Oil 1’) – Oil Against Hybrids
AddItem (‘Hybrid Oil 2’) – Improved Hybrid Oil
AddItem (‘Hybrid Oil 3’) – Excellent Oil Against Hybrids
AddItem (‘Insectoid Oil 1’) – Oil Against Insectoids
AddItem (‘Insectoid Oil 2’) – Improved Oil Against Insectidam
AddItem (‘Insectoid Oil 3’) – Excellent Oil Against Insectidoids
AddItem (‘Vampire Oil 1’) – Oil from vampires
AddItem (‘Vampire Oil 2’) – Improved Vampire Oil
AddItem (‘Vampire Oil 3’) – Great Oil From Vampiro

Makeitrain – Rain
StopRain – Remove The Rain

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