Tropico 4: Cheat Codes

Home » Video Game Cheats » Tropico 4: Cheat Codes
December 16, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Tropico 4: Cheat Codes

trabajono – unlock all missions

Tropico 4: Cheat Codes Free Download

speedygonzales – instant building
iamthestate – no prerequisites for decrees
elpollodiablo – Instant Victory
muchopesos – gives $ 100,000
whiskey – +20 in US relations
nowhiskey – -20 in US relations
vodka – +20 in relations with the USSR
novodka – -20 in relations with the USSR
twoheadedllama – Increased tourist rating to 100
pachangasi – increasing the happiness of the population
dinggratz – maximum worker experience, instant finish
cheguevara – Summon a rebel attack on a building
downwiththetyrant – summon a rebel attack on the palace
generalpenultimo – trigger a military coup
civilwar – cause an uprising
vivala0 – cause arbitrary sabotage activity
vivala1 – Cause attempted murder
vivala2 – cause hostage taking
vivala3 – cause explosion threat
vivala4 – Call workers strike
vivala5 – media takeover

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