Two Worlds 2: Frequently Used Codes

Home » Video Game Cheats » Two Worlds 2: Frequently Used Codes
September 9, 2020
11 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Two Worlds 2: Frequently Used Codes


Two Worlds 2: Frequently Used Codes Free Download

ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_02 1 – Hemlock (elixir of enhanced action)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_09 1 – Viper (Removes the effect of all poisons)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_10 1 – Shoes (change action elixir)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_34 1 – Unicorn Horn (recovers 5000 HP)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_50 1 – Undead Kadik (80% electricity protection)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_55 1 – Dragon Eye (75% fire protection)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_57 1 – Golem Life Crystal (additional time 2 minutes)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_104 1 – Mummy’s brain (hero resurrects with 60% HP)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_106 1 – Master’s finger (makes the hero invisible for 1 min)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_142 1 – Eye of the Scythian (recovers 3500 MP)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_155 1 ​​- Werewolf spine (400% super jump 2 minutes)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_161 1 – Snake liver (80% protection from poison)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_171 1 – Eye of the Cyclops (Reflects 150% damage and damages the attacker)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_192 1 – Scapular Brain (Allows you to walk on water for 3 minutes)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_200 1 – Code for termite eggs (100 life units)

god 1 ………….. level 100, all skills, God Mode
healH ………….. full health
AddGold # ………. Add gold (# = qty)
SetGold # ………. set the amount of gold (# = amount)
AddSkillPoints # … add skill points (# = qty)
AddParamPoints # … add parameter points (# = number)
AddExperiencePoints # ….. add experience points (# = count)
SetStrength # …… set the number of strength points (# = Amount)
ResetFog ……….. removes the fog of war
ec.dbg levelup ….. level up
ec.dbg skills …… unlock all skills
ec.dbg iamcheater ….. set all attributes to 1000
ec.dbg levelup10 …… adds 10 levels
ec.AddObjectToInventory [code] [#] ……. Adds item to inventory (list below)

Cheat Codes of Items

Example: ec.AddObjectToInventory ep_leather 100

ep_leather – skin
ep_steel – steel
ep_fabric – fabric
ep_chainmail – chain mail details
ep_wood – wood
ep_metal – metal
ep_fire – essence of fire
ep_necro – essence of death
ep_air – air essence
ep_earth – essence of earth
ep_water – essence of water
Bonus item codes

CODE: …………………. Result:
3542-3274-8350-6064 …….. two-handed sword
4149-3083-9823-6545 …….. Dragon Scale Armor
3654-0091-3399-0994 …….. two-handed hammer
6972-5760-7685-8477 …….. Map of the maze (it sucks better download my file) (or the link the file was taken by the ATP to him / cheats / 43319 /)
6. Cheat Codes for Ingredients.
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_02 1 – Hemlock (elixir of enhanced action)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_09 1 – Viper (Removes the effect of all poisons)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_10 1 – Shoes (change action elixir)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_34 1 – Unicorn Horn (recovers 5000 HP)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_50 1 – Undead Kadik (80% electricity protection)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_55 1 – Dragon Eye (75% fire protection)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_57 1 – Golem Life Crystal (additional time 2 minutes)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_104 1 – Mummy’s brain (hero resurrects with 60% HP)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_106 1 – Master’s finger (makes the hero invisible for 1 min)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_142 1 – Eye of the Scythian (recovers 3500 MP)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_155 1 ​​- Werewolf spine (400% super jump 2 minutes)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_161 1 – Snake liver (80% protection from poison)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_171 1 – Eye of the Cyclops (Reflects 150% damage and damages the attacker)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_192 1 – Scapular Brain (Allows you to walk on water for 3 minutes)
ec.addobjecttoinventory ing_200 1 – Termite Egg Code
Instead of 1 at the end, the right amount of ingredient.
the following codes are useful to whom
immortal 1 or god 1 – immortality
healH – Health
AddGold # – Add # of gold
SetGold # – Get # of gold
AddSkillPoints # – Add # of skills
AddParamPoints # – Add # of points
AddExperiencePoints # – Add # of experience
SetStrength # – Get # strength
ResetFog – Open Map
kill – kill any object. ATTENTION! Using this code, you can kill the main villain so as not to go through the whole game.
Weapon Stones:
art_add_electric50 – Electric Damage + 50
art_add_poison50 – Poison Damage +50
art_add_fire50 – Fire Damage +50
art_add_spirit50 – Mental Damage +50
art_add_cold50 – Cold Damage +50

Book of Magic:
School of Air Magic
magic_lighting – Lightning
magic_heal – Healing
magic_bless – Blessing
magic_destroyundead – Destroy Undead
magic_push – Push
magic_concentration – Concentration
magic_shieldofmagic – Magic Shield
magic_regeneration Regeneration
magic_lightingshield – Lightning Shield
magic_push_wave – Shockwave
magic_aid – Help
magic_summon_air_elemental – Angel – Guardian
magic_lightingstorm – Electric Storm
magic_strengthofgod – Divine Strength
magic_resurrection – Recovery

School of Water Magic
magic_icebolt – IceArrow
magic_confusion – Confusion
magic_summon_reaper – Summon Demon
magic_freezingwave – Cold Wave
magic_shadow – Shadow
magic_iceshield – Ice Shield
magic_summon_spider – Summon Spider
magic_iceray – Ice Ray
magic_unsummon – Drive the Monster away
magic_summon_wyvern – Summon Wyvern
magic_protfromfire – Fire Protection
magic_summon_scorpio – Summon Scorpio
magic_blizzard – Tempest
magic_summoningaura – Summoning Aura

School of Fire Magic
magic_firebolt – Fire Arrow
magic_firewall – Fire Wall
magic_overpower – Gain
magic_summon_minion – Summon Octogron
magic_fireball – Fireball
magic_firering – Ring of Fire
magic_fireshield – Fire Shield
magic_firespray – Fire Spray
magic_firefield – Field of Fire
magic_summon_hellwarrior – Summon Underworld Warrior
magic_firewave – Fire Wave
magic_chaosrage – Madness
magic_summon_devil – Summon the Devil
magic_meteor – Meteor
magic_summon_hellmaster – Summon the Knight of the Underworld

School of Earth Magic
magic_spikes – Spikes
magic_chains – Chains
magic_rustweapon – Rusty Weapon
magic_ironskin – Steel Skin
magic_magichammer – Magic Hammer
magic_rustarmour – Rusty Armor
magic_summon_stonegolem – Summon Stone Golem
magic_stonewall – Stone Wall
magic_adamantium – Adamantite Shield
magic_summon_irongolem – Summon Iron Golem
magic_eruption – Earthquake
magic_ivy – Creeping Ivy
magic_earthblessing – Earth Blessing
magic_summon_adamegolem – Summon Adamite Golem

School of Necromancy
magic_poinsonblade – Poisoned Blade
magic_corpseconversion – Corpse Processing
magic_bonearmour – Bone Armor
magic_summon_skeleton – Summon Skeleton
magic_poinsondart – Poisoned Arrow
magic_deadhands – Dead Man’s Hand
magic_poinsonshield – Poisoned Shield
magic_summon_archer – Summon Skeleton – Archer
magic_poinsoncloud – Poisonous Cloud
magic_disease – Disease
magic_leechaura – Leech Aura
magic_summoun_ghoul – Summon Ghoul
magic_necropower – Power of Necromancy
magic_auraofdeath – Aura of Death
MO_HORSE_01 – create a horse (01 – light class, 10 – heavy)
MO_MUTARI_01 – Orc Horse
some kind of dead end
Here are the ingredients obtained by the img _ ### code, where ### is listed below
Do not forget to activate the codes TwoWorldsCheats 1
Those numbers that are missing, nothing falls out of them, such a command does not exist
Remember respect for each other!

10-shoes (will change the action of the elixir)
11-eyelash (accuracy + 20%)
12-lavender (restores 1000 health units)
13-sniper (strength + 15%)
14-paturine (strength + 15%)
15-Holly (Strength + 15%)
16-clematis (stamina + 20%)
17th centaury (stamina + 15%)
18-saffron (70% fire protection)
19-North Iceroot (Willpower + 15%)
20 forest firecracker (additional time 1min)
21-foxglove (protection from electricity 70%)
22-gum (stamina + 15%)
23-eagle ship (restores 650 health units)
24-enemy (70% spiritual damage protection)
25-anemone (accuracy + 15%)
26-elecampane (stamina + 15%)
27 child of the mountains (restores 300 health units)
28-aconite (additional time 30sec)
29-angelica (creates an elixir of enhanced action)
30-woodman (removes damage from all poisons)
32-beaver fat (restores 1300 health units)
33-pigeon liver (removes damage from all poisons)
34-unicorn horn (restores 5000 health)
35-feather fretboard (extra time 1min)
39-Piece Fur (Stamina + 20%)
40-pearl (lets you walk on water)
41-spider iron (removes damage from all poisons)
Scorpion’s 42 venom gland (60% poison protection)
43-mantis egg (willpower + 30%)
44-honoring the dragon (stamina + 50%)
45-wolf heart (restores 400 mana)
46-bear claw (strength + 10%)
47-kobaniy tusk (fire protection 50%)
48-lacrimal gland of the wyvern (70% protection against poison)
49-bersek muscle (strength + 30%)
50-Adam’s apple of the undead (80% electricity protection)
51-spine (the hero becomes with 50% health)
52 Necris Bone Marrow (Accuracy + 20%)
53-ghoul brains (willpower + 45%)
54-Demon Eye (75% electricity protection)
55-Demon Eye (75% fire protection)
56-heartless heart (change elixir action)
57-crystal of life of Gaullem (additional time 2min)
58-wasp wing (70% electricity protection)
59-Meat (Strength + 20%)
60-fox liver (50% electricity protection)
65-Piece Fur (Stamina + 20%)
100-hyena heart (restores 500 health units)
101 mutated hyena liver (50% fire protection)
102-ostrich feather (70% electricity protection)
103-immobile staci lung (accuracy + 10%)
104-mummy brains (the hero becomes with 60% health)
105-white spider eye (accuracy + 30%)
106-finger of the master (makes the hero invisible)
107 mutated heart of varn (restores 1250 health units)
108-immobile jaw of necris (willpower + 20%)
110-warthog tusk (additional time 1min)
111-mutated warthog bud (removes damage from all poisons)
112-eye of a reptile (damage taken is reduced by 40% and mana is spent instead of health)
114-rotten heart (1min extra time)
116-brains of the undead (protection from spiritual damage 75%)
117-rotten liver (75% cold protection)
119-Rotten Ridge (70% Spirit Defense)
120-wing ant (75% electricity protection)
121-ant brains (willpower + 20%)
122-baboon tongue (extra time 1min)
123-baboon lung (restores 1000 mana)
124-cat’s eye (restores 350 units of mana)
125-cat heart (strength + 10%)
126-Crusher Tongue (75% fire protection)
127-crusher heart (reflects 130% of damage taken and damages the enemy)
130-Eye of the Dragon (Willpower + 50%)
136-Gargoyle Wing Membrane (Willpower + 30%)
137-Gargoyle’s Eye (75% Fire Res)
138-skin of the shai-tan (70% electricity protection)
140-horn of a rhinoceros (change elixir action)
141-rhino skin (50% electricity protection)
142-eye of the Scythians (restores 3500 units of mana)
143-Scythian brain (willpower + 45%)
144-poisonous gland of the tail (protection from poison 75%)
145-tail tail tip (75% electricity protection)
146-crumbled hide (stamina + 30%)
147-rotted double liver (restores 2500 mana)
148-leraf’s all-seeing eye (70% electricity protection)
150-tongue tripod (additional time 2min)
151-Ttripog Brain (Willpower + 30%)
152-eye tripod (change elixir action)
153-Light Tripod (Create Empowered Elixir)
154-werewolf skin (80% electricity protection)
155-werewolf spine (allows super jump, 400% of total height)
157-parrot egg (restores 1200 units of health)
158-Giant Droser Egg (Restores 1200 Health)
159-egg (restores 1100 mana)
160-heart of a young beaver (protection from cold 50%)
161-snake liver (poison protection 80%)
164-sting (70% poison protection)
169-Golem Life Scroll (65% fire protection)
171-Eye of Cyclops (Reflects 150% of damage taken and deals damage to enemies)
173-Demon Heart (Create Powerful Elixir)
176-Undead Brain (Willpower + 30%)
178-ghoul’s heart (change elixir action)
180-blind wyvern eye (makes hero invisible)
181-praying mantis claw (create heavy duty elsir)
182-scorpion claw (strength + 20%)
183-spider eye (makes hero invisible)
184-vein of a reptile (protection from electricity 75%)
185-ghoul wolf sinew (strength + 30%)
186-vein of a bear (stamina + 10%)
187-wolf sinew (create an elixir of enhanced action)
189-Menon’s heart (strength + 50%)
191-heart of trachida (extra time 1min)
192-Scapular Brain (lets you walk on water)
193-scapular heart (restores 2250 mana)
195-jaw with gold teeth (item)
200-termite eggs (quest)
202-mint roots (51% poison protection)
222-seagull’s beak (restores 300 health units)
223-raven feather (restores 300 health)
224-Myrmidon Skull (Strength + 30%)
225-scarab shell (hero is resurrected with 30% health)

Example: img_200

Do not forget to activate the codes TwoWorldsCheats 1
I ask you to evaluate my work, and not to scoff)))
Don’t forget to enter img _ ###
Do not enter the number, because will still give 1pc.
Look for ingredients on the ground near the character (1 meter maximum)))
DOOM was with you, ATP for your attention!!!
ec.addobjecttoinventory armor_031
ec.addobjecttoinventory trousers_031
ec.addobjecttoinventory gloves_031
ec.addobjecttoinventory boots_031 (not working)
ec.addobjecttoinventory helm_031
Forged Mail Armor Set (Required Level 25)

ec.addobjecttoinventory armour_024
ec.addobjecttoinventory trousers_024
ec.addobjecttoinventory gloves_024
ec.addobjecttoinventory boots_024
ec.addobjecttoinventory helm_024
Dwarven Valor Pack (Required Level 50)

ec.addobjecttoinventory armour_023
ec.addobjecttoinventory trousers_023
ec.addobjecttoinventory gloves_023
ec.addobjecttoinventory boots_023
ec.addobjecttoinventory helm_023
Elven Armor Set (Required Level 45)

ec.addobjecttoinventory armour_022
ec.addobjecttoinventory trousers_022
ec.addobjecttoinventory gloves_022
ec.addobjecttoinventory boots_022
ec.addobjecttoinventory helm_022
Orcicide Armor Set (Required Level 40)

ec.addobjecttoinventory armour_021
ec.addobjecttoinventory trousers_021
ec.addobjecttoinventory gloves_021
ec.addobjecttoinventory boots_021
ec.addobjecttoinventory helm_021
Royal Armor Set (Required Level 35)

ec.addobjecttoinventory armour_013
ec.addobjecttoinventory trousers_013
ec.addobjecttoinventory gloves_013
ec.addobjecttoinventory boots_013
ec.addobjecttoinventory helm_013
Mercenary Armor Set (Required Level 30)

ec.addobjecttoinventory armour_012
ec.addobjecttoinventory trousers_012
ec.addobjecttoinventory gloves_012
ec.addobjecttoinventory boots_012
ec.addobjecttoinventory helm_012
Combat Armor Set (Required Level 26)

ec.addobjecttoinventory armour_011
ec.addobjecttoinventory trousers_011
ec.addobjecttoinventory gloves_011
ec.addobjecttoinventory boots_011
ec.addobjecttoinventory helm_011
Set of light elven armor (required level 22)

ec.addobjecttoinventory armour_005
ec.addobjecttoinventory trousers_005
ec.addobjecttoinventory gloves_005
ec.addobjecttoinventory boots_005
ec.addobjecttoinventory helm_005
Leather armor set (required level 18)

ec.addobjecttoinventory armour_004
ec.addobjecttoinventory trousers_004
ec.addobjecttoinventory gloves_004
ec.addobjecttoinventory boots_004
ec.addobjecttoinventory helm_004
Set of leather armor (required level 15)

ec.addobjecttoinventory armour_003
ec.addobjecttoinventory trousers_003
ec.addobjecttoinventory gloves_003
ec.addobjecttoinventory boots_003
ec.addobjecttoinventory helm_003
Set of leather armor (required level 12)

ec.addobjecttoinventory armour_002
ec.addobjecttoinventory trousers_002
ec.addobjecttoinventory gloves_002
ec.addobjecttoinventory boots_002
ec.addobjecttoinventory helm_002
Set of leather armor (required level 8)

ec.addobjecttoinventory armour_001
ec.addobjecttoinventory trousers_001
ec.addobjecttoinventory gloves_001
ec.addobjecttoinventory boots_001
ec.addobjecttoinventory helm_001
Set of leather armor (required level 4)

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