Press the tilde (~) to open the code entry line.
Tyranny: Cheat Codes Free Download
Then enter:
Iroll20s – turns on cheat mode. Redialing this command – disables.
God is invulnerability for all party members. Re-enter – disables invulnerability.
HealParty – restores stamina and health to all party members.
UnlockAll – Opens all closed containers in the play area.
Rest – free rest. Heals all party members, removes wounds, etc..
Give Money Player X – gives X rings (play money).
AddExperience X – Each party member gets X experience points.
AddExperienceToLevel X – Gives each party member enough experience to get the specified level. Maximum 12.
Skill XYZ – Increases the parameter of the specified skill by the specified amount.
Skill names: Athletics, Dodge, Lore, Parry, Subterfuge, Bows, Staff, Thrown, Unarmed