UnderRail: Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 07/26/2019] {Csimbi}

Home » Video Game Cheats » UnderRail: Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 07/26/2019] {Csimbi}
January 9, 2020
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

UnderRail: Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 07/26/2019] {Csimbi}

The main scripts grants you:

UnderRail: Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 07/26/2019] {Csimbi} Free Download

God mode
Infinite Psi
a shitload of pointers; do what you will with these, teleport if need be
Additional scripts.

Here’s the breakdown for the additional scripts.
Max Carry Weight Mod; scales carry capacity in runtime so you can carry as much crap as you want. It should be easy to enable (even after savegame load). If you still can’t enable it, drop or pick up some item.
XP Gain Mod; scales XP you gain. If you still can’t enable it, gain some XP and try again.
Movement Points Mod; scales the amount of movement point burnt with each step, provided that you hold ALT while moving (decided to do it this way rather than implementing a player / ally check). Set value to 0 for infinite. To enable this script, you will need to take at least one step in combat.
Action Points Mod; scales the amount of action point burnt with each action, provided that you hold ALT while taking the action (decided to do it this way rather than implementing a player / ally check). Set value to 0 for infinite. To enable this script, you will need to take at least one action in combat.
Item Editor; this script has two functions: a) quickly edit amount of items in the inventory grid by simply clicking on an item (disabled by default because it will interfere with shopping interface, too when you hold ALT) and b); to grab the pointer to the last clicked item so you can edit its properties, most importantly the max stack size

UnderRail: Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 07/26/2019] {Csimbi}

. Mind you, you can copy the player’s current weapon pointer here if you don’t want to unequip it and click on it. I guess it’s needless to tell you that to enable this, you will need to click on an item in the inventory grid, right?
Infinite durability; prevents wear & tear on item use. Just fire a weapon or something if you can’t enable it.
Instant Cooldown; Real time any skill cooldown will reset instantly during the real-time phase. If you can’t enable it, just use some skill once (cycle Stealth on / off for example). Once enabled, you also get a subscript called Instant Cooldown; Turn-based. Same logic as with real-time, but it triggers at end of each turn. If you can’t enable it, just use some skill once and hit end turn.

Launch process:
1. Start Cheat Engine, “Load” and select a table
2. “Select a process to open”, select the desired process.
3. Select the desired option, put a cross.

You can download Cheat Engine from our server here.

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