Unturned: Cheat (Cheat by Rezus) []

Home » Video Game Cheats » Unturned: Cheat (Cheat by Rezus) []
January 20, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Unturned: Cheat (Cheat by Rezus) []

Zdarova people!

Unturned: Cheat (Cheat by Rezus) [] Free Download

1.Open the cheat by rezus folders, in it there is also the same folder, only zip, and open it too, then open the unturned root folder, throw Unturned there, replace data (ps if something went wrong, or the exit panel disappeared , then delete everything in the root folder and reinstall Unturned).
2.go to unturned, go to any server and press f1, if the mouse does not move, then press Esc.

3.If you are afraid of waka, then I will say only one thing, I chased with this cheat for several days, there is no waka, and the new anti-cheat is the same, it only fires you at teleports, and bans you on this server for 3kk seconds.

Features of the cheat: Aim bot / lock, treager, esp, vence hack and many others.

The creator of the Rezusic cheat, you can find his channel on YouTube, I just extended the cheat to this site for you.

Happy game; 3 

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