Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War 2: Retribution: Cheat [V2]

Home » Video Game Cheats » Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War 2: Retribution: Cheat [V2]
February 24, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War 2: Retribution: Cheat [V2]

What’s new:

Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War 2: Retribution: Cheat [V2] Free Download

Improved the spawn of all races in skirmish.
Hero spawn changes.

Ctrl + Shift + F1 = Help menu – call the help menu.

Shift + F1 = level up squad (s) – raise squad level
“+ F2 = heal squad (s) – cure squad (s).
“+ F3 = make squad (s) invincible – make the squad unkillable.
“+ F4 = kill selected squad (s) – kill selected units.

Ctrl + F1 = increase requisition – endless requisition
“+ F2 = increase power – endless energy
“+ F3 = increase pop cap – endless population
“+ F4 = decrease pop cap (why would you want to !?) – undo the previous function.
“+ F5 = turn off / on fog of war – remove \ put “fog of war”
“+ F6 = instant unit / upgrade production – quick builds / upgrades
“+ F7 = instant ability recharge – instant recharge of abilities
“+ F8 = toggle AI – AI switch (may not work correctly)
“+ F9 = spawn unit table – call unit table
“+ F10 = spawn wargear – hero challenge

– Unpack autoexec.lua and cheatmod.scar into the game folder.
– Add “-dev” to the game launch shortcut.

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