If you want to get a SUPER unit, do this:
Warlords Battlecry: Cheat Codes Free Download
1) Create any scenario. In the “Army” option, select any unit and
option “characteristic” correct it. Add strength,
speed, armor, etc….
2) Place the building in which this unit will be built and play
into the generated script.
3) Before you win, train your unit in the barracks. Stuff it
4) After the battle, he will be a recruit. Transfer it to the retinue and take
his every battle! And points for recruiting armies are required both for
ordinary fighter!
By the way, if you just instruct SUPER units in the scenario, after the battle
they will not be recruits!
During the game, enter:
IAMATANK – invulnerability
IAMASEER – open the map
IAMALOSER – play the script
IAMAWINNER – win scenario
IAMANARCHMAGE – all spells