Wars & Warriors: Joan of Arc: Cheat Codes

Home » Video Game Cheats » Wars & Warriors: Joan of Arc: Cheat Codes
January 23, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Wars & Warriors: Joan of Arc: Cheat Codes

Enter codes exactly as written!!!

Wars & Warriors: Joan of Arc: Cheat Codes Free Download

In the main menu of the game, enter coronation.
A sound signal will confirm the activation of the cheat mode.
During the game, press [Shift] + [~] after
why enter the following cheat codes:
invincible 1 – invulnerability
unit_level_up – go to the level (number from 2 to 30)
unit_add_str – Get the specified number of units of strength
unit_add_dex – get the specified number of units of agility
unit_add_lea – Get the specified number of units of leadership
unit_add_def – get the specified number of units of protection
unit_add_gold – Get the specified amount of gold coins

Tested on AKELLA version.

    John 11/28/2021

    How do I know that the cheat codes are activated while playing the game?

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