Wasteland 2: Cheat (Cheat Menu)

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By Jonny Gamer

Wasteland 2: Cheat (Cheat Menu)

Cheat mod for Wasteland 2 Director’s Cut

Wasteland 2: Cheat (Cheat Menu) Free Download

Stats (for everyone in the group): Damage 1000, Water 1000, Speed ​​18 (was 6), Protection from radiation / gas 1000, carry weight 30,000, Radius of a watchful eye 30,000 and an angle of up to 360, Fast use of skills and items, Movement speed on the global map increased by 10 times.

  All stats – an increase in all characteristics, skills up to 10, as well as the addition of all talents (except for those when creating a character with negative effects).
  Cheats – cartridges for the current weapon, health and action points, clearing characters of active effects, reconnaissance of the entire map (switchable), kill all enemies on the map (to activate, you need to enter the battle).
  Items – the first text field for the item id (case sensitive), the second for the number and the button for adding.
  Mode – who will be affected by the commands from the menu (Plr for the main player, All for each member in the group).
  Teleport – teleport to the cursor (mouse buttons Mouse3 and Mouse4, keyboard key H).

Installation: replace Assembly-CSharp.dll in <папка с игрой>\ WL2_Data \ Managed file from the mod, after making a copy of the original.
Removal: replace Assembly-CSharp.dll with original.

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