Cheat menu translated into Russian
X4: Foundations: Cheat (Cheat Menu for X4 / Cheat menu) – RUS Free Download

I bring to your attention a translated version of the Cheat menu from fasting
How it works: When you activate any of the modes, be it cruise or scan modes, a similar dialog box appears
- Bounce – As the name implies, it allows you to jump to arbitrary coordinates on the map. It works like this: When you activate the cheat Bounce an additional button appears Close. After clicking on which, a global map opens, highlighting any of the sectors and selecting an arbitrary point in space, right-click in place and put a waypoint and voila, the ship jumps to it.
- God ‘mode – Actually, it is understandable, it makes your ship unkillable, but not against mines, they, as before, will one-shot!
- Procure Object – I could not translate, I could not find the required string in XML, but this option ensures the completion of the selected object shields and the integrity of the body
- Recall subordinates – recalls all commands given to the fleet
- Cheats – Actually the main cheat menu, on the functions of which I will dwell in more detail

- Bounce – See above
- Add ship – The notorious spawn menu, allows you to spawn any ship (except Xenon) of any modification and class from S before XL
- Ship upgrade – The ship upgrade menu, which allows you to fit (from the English Fitting) your ship with all equipment and modules
- Station upgrade – Same as with the ship, but with respect to the station
- Player upgrade – This item allows you to edit the player’s inventory, details below
- Global – This item is related to everything related to the map, etc., namely, open the entire map, scan all stations, etc.
Player upgrade

- Add money – everyone’s favorite cheat for money, did not translate because nostalgia tortured)
- Faction Modification – Allows you to assign the player membership in the selected faction
- Add to backpack – Adding necessary things to the player’s inventory, by type of items for simple and complex crafting, as well as for crafting IEDs
- Add Blueprint – Adds all available blueprints to the learned
- Add technology – Same as with blueprints, but in relation to technologies
- Add Encyclopedia – Adds all databases to the encyclopedia