Anno 1404: Save Game (Endless game on light y / s, population 25 million, 130 million gold, glory 370k)

Home » Video Game Saves » Anno 1404: Save Game (Endless game on light y / s, population 25 million, 130 million gold, glory 370k)
April 19, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Anno 1404: Save Game (Endless game on light y / s, population 25 million, 130 million gold, glory 370k)

Endless game at the Easy level (the average size of the islands and the map; all catalysis are disabled; tasks are normal);
Population: over 25.500;
Treasury: 130 million gold coins;
Glory: 370k;
Fixed income with happy residents: +3.500 and income with a balanced state of residents: +8.190 gold;

Anno 1404: Save Game (Endless game on light y / s, population 25 million, 130 million gold, glory 370k) Free Download

Two cities in the West and East have the status of Cities of global importance;
Built: Imperial Cathedral and Sultan Mosque; Fortress Tower and Eastern Fortress; City barns in both cities, as well as the Big, Small and Eastern shipyards;
Fleet of 82 ships with available 85 (10 large military in the West, 12 large eastern warships in the East, 55 different merchant ships on the routes); + 1 big east military and 4 large east. merchant ships dock in the ports of both cities to carry out orders;
Captains: Rasul the Terrible and Aadal the Noble; Avenger Redbeard and Claes Van Heets (also called for by Heinrich the Bold);
Generals: Adrian the Cruel, Emir-Khan the Fearless and Seigneur Ludwig the Mad;
Mastered all types of production of goods and materials West and East;
The logistics of production on the islands requires only updating of resources;
All elements of improvement and construction are available;
All prizes received West, East, and Corsairs;
Exiled from this area of ​​the world Leif Jorgensen;
Allied Treaty concluded with Hassan bin Sahid;
Diplomatic rank in the East: Confidant of the Sultan;

The production of periodically necessary stone, tools, weapons, guns, provisions and military vehicles is located in the city of Goldfurt (in the West) and is frozen, like some other types of temporarily unclaimed industries.
All necessary goods and items are available in the ports of the islands in accordance with their purpose (production of goods and / or extraction of materials; as well as islands with inhabitants: Goldfurt and Scheffelsberg (in the East). Trade routes are well-established and changes in logistics are likely to affect.

Offline profile:
Medals: 3/20
Improvements: 53/53
Achievements: 22/206

INSTRUCTIONS: we throw the “Anno 1404” folder to “C: \ Users \% USER% \ Documents”, and the “Profiles” folder to “C: \ Users \% USER% \ AppData \ Roaming \ Ubisoft \ Anno1404”

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