Batman: Arkham City: Save Game (Completed the entire campaign, open everything) [Version without Games for Windows Live]

Home » Video Game Saves » Batman: Arkham City: Save Game (Completed the entire campaign, open everything) [Version without Games for Windows Live]
November 5, 2021
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Batman: Arkham City: Save Game (Completed the entire campaign, open everything) [Version without Games for Windows Live]

Hello playground patients, still faced such a problem in the Batman Arkham games that you want to see all the biographies and trophies of the characters and audio recordings when you downloaded the save, it seems that everything is installed correctly, but in the game, when you press the home button to go to the live profile, nothing happens?

Batman: Arkham City: Save Game (Completed the entire campaign, open everything) [Version without Games for Windows Live] Free Download

In such a case, I post my save, it works on versions of the game without GFWL, but for save to work, a tablet from RELOADED must be sewn into the game.

So about saving

Story Company and Game + Completed,

collected and solved all the trophies and riddles of Ridler,

all additional missions completed,

Completed Harley Quinn’s revenge DLC (although it does not affect stats),

all trophies characters and arts are available,

all audio recordings are available and tests are slightly passed, which is 89% of passing.

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