Bionic Commando: Save Game + Walkthrough Mini-Guide {DeNiZ08}

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November 18, 2021
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Bionic Commando: Save Game + Walkthrough Mini-Guide {DeNiZ08}

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Description: Denis (DeNiZ08 on PG; PiXeL on Gamecracks; MiXeRRus, denkuz08 on Antistarforce)
Contact me: ICQ 415487957; Steam: denkuz; Skype: denkuz08; Windows Live: MiXRuS09

Bionic Commando: Save Game + Walkthrough Mini-Guide {DeNiZ08} Free Download

Personal site: gamecracks. * / (* change to u)
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My save + mini-guide from me personally. Seeing in the archive the phrase downloaded from the site …, no need to yell that I stole from somewhere there – the archive contains a link only to my personal site, a small reward for the work done: D.

Place the “BC” folder in the directory: C: \ Documents and Settings \ [Username] \ Local Settings \ Application Data (For XP)

If you look at the crashlog.txt file and see the inscription DirectX: 10.0 with OS: 5.1.2600 (Service Pack 3) (XP), and if you are interested, I’ll answer right away: I installed the so-called DirectX 10 on my Hryusha for a long time. the system is called DX10, but it actually functions like DX9, but if you put another 9th on top of this DX10, then it will still be the 10th in the system, here is such a bug =))

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