![BioShock Infinite: Save Game (100% Completed, DLC Burial At Sea Episode 1) [PerfectFloyd]](https://i.playground.ru/p/AVivVHJ-eGQ7fGDdpcukcQ.jpeg)
Completed with the following achievements:
W30; Found all audio logs (17/17)
W30; Found all Infusions (4/4)
W30; Found all gear (10/10)
W30; All plasmids and radar gun upgraded
There is also a save without using cheats. Only Old Man’s Winter and Shock Jockey and Radar Cannon damage are pumped, the rest is the same.
BioShock Infinite: Save Game (100% Completed, DLC Burial At Sea Episode 1) [PerfectFloyd] Free Download
Throw saves either U94; C: / Users / <> / AppData / Local / Skidrow /8870/ … or U94; C: / ProgramData / Steam / RLD! /8870/ … depends on the crack.