Bordelands: Save Editor (WillowTree) {10v13} [full addon support]

Home » Video Game Saves » Bordelands: Save Editor (WillowTree) {10v13} [full addon support]
November 29, 2021
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Bordelands: Save Editor (WillowTree) {10v13} [full addon support]

the latest version of the save editor WillowTree to date, with an impressive list of changes compared to the upcoming version.
*Bolie user-friendly interface (now anyone with minimal knowledge of the English language will be able to figure out what’s what).

Bordelands: Save Editor (WillowTree) {10v13} [full addon support] Free Download

* Full add-on support: The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, Mad Moxxi’s Underdome Riot, The Secret Armory of General Knoxx (Possibly supports Claptrap’s New Robot Revolution).
*Support for saving not only from the PC version but also from the X-Box and PS3 versions.(Personally did not check)
* And there are many more functions for editing saves, the listing of which would take too much time.
(There is a chance, if all the add-ons are missing, spoil your save, so do not forget to make backup copies of your save before editing.)

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