Borderlands 2: Save Game (Level 32, Siren)

Home » Video Game Saves » Borderlands 2: Save Game (Level 32, Siren)
November 30, 2021
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Borderlands 2: Save Game (Level 32, Siren)

I played Borderlands 2 from a different save on this site I improved a bit then the save raised it from level 16 to level 32.

I recommend using only in these cases

1. You can play this save when you want to play at high levels

2. You have lost your save

Borderlands 2: Save Game (Level 32, Siren) Free Download

3. We bought a license on Steam and before that we played pirate and then started playing the Steam version.

Installation instructions 

1. Download the save 

2. Go to the explorer at this address C: \ Users \ Your_User \ Documents \ My Games \ Borderlands 2 \ WillowGame \ SaveData \ 76561197960267366

3. We throw save

Good game : ) 

Regards Shely

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