Borderlands 2: Save Game (Mechromancer, Level 72, Black Weapon)

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December 6, 2021
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Borderlands 2: Save Game (Mechromancer, Level 72, Black Weapon)

Borderlands 2: Save Game for PC

Borderlands 2: Save Game (Mechromancer, Level 72, Black Weapon)

character Gaige mechromancer, level 72, enhanced 8 enemies

4 modes are available – simple, true, endless from just 72 to enhanced enemies 8 and 4th mode with enemies of level 100

skills dropped – their usual amount, unlimited ammo for all types of weapons and grenades

Borderlands 2: Save Game (Mechromancer, Level 72, Black Weapon) Free Download

Items: there are 1288 items in the backpack that are not in the game – black loot with huge damage is saved only when using a special trainer, without it it will not appear at the first load and will not be saved anywhere. Some objects are not drawn in any way and in their place it is written – empty, but this weapon shoots, also shields, modifiers, relics and grenades. This is a weapon for playing in the 4th mode where enemies are level 100 and seraphim are 102, in normal mode 8 enemies, any enemies are killed instantly. Some weapons for 1 cartridge will not work for nuts – anarchists who have pumped the 3rd branch of skills as well as the bulwark of infinity, if you want to shoot from it, do not open these anarchy skills, but only the left and middle branches for elemental damage.

Items in the safe: 1390 items, these are all existing Seraphim, legendary and unique weapons, shields, mods and relics. It is saved in any case, unlike cheating weapons in a backpack. If you do not run the trainer to save black loot, you will get the usual save for level 8 enemies where nothing has been completed, an unlimited number of cartridges and all items existing in the game are in the safe.

There are modifiers for all classes, you can throw it through the cache.

Since the number of items greatly exceeds the norm, the inventory freezes when opening, you need to wait about 10 seconds, then everything is thrown as usual: in solo the game is paused when you open TAB, in a co-op go to the shelter so that you do not get stuck and climb into the backpack.

Also eridium, crystals. tokens, money.

Setting the save as usual, then every time you need to run the trainer to save the black loot and start the game, select the Persian Black weapon Mechromancer 80.

In endless mode, nothing has been completed – start of the mission Best servant in the world.

If you need another character – an assassin or a siren, you can independently change the class in the editor, all class mods are in the backpack and safe.

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