Borderlands 2: Save Game (Shizarrow, level 50, 62, 72, 80)

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By Jonny Gamer

Borderlands 2: Save Game (Shizarrow, level 50, 62, 72, 80)

Gunserker Vladoff Finist 50 | 62 | 72 | 80 Savegame PC
save game Borderlands 2 character shizostrel

levels: 50, 62, just 72 and strengthened enemies 8

Modes – Simple, True, Endless
on the truth – the plots are partially completed, the seraphim are available, which in this mode will always be 52 levels

Borderlands 2: Save Game (Shizarrow, level 50, 62, 72, 80) Free Download

on infinite – nothing passed, start of the mission Best servant in the world

Borderlands 2: Save Game (Shizarrow, level 50, 62, 72, 80)

skills are reset, assign skills to your liking
skills and ammo is the usual amount for a level
most skins (appearance) are available
there are also some seraph crystals for shopping in shops, torrg tokens, keys for a weapon box in the Vault, eridium and money

Borderlands 2: Save Game (Shizarrow, level 50, 62, 72, 80)

pin, scout, bulwark of infinity, assassin
chopper, ferocious blade, blaster, kitten, hail
maxim, kefir, communist, patriot
mongol, success, grenade launcher, etc..
thunderstorm, bee, pandemic
a set of mother-of-pearl and legendary shields, grenades, mods and relics and much more to kick the ass of Jack and his bandits

Borderlands 2: Save Game (Shizarrow, level 50, 62, 72, 80)

only 100 items in the backpack and about 50 in the safe
Legendary (Orange), Seraphim (Mother of Pearl), Eridian (Purple), and Unique (Blue) Items:
pistols, sniper and assault rifles, submachine guns, RPGs, shotguns
grenade modifiers, relics, shields, class modifiers

 Bonus: Pandora Fairy in a Jar and Speedy Iris

Borderlands 2: Save Game (Shizarrow, level 50, 62, 72, 80)

How to install save:
download the save file or archive, which after unpacking is a folder with several save files
put it in C: \ Username \ Documents \ My Games \ Borderlands 2 \ WillowGame \ SaveData \ folder numbers
if necessary, you can rename the file by changing the 4 digits in its name to any other if you already have
there is a save file with this name
start the game and look in the menu characters top new pers

1.Due to the fact that the amount of junk in the backpack and the safe is more than the norm, the equipment menu slows down and therefore
changing weapons may lag a little, just wait a few seconds and then the item will change with a click as usual
in order not to reduce the size of the backpack, old or unnecessary items can be put into the active slot and changed by picking up a new loot while holding E or exchange with other players in a co-op

2. sometimes it happens that experience for kills drips but the scale does not fill up and the persian does not go to the next level – this often happens with saves modified in the editor;
after a while it will pass by itself and experience will accumulate as usual 

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