Deus Ex: Human Revolution + DLC The Missing Link: Save Game (Game Completed 100%)

Home » Video Game Saves » Deus Ex: Human Revolution + DLC The Missing Link: Save Game (Game Completed 100%)
April 14, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Deus Ex: Human Revolution + DLC The Missing Link: Save Game (Game Completed 100%)

I present to you my personal 100% saves for the game Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
+ Bonus! There are saves for the additional game Deus Ex: Human Revolution The Missing Link.

BONUSES to the archive!
– Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough.
– Tips for hacking terminals and computers in the game.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution + DLC The Missing Link: Save Game (Game Completed 100%) Free Download

– Info about characters.


Deus Ex: Human Revolution
You will find many useful items in your inventory! + There’s * Exclusive * Double Barrel Shotgun and Silenced Sniper Rifle!
In all the saves, the lives are full. I almost did not spend ammunition – I stunned the opponents. So I hope you have enough ammunition 🙂
Completed all story missions + I was able to save Malik when our plane crashes and we are ambushed by Bellthaur!
Completed all side quests.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution The Missing Link
Here, too, I did not spend cartridges, but stunned opponents!
There are many weapons in the inventory and there are kits for improvements (laser pointer, silencer, etc.)
Also in the inventory is the * Exclusive * Flare Gun! (329 series grenade launcher) It was very difficult to find all the parts for it! But my patience and curiosity took its toll! 😉
Completed all the story missions + I completed the mission with gas so that I saved both Kavanakh and the Prisoners! My curiosity just went off scale, and I found the hatch that led me to the bomb. I shot it and saved everyone!
Completed all secondary tasks + completed a very difficult task “Scavenger hunt for Quinn”, in which we need to find all the parts of the Rocket Launcher and bring them to Quinn.

Well, that’s all! 🙂
Find out the rest for yourself.!

Copy the SKIDROW folder to this address:
C: \ Users \ Your Username \ AppData \ Local \
The location depends on the version of the game. If there is no such folder, then look for where there are folders 620, 28050, 49520, 201280 and replace these folders with my folders!

by MineBoy.If you need something about the game Deus Ex Human Revolution write to HP VKontakte:

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