Divinity: Original Sin: Save Editor (MooseEdit – alpha29) (05.10.2014)

Home » Video Game Saves » Divinity: Original Sin: Save Editor (MooseEdit – alpha29) (05.10.2014)
April 29, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Divinity: Original Sin: Save Editor (MooseEdit – alpha29) (05.10.2014)

(P.S. Description and style are taken from the author ProfeSSSor previous news about this editor)

Save editor that allows you to edit both characters and their inventory. Editor in English, as it is under active development.


1. Unpack the archive to any place convenient for you

Divinity: Original Sin: Save Editor (MooseEdit – alpha29) (05.10.2014) Free Download

2. Start the editor by opening the file MooseEdit.exe
3. Select a tab Load Saved Game
4. In line PlayerProfiles Folder the editor should automatically specify the path to the correct folder. If this did not happen – click on the folder icon on the right, Login to folder PlayerProfiles and press the button Folder selection. The default for Windows 7 is C: / Users / Username / Documents / Larian Studios / Divinity Original Sin / PlayerProfiles.
5. In line Game Data Folder – click on the folder icon on the right, Login to folder Data in the folder with the installed game and press the button Folder selection
6. Highlight the line of the desired save (game profile / name of the save)
7. Press the button Load
8. Edit characters
9. Save changes – press the button in the form of a floppy disk (top left)
10. Load the modified save in the game

Divinity: Original Sin: Save Editor (MooseEdit – alpha29) (05.10.2014)

 Attributes, skills, talents and character traits are edited on tabs similar to the game inventory. When hovering over skills, etc. a tooltip appears with a description (unfortunately also in English).

To edit the list of spells, press the Skills button (middle left) Right-clicking on the items (Edit Item), which is on the character or lying in the inventory, allows you to edit these items.

Divinity: Original Sin: Save Editor (MooseEdit – alpha29) (05.10.2014)
Changelog (in English)

Fixed talent IDs for Rainman, Tempest, Geomancer, Lightning Rod, Politician, Weatherproof
Various tooltip improvements


Added Weapon PermBoosts “MinDamage”, “MaxDamage” which increase minimum or maximum damage, respectively, by the amount specified
Added Armor PermBoost “DefenseValue” which increases armor value by the amount specified
Added Character PermBoost “MovementSpeedBoost” which increases character movement speed by the percent specified (e.g., MovementSpeedBoost of 100 means 100% increased speed, or 2x overall character movement speed)
Various tooltip improvements


Lockpick icons are now displayed properly


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