Dragon Age: Inquisition: Save Game (9 different characters)

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May 10, 2021
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Dragon Age: Inquisition: Save Game (9 different characters)

Description: Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. Decisions made in Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2 can be restored. Whether the Gray Guard from the original DA survived, resolved the conflict between the elves and werewolves, which side of Hawk took in DA2, and much more – the consequences of all this can be seen in Dragon Age Inquisition.

Dragon Age: Inquisition: Save Game (9 different characters) Free Download

All important decisions in one way or another will affect the world of the game in Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Installation method: 1. Select a file with saves.
2. Move to the address: C: \ Users \ Name \ Documents \ BioWare \ Dragon Age Inquisition \ Save
3. Enter the game.
4. Load save.
If the message “This save belongs to a newer version of the game. Download the latest patch and try again.” In the / Dragon Age Inquisition / Update / Patch folder, open the package file with notepad and change 2 to 3, you get:
Name patch
Version 3
List of changes / names of maps: There are 7 characters collected here. Detailed description of the history of each character – in a text file.

Dragon Age: Inquisition: Save Game (9 different characters)

1. Anyа. Elf. Magician.
Dragon age origins
The hero has an affair with Alistair. Dies killing an archdemon. Alistair remains the gray guard, Fereldan is ruled by Anora. Loghain killed.
Dragon age 2
Champion – women magician, romance – Sebastian. Doesn’t approve of the explosion of the chapel, supports the templars.

Dragon Age: Inquisition: Save Game (9 different characters)

2. Athena. Man. There are all classes.
Dragon age origins
The hero is alive and well. An affair with Leliana. All companions have been recruited. The hero and Alistair rule Fereldan. Morrigan has a child from Alistair.
Dragon age 2
An affair with Meryl. Bethany is the guardian. Arishok died. The hero supported the magicians.

Dragon Age: Inquisition: Save Game (9 different characters)

3. Chelкist. Magician Man.
Dragon age origins
The hero is alive and well. An affair with Morrigan. Morrigan has a child. Alistair killed the archdemon and died. Fereldan is ruled by Anora.
Dragon age 2
There were no novels. Carver became the Gray Warden. Fought against the templars.

Dragon Age: Inquisition: Save Game (9 different characters)

4. Kaaras. Qunari. Warrior.
Dragon age origins
The hero is alive and well. An affair with Morrigan. Morrigan has a child. Alistair became king.
Dragon age 2
An affair with Isabella. Carver became the Gray Warden. Anders is alive and well. Sided with the magicians.

Dragon Age: Inquisition: Save Game (9 different characters)

5. Melana. Rogue. Elf.
Dragon age origins
The hero has an affair with Alistair. All companions have been recruited. Morrigan has a child from Alistair. The hero and Alistair rule Fereldan.
Dragon age 2
Roman z Andres. Carver became the Gray Warden. The hero sided with the magicians.

Dragon Age: Inquisition: Save Game (9 different characters)

6. Nathaniel. Elf. Warrior.
Dragon age origins
Alive. The hero has an affair with Zevran. All companions have been recruited. Alistair is the king. Morrigan has a child from Alistair.
Dragon age 2
An affair with Merrill. Bethany was taken to the circle of magicians. The hero sided with the magicians.

Dragon Age: Inquisition: Save Game (9 different characters)

7. Volume. Man. Rogue.
Dragon age origins
The hero is alive and well. An affair with Morrigan. Morrigan has a child. Alistair became king.
Dragon age 2
An affair with Merrill. Bethany was taken to the circle of magicians. The hero sided with the magicians.

Dragon Age: Inquisition: Save Game (9 different characters)

8. Yamesa. Qunari. Warrior.
Dragon age origins
Guardian alive, affair with Leliana. Alistair is the king. Morrigan has a child from a hero.
Dragon age 2.
No novels. Carver became the Gray Warden. The hero fought on the side of the magicians.
The architect is alive =)

Dragon Age: Inquisition: Save Game (9 different characters)

9. Carta. Warrior. Gnome.
Dragon age origins
The guard is alive. An affair with Alistair. The hero and Alistair rule Fereldan. Morrigan has a child from Alistair.
Dragon age 2.
An affair with Isabella. The hero fought on the side of the magicians.

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