Fallout 4: Save Game (Tier 1: Vin Diesel vs Riddick)

Home » Video Game Saves » Fallout 4: Save Game (Tier 1: Vin Diesel vs Riddick)
July 21, 2021
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Fallout 4: Save Game (Tier 1: Vin Diesel vs Riddick)

There are two files in the folder:

2.Riddick (avtosave) 1st level: stands on the surface of about 111 shelters, all perks except the “bloodbath”, read all the magazines (not in the inventory), taken all the dolls (not in the inventory), 20 stats, life and action points 5000 each, carry weight 10t.

Fallout 4: Save Game (Tier 1: Vin Diesel vs Riddick) Free Download

1. Vin Diesel

1.Vin Diesel (there is a slight similarity): just got out of the cryo chamber, 1st level, all stats by 4

Fallout 4: Save Game (Tier 1: Vin Diesel vs Riddick)
Fallout 4: Save Game (Tier 1: Vin Diesel vs Riddick)
Fallout 4: Save Game (Tier 1: Vin Diesel vs Riddick)

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