Far Cry 3: Save Game (Completed the entire game, captured outposts on the first island, all towers open, top weapons)

Home » Video Game Saves » Far Cry 3: Save Game (Completed the entire game, captured outposts on the first island, all towers open, top weapons)
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By Jonny Gamer

Far Cry 3: Save Game (Completed the entire game, captured outposts on the first island, all towers open, top weapons)

Throw in a folder C: \ ProgramData \ Orbit with replacement (activate hidden folders) I played on the repack from Buka (save will go to the repack from the mechanic).  

Completed the entire game, captured the outposts on the first island, opened all the towers, top weapons, 8500 money.

Far Cry 3: Save Game (Completed the entire game, captured outposts on the first island, all towers open, top weapons) Free Download

Remaining 3 tatau.

Play for health!

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