Grand Theft Auto (GTA IV) 4: Save Game (after each mission, great statistics, choices of all the forks) {Demon From Irkutsk}

Home » Video Game Saves » Grand Theft Auto (GTA IV) 4: Save Game (after each mission, great statistics, choices of all the forks) {Demon From Irkutsk}
November 22, 2021
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Grand Theft Auto (GTA IV) 4: Save Game (after each mission, great statistics, choices of all the forks) {Demon From Irkutsk}

Save Game Grand Theft Auto IV by Demon From Irkutsk

The second improved part of the Gta iv Saves from Demon From Irkutsk

-Not one mission failed
-Never been to the hospital
-Never been arrested
-Cool cars in the parking lot near the apartments

Grand Theft Auto (GTA IV) 4: Save Game (after each mission, great statistics, choices of all the forks) {Demon From Irkutsk} Free Download

-During the passage, more than one cheat code, trainer, mod, etc. method of foul play was not used
-Passed on 1c license with patch installed on it
-Saves were not registered in Games For Windows Live, which eliminates errors of players with a Live profile
-Mission saves have become even more now 8 archives
-The archive has 3 ReadMe in Russian, English and Ukrainian

Mission Elections:

Kill or save Ivan-kill
Kill or leave life to Vlad-Kill
Kill or leave the life of Cherise-Kill
Kill Dane or Playboy-Playboy
Kill or let live Darko-Leave to live

Details in ReadMe

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