If the name is in Russian: C: \ Users \ (Your P.K. \ Documents \ Square Enix \ Just Cause 4 (then replace your save files)
* All weapons are also open, there are static and manual wind cannons, a rail (like Railgun (English railgun – rail gun) – electromagnetic mass accelerator), lightning bolt, etc..
Just Cause 4: Save Game (All weapons and all tanks unlocked) Free Download
* 11LVL, 22 squads on the map, you are in one of 3 zones on the map BY TORNADO CONTROL, there is a remote control for incl. off natural disaster
* All tanks are open (4 types – anti-aircraft, heavy, medium and light, at your choice)
* Opened and pumped all 3 types of cables

* I will not tell you further – you will figure it out yourself