Legend: Hand of God: Save Game (Before the last mission)

Home » Video Game Saves » Legend: Hand of God: Save Game (Before the last mission)
November 18, 2021
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Legend: Hand of God: Save Game (Before the last mission)

Hello! I finally decided to go through this game that I could not go through as a child. On the last mission from the demon – the main boss, 3 legendary things fall (random different things) and it so happened that through my save you can farm this demon and get exactly those things that you need.

Legend: Hand of God: Save Game (Before the last mission) Free Download

Just when you switch to heroic mode after the boss, save your save with weapons and armor from the boss, and again throw my save into the game and pick up the right weapon and go through the heroic mode with it. Of course, I understand that in 2019 no one needs this, but still I will do it, since I did not find an analogue.

About my save: 100 LVL character against a boss about level 30, pumped with cheats, so it will be easy for you even on heroic mode! And also in the second backpack there are 3 legendaries that I found before the boss.

Also, for the convenience of changing classes and pumping character abilities, download the save editor right there on the playground in the program section. 

Good luck to all!

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