Mafia 3: Save Game (STEP-BY-STEP [314 checkpoints] + walkthrough + info on the archive + list of checkpoints + maps of magazines and pictures) {condemned123}

Home » Video Game Saves » Mafia 3: Save Game (STEP-BY-STEP [314 checkpoints] + walkthrough + info on the archive + list of checkpoints + maps of magazines and pictures) {condemned123}
December 23, 2021
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Mafia 3: Save Game (STEP-BY-STEP [314 checkpoints] + walkthrough + info on the archive + list of checkpoints + maps of magazines and pictures) {condemned123}

in the archive “save_mafia_3_condemned123.7z” step-by-step saves of the game mafia 3 + walkthrough + info on the archive + list of checkpoints in screenshots + maps of magazines and pictures.

the unpacked archive weighs 476Mb

Total 314 folders with game checkpoints.

Mafia 3: Save Game (STEP-BY-STEP [314 checkpoints] + walkthrough + info on the archive + list of checkpoints + maps of magazines and pictures) {condemned123} Free Download

at the end of the game’s plot the whole “collection” collected.

save path —>
C: / Users / username / AppData / Local / 2K Games / Mafia III

first completed the story, then a side game.

    How do you rate Mafia 3: Save Game (STEP-BY-STEP [314 checkpoints] + walkthrough + info on the archive + list of checkpoints + maps of magazines and pictures) {condemned123} ?

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