Mafia 3: Save Game (The game passed to the meeting of the leaders of the gangs Vito, Burke, Kasandra)

Home » Video Game Saves » Mafia 3: Save Game (The game passed to the meeting of the leaders of the gangs Vito, Burke, Kasandra)
December 22, 2021
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Mafia 3: Save Game (The game passed to the meeting of the leaders of the gangs Vito, Burke, Kasandra)

Hello everyone)

I posted this save for those who, for some reason, damaged the file (like me) or just want to start over from this checkpoint..

I didn’t really open anything, played with the coach until this moment, since I had already passed without a cheat.

Mafia 3: Save Game (The game passed to the meeting of the leaders of the gangs Vito, Burke, Kasandra) Free Download

Installation is simple:

1) Go to C: / Users / Username / AppData / Local / 2KGames

2) Just in case, make a copy of the Mafia3 folder

3) After copying, delete the Mafia3 folder and paste from the archive

P.S. Game version 

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