Mass Effect 3: Save Game (100%, 3 endings to choose from)

Home » Video Game Saves » Mass Effect 3: Save Game (100%, 3 endings to choose from)
January 11, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Mass Effect 3: Save Game (100%, 3 endings to choose from)

Timeline of the passage of Mass Effect:
Romance with Ashley, let Rachni go, Kaidan died, Rex survived, rescued the Citadel Council, Ambassador – Anderson.

Timeline of the passage of Mass Effect 2:
Romance with Miranda, no losses in the last mission, completed all quests from the DLC.

Mass Effect 3: Save Game (100%, 3 endings to choose from) Free Download

Timeline of the passage of Mass Effect 3:
Played with Mass Effect 3 DLC From Ashes and Mass Effect 3 “Weapons & Armor DLC”, so I don’t know if it will start without them or not.
Romance with Ashley, genophage healed, saved quarian and geth, completed all sidequests, bought everything possible.
Character: Man, standard appearance, all skills are pumped as much as possible (then there will be a reset), Hero is pumped.
Class: Soldier, Astronaut, War Hero.

Military resources:
Total Troop Strength: 11492
Combat Force Strength: 5746
Availability Index: 50%, although all systems and clusters examined.

There are 4 saves in the archive: 1 – before the battle on Earth, 2 – before the dialogue with the Ghost on the Citadel, 3 – after talking with the Catalyst, so to speak, “at the crossroads”, 4 – Autosave, I don’t remember where.
In save 3, he took measures in dialogue with the Ghost so that Shepard would remain alive in one of the endings.
If you have any questions – ask.

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