Mass Effect 3: Save Game (100% Completed, with all dls) (Male Renegade / Hero)

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January 11, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Mass Effect 3: Save Game (100% Completed, with all dls) (Male Renegade / Hero)

Completed the whole game (with all dls: Omega, Leviathan, Cytadel, M7 missions and all guns)
(Detailed step-by-step saving: there is just before the choice of destruction of geth or quarters .;
there is after the buggy forest in the leviathan, and so on)

Mass Effect 3: Save Game (100% Completed, with all dls) (Male Renegade / Hero) Free Download

Sergey Shepard
Biography: Earthling
Profile: Merciless
Class: Stormtrooper
Muzzle: standard (default)
Reputation: Renegade / Hero

Important decisions of ME1:
rahni killed
rex saved
council died
affair with ashley
kayden died
Anderson on the council
Saved Ashley with Kirahe’s squad

Romance with Jack
Jacob – father shot himself
Tali was not kicked out of the fleet, the culprit was posthumous her father
Thane met his son
Miranda spoke to her sister
Garrus killed Sidonis
Kasumi kept the box
Legion – Getae destroyed
Mordin saved the data and killed Malone
Samara killed Morint
Grunt forgave the dedication
Come in killed Vito
Collector base destroyed
Mordin, Jack, Jacob died in the suicide mission, everyone else is alive
Dr. Chakwas and Cl. Chambers died

Everything you can buy
Rachni saved a new one
Genophage healed
Geth destroyed everyone, gave them to the early quarters. (To have a companion-in-arms)
I didn’t start any novels (tired)
Kasumi saved the elkors
Zayed did not kill the Volus ambassador who was a Cerberus spy
Samara did not kill her daughter after the temple of Tesia, remained as a military resource
Dr. Michelle agreed to work on Normandy
Kai Leng killed Thane, Salarian advisor escaped
Miranda was not warned about Kai Leng (there is a safe near the terminal if you don’t like it)
Ashley took on the team
Grissom Academy saved
exposed the damage of medicines by a batarian, forced to join the navy
During the dls, the Citadel took Rex and Javik as partners
Found Aria’s sofa, General Oleg Petrovsky is alive
I wanted to save my clone, but he refused.
In the Arena Armas, all the chips are open that allow you to play with Rex, Samara, Grunt, Kasumi, Zayed
against Geth, Reapers, Cerberus, Collectors, Clone Troop.
(Have a safe before the party, You can celebrate in your own way)
The defender / hero gauge is full
(level madness)
I did not play multiplayer, so the force of the troops is not huge (8301)
The ending of the refusal is chosen (said that I do not want to die), but you can choose your.

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