Mass Effect: Save Game (God Outfit)

Home » Video Game Saves » Mass Effect: Save Game (God Outfit)
January 19, 2021
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Mass Effect: Save Game (God Outfit)

1 walkthrough

Name: John Shepard.
Gender / Reputation: Male / Hero 100%.
Level / Class: 50 Soldier.
Background: Colonist / Survivor.
The whole team is assembled.
All additional tasks have been completed, all planets have been explored, everything that could be collected has been collected.

Mass Effect: Save Game (God Outfit) Free Download

All the lines are heroic wherever possible. Everyone he could have spared, released, saved.
DLC: “Death from Heaven” and “Station Summit” completed.
Roman: No.
Urdnot Rex: Alive.
Rahni Queen: Released.
Ashley Williams: Killed on Vermire.
Tip: Saved.
Appointed Advisor: David Anderson.

2nd walkthrough

Name: John Shepard.
Gender / Reputation: Male / Hero 100%.
Level / Class: 50 Soldier.
Background: Colonist / Survivor.
The whole team is assembled.



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