Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2012): Save Game-Unlocker (DLC: Ultimate Speed, Terminal Velocity, Movie Legends and NFS Heroes) [1.5]

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By Jonny Gamer

Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2012): Save Game-Unlocker (DLC: Ultimate Speed, Terminal Velocity, Movie Legends and NFS Heroes) [1.5]

saving a new game, with all additional content unlocked for the game version 1.5
More specifically, Ultimate Speed, Terminal Velocity, Movie Legends and NFS Heroes for the single and even something else for the network (but it doesn’t matter) Checked on the R.G.

Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2012): Save Game-Unlocker (DLC: Ultimate Speed, Terminal Velocity, Movie Legends and NFS Heroes) [1.5] Free Download


What is the difference:
clean statistics, zero SpeedPoints (analogue of reputation points, or something like that) and the beginning of the game with an introductory video and a tutorial on the game (introductory video – trains in aston – race on a Porsche – some more chatter), and not in the middle of the city with 100,500 thousand alien sp on bmw ^^ and so on.

where to throw:
the archive contains the structure of catalogs, so the contents of the archive can be unpacked directly into “my documents”
As a result, the path to the save file should be as follows:
[My Current User Documents] \ Criterion Games \ Need For Speed ​​(TM) Most Wanted \ Save \ 0 \ MUD.29.NFS13Save

you can forget about your achievements and the progress of the game on the old save, because it will have to be removed and replaced with someone else’s, but if you wish, you can first make a backup

MUD.29.NFS13Save – 264,224 bytes
CRC32: 4761E8AA
MD5: 1F02AC9481C4ABA23401821C901F8DE7
SHA-1: 8FCCC89BCA4CA89A16C86517BE41C5803724DD2F

DLC Save Unlocker
Made for users

Ps. see also the adjacent topic “NFS13.v1.5.DLC_Save_Unlocker + Premium_Timesavers_Pack”

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