Red Dead Redemption 2: Save Game (101% completed, EVERYTHING completed and completed!)

Home » Video Game Saves » Red Dead Redemption 2: Save Game (101% completed, EVERYTHING completed and completed!)
July 23, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Red Dead Redemption 2: Save Game (101% completed, EVERYTHING completed and completed!)

I was very tired to beat this game by 101%! I had to spend under 300 hours collecting and going through absolutely everything, filling out all sections of the guide, replaying all quests for gold medals.

Red Dead Redemption 2: Save Game (101% completed, EVERYTHING completed and completed!)

Friends, this save has everything! I bought all the clothes and weapons in the shops, crafted everything I could from the hunter and the buyer.

Red Dead Redemption 2: Save Game (101% completed, EVERYTHING completed and completed!) Free Download

I found absolutely all possible hats, masks, secret guns, books, etc..

Red Dead Redemption 2: Save Game (101% completed, EVERYTHING completed and completed!)
Red Dead Redemption 2: Save Game (101% completed, EVERYTHING completed and completed!)
Red Dead Redemption 2: Save Game (101% completed, EVERYTHING completed and completed!)
Red Dead Redemption 2: Save Game (101% completed, EVERYTHING completed and completed!)
Red Dead Redemption 2: Save Game (101% completed, EVERYTHING completed and completed!)
Red Dead Redemption 2: Save Game (101% completed, EVERYTHING completed and completed!)

In general, I also want to add that I publish my saves with pride. I hope you enjoy my long-term work and you will appreciate it!

Also below I will attach instructions for installing the save, in the archive, for convenience, the instructions will also be:

Mini guide for setting up a 100% save with the subsequent replacement of saves in the Rockstar cloud. I walked on crutches for a long time looking for a way to do this, in the end everything worked out. Here is my working way:

1) Go to RDR2 and open the Rockstar Games overlay by pressing the “Home” key, then click on your avatar and click on the gear symbol. Go to the “Game settings” section and deactivate cloud saves.
2) Follow the path “C: \ Users \ Username \ Documents \ Rockstar Games \ Red Dead Redemption 2 \ Profiles \ Profile name (the folder in the name of which is a set of numbers and letters)” and delete / copy your save
3) Now start the game again and wait for the pop-up window “Activate cloud save?”
4) DO NOT HURRY TO PRESS YES! While this window is open, you must transfer the files from this archive to an empty folder of your saves. Once you’ve done that, agree to activate cloud save
5) There will be a conflict between local files and files in the cloud we need. The launcher will offer us a choice between save files in the computer and save files in the cloud, we need to select local files and wait a little while the data is overwritten.


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