Resident Evil 2: Save Game (Game completed 100%, collected all documents for Claire, scenario A and B, Standard)

Home » Video Game Saves » Resident Evil 2: Save Game (Game completed 100%, collected all documents for Claire, scenario A and B, Standard)
July 29, 2021
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Resident Evil 2: Save Game (Game completed 100%, collected all documents for Claire, scenario A and B, Standard)
Resident Evil 2: Save Game (Game completed 100%, collected all documents for Claire, scenario A and B, Standard)
Resident Evil 2: Save Game (Game completed 100%, collected all documents for Claire, scenario A and B, Standard)
Resident Evil 2: Save Game (Game completed 100%, collected all documents for Claire, scenario A and B, Standard)

Savegame for Resident Evil 2 Remake (100% Completion)

Location C: \ Users \ GENERAL \ Shared Documents \ Steam \ CODEX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Completed at standard level

1 and 2 walkthrough / scenario A and B

Step-by-step saves

Claire collected all documents, notes

Resident Evil 2: Save Game (Game completed 100%, collected all documents for Claire, scenario A and B, Standard) Free Download

Author: Stanislav-T800

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