Satisfactory: Save Game (Easy Start)

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September 9, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Satisfactory: Save Game (Easy Start)

I’m releasing this in the hopes that someone might find it useful – start a new factory, launch a multiplayer game, inspire, etc..

There are no factories on the map, except for those that supply fuel for power plants. There is a small (~ 2 GW) coal, (~ 20 GW) nuclear power plant, and a rather large (~ 25 GW) oil plant.

Satisfactory: Save Game (Easy Start) Free Download

Also, every geyser currently in the game is connected to the network.

The total power generation is ~ 50.6-51.2 GW. So, if for some reason you ever run out of energy and all the buffered fuel is used up, you can completely shut down the geothermal and coal power plants..

The HUB is located in a mall, which should have enough materials to run whatever factory you choose to build. Storage of everything on the second level, storage of building materials on the first level. You will also find a vehicle gas station and fully stocked equipment chests for 4 players (and enough equipment to build equipment for more).

All recipes are unlocked. All milestones are unlocked. All store coupons are unlocked. Collectibles (slugs, food, hard drives) on the map are intact.

Note: There is some nuclear waste under the waterfall between the swamp and the titan forest. Depending on your use, you may need to redirect it at some point. You have been warned. ☢

Satisfactory: Save Game (Easy Start)

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