Terraria: Save Editor (TEdit 3.11 beta + TEdit 4.0.0-beta4) [1.3.5 /]

Home » Video Game Saves » Terraria: Save Editor (TEdit 3.11 beta + TEdit 4.0.0-beta4) [1.3.5 /]
November 15, 2021
11 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Terraria: Save Editor (TEdit 3.11 beta + TEdit 4.0.0-beta4) [1.3.5 /]

TEdit for absolutely any version of the Terraria game (at the moment from the lowest version up to

TEdit – is an open source map editor for Terraria. It lets you edit maps almost like Paint! You can edit any parameters of the world, such as the time, killed bosses, change the name of the map and even the contents of the chests.

Terraria: Save Editor (TEdit 3.11 beta + TEdit 4.0.0-beta4) [1.3.5 /] Free Download

Editing maps

Terraria: Save Editor (TEdit 3.11 beta + TEdit 4.0.0-beta4) [1.3.5 /]

Notes for users:

TEdit 4.0.0-beta4 – the newest version of the program, which is very unstable to the version Terraria and below (The list of new objects and blocks is already present in the program, however, it will not be possible to see the addition of new blocks or walls, everything new from the update will not be possible, it also constantly requests a non-existent program update (and there is no need to chase to update, we have not created it above: 3))

TEdit 3.11 beta – perfect program version for Terraria 1.3 – and below.

Terraria: Save Editor (TEdit 3.11 beta + TEdit 4.0.0-beta4) [1.3.5 /]

Questions that may arise

– How do I make everything show with game textures, not color? – After the first launch of the program, you can safely close it, open the game, select the desired world, enter it and then exit (from the game too), the next launch of the editor will display textures(can be disabled in the corresponding parameters)

– How to use? (I did not understand the down screenshot xd) –  Drove to disassemble:

Basic training course for working with the program

Most top 5 buttons – categories of functions for working with files (map).

Tab File gives us the choice of a file (world), creating a new file (world), saving a file (world) or saving under a certain name (as a copy), also contains the inclusion of autosaving the file, checking for updates at startup and checking for updates forcibly, the bottom button EXIT – exit from the program.

Tab Edit gives us the functionality of working with actions in the program, undoing steps (actions) backward or forward, deleting an area, selecting an area, copying and pasting. 

Tab Display responsible for hiding or displaying special textures like everything the block textures themselves, walls and scenery, display nets programs, separate display / hide walls, blocks or liquids, display drives (mechanisms) on blocks, display red, yellow, blue, green wire and end button – display spawn points and dungeon points(dungeons)

Tab Plugins includes functions that can perform a specific action using a program, bringing the end result:

  • Sand settling
  • Simple ore generator
  • Replace all tiles (walls)
  • Delete all chests
  • Delete all open chests
  • Open all chests
  • Find a chest with … (search for a specific item by name)
  • Find Plant Planters

Tab Help contains a discovery software log, opening Wiki, updates, download new XML data, program details.

Toolbar (left)

  • New – creating a new file (world)
  • Open – opening a file (world)
  • Save – forced saving of the file (world)
  • Zoom in – reduce scale
  • Zoom out – zoom in
  • Undo – take back action (undo current and future actions)
  • Redo – take an action forward (undo past and present actions “back”)
  • Delete – deleting the selection with Selection
  • Copy – copying the selected area objects using Selection to clipboard
  • Paste – paste the copied area of ​​objects by pressing the button or hotkey
  • Eraser – eraser. You can erase a specific object (Click the left mouse button to remove the tick from the box of the category you do not need to start erasing only certain types of objects. Displayed only on toolbars (fill, brush and pencil) capable of placing blocks, walls, etc..
  • Arrow – the arrow, by clicking on the object, serves as a special tool for previewing the information of the plates, equipping the mannequin, the contents of the chest, etc.
  • Selection – a tool for selecting an area with a blue, transparent outline. Used with other tool items
  • Picker – eyedropper tool. Direct copying of the color, shape of the object, itself and the like. Serves for instant selection of an object so as not to use the clipboard, etc…. Experimental tool
  • Pencil – pencil tool. Places certain blocks, wires, etc. by a combination of cursor hovering + left or right mouse click. You can draw exactly. Use the right mouse click for this, hold down and slide in the desired direction. You can draw intermittently up and down. To do this, you need to hover the mouse cursor over a certain area on the program’s grid, hold down the right mouse button and carefully enter the position of the mouse down (the display of line drawing works only with even drawing), the second version of vertical drawing – Hold the right mouse button at a certain cursor position, using shooter on keyboard on right ArrowDown and ArrowUP change the position of the cursor, without moving the mouse.
  • Brush – brush tool. Places certain blocks, wires, etc., combinations of cursor hover + left or right mouse click. Possibility of arranging blocks and walls, etc. from 0 x 0 to 200 x 200 blocks and walls in width and height. You can draw exactly (see above). You can make indents from the inside from 1×1 to 100×100 blocks and walls. Can be drawn diagonally (Function Shape, category Diagonal right or Diagonal left). You can draw a spherical shape (Ellipse) (Function Shape, category Ellipse). Blocks and walls can be painted (Function Paint, category Tile or Wall, check the box and select a color to apply color to a specific object when it is located).
  • Fill – the “fill” tool. Move the cursor over the selected area, click the left mouse button to completely fill certain objects with the desired block, walls, etc. “Fill” for the category Wire – change the color of all interconnected wires [Does not work]. “Fill” category Liquid – change the composition of any liquid to a specific one. Can be used for empty, confined spaces (without blocks from the inside) – the liquid will be poured to the brim. Attention! Filling over an open area will flood the entire open area (up to the hard edges of the block). 
  • Point – positioning tool spawn points, dungeon points(dungeons). In TEdit version 4.0.0-beta4 you can set a spawn point GUIDE and Nurses.
  • Sprite – a separate tool capable of positioning different decor, banners, chests, furniture, craft tables, lamps, statues, lamps, torches, decorative items(pebbles, crystals, mosses) and much more – just a click on a certain area of ​​the cursor on the program grid. To display anything with this tool, you will need to open the category Sprites from the right panel of the configuration and proportions of the world, it will be written about it just below.
  • Morph – a tool for transforming one type of biome into another (purification, corruption, lighting and crimson – “Crimson“from the English crimson or crimson color), and the” spray “method acts like a brush, from 1 x 1 to 200 x 200 blocks and walls in width and height.

World configuration and proportions or “panel on the right”

Top-right corner – Minimap(map), not very useful display of the world without textures.

Below, you can see 7 different tabs, more about them:

  1. World Properties – the most basic and important tab in this panel, opened first by default, allows you to change various parameters of the world such as World Name(world name), World ID(World ID), Time(time), Bosses downed(killed bosses), wind force level, installing or disabling rain, all-all about the world … TEdit 4.0.0-beta4 gives an expanded opportunity configuration changes and proportions of the world. You can find out about all the changes officially by following the links at the very bottom..
  2. Clipboard – clipboard tab. All recently copied areas of objects are stored here, which can be configured (uncheck the box so as not to use the object data for pasting), so that it is convenient to paste them into the program grid screen. The clipboard can clear. In the clipboard you can import schematic or image. Can import false color image.
  3. NPC Names – a special panel tab that allows you to control any Npc, add new or remove existing, give your name to everyone Npc. Note: in TEdit 4.0.0-beta4 can no longer be added sun towers, nebulae and so on.
  4. Special Tiles – a tab that displays a special window of certain objects shows the contents of the text of the plate, the contents of the chest, the equipment of the mannequin, also the outfit of the Christmas tree etc. You can change the text for the labels (Click on the label with the tool Arrow will open this tab on the panel and you can enter text in the field on the right. You can change the contents of the chest (for this you need to left-click on any of the lines of the chest, if there was a click, then is burning yellow outline by line, now you can click on the tabs that are below the chest contents window, the window with the number – the number of item (s), the window is next – weapon prefix, armor and so on, the window to the right is a tab, with the name of the subject, subject can change on the other (in the alphabetical list all the things of the game are present)
  5. Analysis – File (world) analysis. Configuration tab. Preview and change the number of killed monsters, world parameters, text on tablets, the number of chests and much more.
  6. Tally – Kill Tally(information about killed monsters in the world). === Kills === below is displayed Monster ID. name and number of killed monsters, similarly shows statistics === Less than 50 kills === and === No kills ===(No kills – these are monsters that the player has not yet killed at all (ID from 1 to 266))

Total kills counted: – total kills
Total banners awarded: – total number of received banners
Total unique banners: – the total number of received unique banners

      7. Sprites – tab showing a window of all decorations, chests, torches, tables, statues, tablets, everything that is placed on top of the block and wall. Filter – input window where you can find items by categories (word-category), letters, syllables or entirely by word. To use objects from this tab, you need to click on the selected object, then select the tool on the left menu bar Sprite(circle with the letter S) – now it will be possible to place objects on the panel from this tab. To delete or erase an object, you need to: 1. Press hotkey or 2. Apply the action of the toolbar on the left Undo(to go back click Redo) or 3. Removal by selection Selection(select the desired area of ​​objects and then click on the tool Delete – deletes everything, what was in the selection area. or 4. Use a tool Pencil or Brush, then uncheck the category in the corresponding window of the top panel Wall and tick the category Tile, select by click tool Eraser after which you can erase the extra Sprite(box). Notes: After removing the sprites (inserts), do not forget to click again on the tool Eraser and return the checkmarks as needed, also, to continue drawing sprites (inserts), you need to click on the tool again Sprite(circle with the letter S) and open (if closed) the window Sprites in the right pane.

This completes the basic course of study for the program..


(For experienced users)

  • Ctrl + A – Choose all
  • Ctrl + D – Clear selection
  • DEL – removal of slabs in selection
  • Ctrl + C – copying
  • Ctrl + V – Paste
  • Ctrl + Z – Cancel
  • Ctrl + Y – Repeat
  • Ctrl + S – Save
  • Ctrl + O – Open
  • Esc – clear the current insert buffer or clear selection

Tool shortcuts (can be changed in settings.xml)

  • A – Arrow (Editing Chests and Signs)
  • B – Brush (Painting, walls, wire and liquid)
  • F – filling (filling tiles and / or bucket walls)
  • E – Pencil (Painting, walls, wire and liquid)
  • R – Picker (Left click selects tile / wall, right click selects tile / wall mask)
  • P – Point (Spawn locations, dungeon houses and npc)
  • S – Selection (Selection and area to edit or copy)
  • T – Sprite (place a sprite from the sprite list)
  • Z – Toggle Eraser (Turns on erase mode for bucket, pencil and brush)

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