The Darkness 2: Save Game (~ 95%, false ending)

Home » Video Game Saves » The Darkness 2: Save Game (~ 95%, false ending)
February 22, 2024
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

The Darkness 2: Save Game (~ 95%, false ending)

The game is incomplete, the “New Game +” mode is not open, Jenny is not released. Skills are fully pumped. You will have the opportunity to continue the current saved game and select a false ending and view it, for this, after loading the save, select “Stay with Jenny”.

The Darkness 2: Save Game (~ 95%, false ending) Free Download

The path to extract the save on Windows 7: C: \ Users \ * your_user_name * \ AppData \ Roaming \

It is also easier to extract the save using WinRAR by specifying the% appdata% system variable in the “extraction path”

P.S. Passed with SKiDROW crack without so-called Gore Patch (saving on it is not verified, use the very first crack).

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