The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion: Save Game (almost any stage of the game)

Home » Video Game Saves » The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion: Save Game (almost any stage of the game)
December 17, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion: Save Game (almost any stage of the game)

Character – Redguard developed as a warrior with a slight magical bias.
Saves were made after completing the entire quest line of a guild, and after the storyline. This makes it possible to load almost any stage of the game..

During the game, the following saves were made:

The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion: Save Game (almost any stage of the game) Free Download

Save # 1 – Completed the training mission (1st level of the hero)
Conservation # 2 – Completed all quests in Cheydinhal, Leaviin, Bravil and Skingrad (level 11)
Save # 3 – Completed all the quests of Anvil, Chorrol, Bruma and the Imperial City, as well as the quests of the 14 Deydric Lords (22nd level)
Conservation # 4 – Completed all Dark Brotherhood guild quests (level 27)
Save # 5 – Completed all Thieves Guild quests (level 30)
Save # 6 – Completed all Fighters guild quests (level 36)
Conservation number 7 – Completed all the quests of the Mages Guild, as well as a huge collection of weapons, armor and all kinds of nonsense (44th level)
Save # 8 – Completed part of the quests of the main storyline of the game (Before the start of the Great Attack on Bruma) (46th level)
Save # 9 – Completed all quests of the main storyline of the game (50th level)

Save number 10 – The very beginning of the game. Not a single quest has been completed, but ALL characteristics, abilities and skills are developed to the maximum.

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