The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim: Save Game (Dawnguard, Hearthfire, Dragonborn, 100%) []

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December 27, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim: Save Game (Dawnguard, Hearthfire, Dragonborn, 100%) []

This save is posted for those who want to: run freeplay, test mods, etc..

1. Completed 99.99% of quests (including DLC ​​quests). Visited and cleared 90% of Skyrim and 100% of Soltsheim.

2.Level 91 Hero.

3.Levelled most skills to 100.

4. The house near Whiterun contains all the items that are in the game in huge quantities, many unique weapons and armor are collected.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim: Save Game (Dawnguard, Hearthfire, Dragonborn, 100%) [] Free Download

5. Daedric artifacts collected all, except for two: Namira’s Ring and Corruption Skull (played a good hero). Artifacts that have a choice: Ring of Hircine and Mask of Clavicus Vile.

6.The hero is dressed in pumped Nightingale equipment.

7. Found and learned all shouts. Also in stock there are 12 souls.

8.All houses in cities are bought, but the hero lives in an estate near Whiterun. It is fully pumped.

9.More on artifacts: collected all the masks of the dragon priests, including from the DLC.

10. By election: Empire won, Partunax is alive, Dawn destroyed the vampires, Serana remained a vampire, the Dark Brotherhood destroyed, the Thieves Guild is flourishing. Was a good hero in the rest of the mini-elections.


-Some of the things are in the Sevarin Estate (Crow Rock, Saltsheim Island)

-Things are in: chests and safes, in the armory and in buffets.

-The best light armor is the Death Seal Armor, found in the Armory.

-Cheats and the console were not used.

-Dragonborn – nord.

-The hero is dressed and pumped as a thief warrior. but also all magic skills are pumped, and the house has good equipment for magicians.

-Balance 525634 coins.

-The hero is at the highest point in the Elder Crolls world.

– Save to throw in C: \ Users \ Username \ Documents \ My Games \ Skyrim \ Save.

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