The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim: Save Game (Level 65. Main plot. Thieves Guild)

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December 27, 2021
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim: Save Game (Level 65. Main plot. Thieves Guild)

No third party .ESP (Mods). Without DLC Dawnguard & HearthFires. Not one skill was pumped (increased) through the console.

65 Level:

  • (25) Illusion. Witchcraft. Destruction. Light armor. Pickpocketing. Hacking * (Chests and stuff that does not apply to tasks just ignored. I ran with the Tower Stone).
  • (85) Shooting. One-handed weapon.
  • (one hundred) Recovery. The change. Blacksmith craft. Heavy armor. Blocking. Two-handed weapon. Stealth. Eloquence. Alchemy. Enchant * (Studied only the enchantments I needed)

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim: Save Game (Level 65. Main plot. Thieves Guild) Free Download

Destroys lonely enemies with a dagger from stealth. With the help of two-handed weapons, he destroys dragons and exterminates crowds with power strikes to the side. Shoots distant enemies from a bow. Closes from magicians with a shield and knocks down.

Has a cap of 85% magic resistance (Breton: 25%. Stone of the Lord: 25%. Quest: Book of Love, 15%. Change: 2/3 magic resistance 20%). Only dragons and unique NPS inflict perceived damage from magic, while being covered with a shield, even they will not be able to deal damage.

More armor than needed, but power attacks of powerful NPS, dragons (3 bites and F9), giants, XP squander well. But with Restoration, this is not a problem (XP and Stamina on a full pillar is cured with one click).

I don’t like to play with one person and I play everything at once according to the situation. Enchantments: 2H and Luke as daggers are not affected by enchanting clothing “Increase skill – one-handed weapon” and I do not use other one-handed weapons, they are useless for me because I deal with difficult opponents with two-handed weapons. I continue the game, I just threw off Enchanting, Blacksmithing, Alchemy and put the abilities into the Bow and One-handed (only talents increase the damage from the dagger).

Completed tasks:

  • Main storyline (2 quests left): Completed to the “Fallen” quest, in Skyrim truce. (I did not begin to do further, what if someone wants to visit Sovngarde again and kill Alduin)
  • Thieves Guild (2 tasks left). All buyers of stolen goods are open (all have 4.000 gold): quest “Return of Twilight”, return the skeleton key to its place. (I didn’t return it, for those who don’t like to waste their nerves and break lockpicks).
  • 6 Quests of the Daedric Lords. Awards: 1. Oghma Infinium (used on Magic from 95 to 100). 2. Mace of Molag Bal. 3. Volendrung. 4. Razor Mehrunes. 5. Destroyer Spells. 6. Ebony Blade (Loaded, killed 10 “Friends” drunkard and beggar).
  • All small tasks Whiterun. Solitude. Riften. Markarth. Windhelm.

5 Houses. Tan of 5 Realms: Whiterun. Solitude. Riften. Markarth. Windhelm (Acquired through the console, all small tasks in the city and Blood on the snow were previously completed). Stone of Barenziah – took only those that were encountered during the execution of tasks. On the map, more than one cave is not open in which there was no task * (he just ran around, thereby not cluttering the map, only the one where he did the task was open). Didn’t read skill books. All items before saving were collected in inventory, in which house to store the choice is yours. All the skills in which the ability points were invested have been brought to 100, so that you could throw them off and take what you need.

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