The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim: Save Game (Vanila, Dawnguard, Dragonborn – Main Story Only)

Home » Video Game Saves » The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim: Save Game (Vanila, Dawnguard, Dragonborn – Main Story Only)
December 27, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim: Save Game (Vanila, Dawnguard, Dragonborn – Main Story Only)

Greetings, I went through Skyrim more than once and in the process of Ira climbed here and there on quests. As a result, I wanted to go through only a purely storyline without guilds and side quests (which were taken and hang in the miscellaneous section, you can do it).

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim: Save Game (Vanila, Dawnguard, Dragonborn – Main Story Only) Free Download

I set myself the goal of passing Skyrim Vanila, Dawnguard, Dragonborn.
in Vanile – “and the blades are fed and the dragons are safe” (Dilem Paarthurnax)
in the Dawnguard expansion – passed for the Guardians of the Dawn
in Dragonborn – nothing but story quests completed
Why is that? – Yes, because I was already bothered to go through the plot several times (well, like I played enough, deleted it, came nostalgia, installed it again and again the same thing). After all, agree to install and play without going through the main plots in amazing fashion Modmakers want, but the “inner worm” gnaws about the main plot. After a long break, install Skyrim again, with new (and old favorite mods) and once again plunge into this wonderful atmosphere, because this game is alive while modders make amazing mods.
Since I used a lot of mods during the passage (AFT, Immersive College of Winterhold, Changing the male gait of female warriors, Overhauling the appearance of NPS by Roobs, animation mods, mods with SKSE; FNIS, etc. I don’t see the point in describing further), then the saves in both folders were cleaned with the SKYRIM Save Cleaner.

Folder “Not cleaned” – save file not processed by SaveTool utility
Folder “Cleaned” – the save file was processed by the SaveTool utility (the data of all mods was deleted with this utility, except for progress in Vanilla, Guardian and Dragonborn.

P.S. please unsubscribe whether this SAVE works for you. If anyone liked these files I will be glad “+” and “Thank you”.

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