Author | Edition | Version | Language | Functions | Date of creation |
FLiNG | Retail | Update 9 | Eng | eighteen | 30.08.2015 |
Hotkey | Eng | Rus |
Numpad 1 | Inf. Health | Immortality |
Numpad 2 | Inf. Mana | Infinite. Mana |
Numpad 3 | Inf. Focus | Infinite. Focus |
Numpad 4 | Inf. Barrier | Infinite. Barrier |
Numpad 5 | Inf. Exp. | Infinite. Experience |
Numpad 6 | Inf. SP | Infinite. Upgrade Points |
Numpad 7 | Inf. Gold | Infinite. Gold |
Numpad 8 | Inf. Potions | Infinite. Potions |
Numpad 9 | No cooldown | No Cooldown Abilities |
Numpad 0 | Inf. Capacity | Infinite. Capacity |
Ctrl + Num. one | Inf. Power | Infinite. Energy |
Ctrl + Num. 2 | Inf. Perk | Infinite. Perks |
Ctrl + Num. 3 | Inf. Influence | Infinite. Influence |
Ctrl + Num. 0 | One hit kill | One Hit Kills |
Numpad./-/+ | Save Location / Teleport / Undo | Save Position / Teleport / Cancel |
Page Up | WayPoint Teleport | Teleport to Use. Label |
Page Down | Super speed | Super Speed |
F1 / F2 / F3 / F4 | 2x / 4x / 8x / 16x Gold | Gold Multipliers |
Home | Cancel All | Cancel All |
Dragon Age ~ Inquisition: Trainer (+18) [Update 9] {FLiNG} Free Download
Instructions for use:
- Copy all files from the archive to the root of the installed game.
- Start the trainer first, then the game.
- During the game, press the keys indicated in the trainers.