Grand Theft Auto 5: Cheat (Simple Trainer for GTA V 7.1)

Home » Video Game Trainers » Grand Theft Auto 5: Cheat (Simple Trainer for GTA V 7.1)
November 16, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Grand Theft Auto 5: Cheat (Simple Trainer for GTA V 7.1)

A versatile tool with a huge number of settings, functions and capabilities.
This small script allows the player to do almost whatever they want with the game, and also supports controller input..

Grand Theft Auto 5: Cheat (Simple Trainer for GTA V 7.1) Free Download

F3 – open the menu, F4 – hide the menu. Trainer only for story game!

After unpacking the archive “ec46f6-trainerv.rar” copy all contents to the game directory.

Grand Theft Auto 5: Cheat (Simple Trainer for GTA V 7.1)

Changes from 7.0
-Vehicle Damage Multiplier, will also be saved when save settings is used.
-Ability to save Bodyguards / Peds, either the last spawned Bodyguard / Ped (or selected Bodyguard / Ped) or save all spawned Bodyguards / Peds to a file.
the weapons, clothes, the type (Bodyguard / Ped / Attacking Ped or driver) and the position are saved, as well as the task when Peds are concerned.
-Voices and speeches are now mapped, this means that all the voices have relevant speeches. Total of 801 Voices and 50831 speeches.
Big thanks to Alexguirre who wrote a program to extract the speech names. I am using his list and have added a few more voices from latest patches
those are found under Select Voice 4, Select Voice 1 -3 is using his list.
-There was a bug in the select current drive-by and select current Bodyguard / Ped weapon, this has been fixed.
-Another bug fixed, when setting wheel color, with custom colors, custom colors would not save when save vehicle was used.
-Yet another bug fixed, saving bodyguard default weapon was not correct.

No ini Changes.


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