Assassins Creed Rogue: Trainer (+29) [1.0] {FLiNG}

Home » Video Game Trainers » Assassins Creed Rogue: Trainer (+29) [1.0] {FLiNG}
November 30, 2021
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Assassins Creed Rogue: Trainer (+29) [1.0] {FLiNG}
Assassins Creed Rogue: Trainer (+29) [1.0] {FLiNG}

AuthorEditionVersionLanguageFunctionsDate of creation
FLiNGRetail1.0Eng / Chn2903/10/2015

Numpad 1Inf. HealthImmortality
Numpad 2Inf. Ship healthIndestructible Ship
Numpad 3Inf. MoneyInfinite. Money
Numpad 4Inf. AmmoInfinite. Cartridges
Numpad 5No ReloadNo recharge
Numpad 6Inf. AirInfinite. Air
Numpad 7Inf. Smoke bombsInfinite. Smoke Bombs
Numpad 8Inf. Sleep dartsInfinite. Sleep Darts
Numpad 9Inf. Rage DartsInfinite. Darts of Fury
Numpad 0Inf. Firecrackers dartsInfinite. Fireworks-Darts
Page UpStealthInvisibility
Page DownShip stealth modeInvisible Ship
InsertAdd One Minute to TimerAdd One Minute to Timer
Ctrl + Numpad 1Inf. SteelInfinite. Steel
Ctrl + Numpad 2Inf. WoodInfinite. Wood
Ctrl + Numpad 3Inf. StoneInfinite. A rock
Ctrl + Numpad 4Inf. ClothInfinite. Fabrics
Ctrl + Numpad 5Inf. TobaccoInfinite. Tobacco
Ctrl + Numpad 6Inf. CrewInfinite. Team
Ctrl + Numpad 7Inf. HarpoonInfinite. Harpoon
Ctrl + Numpad 8Inf. Fuel barrelsInfinite. Fuel Barrels
Ctrl + Numpad 9Inf. MortairsInfinite. Mortars
Ctrl + Numpad 0One hit killOne Hit Kills
Ctrl + Numpad .One hit kill shipDestroy. Ships with 1 Hit
Alt + Numpad 1Inf. Unconscious grenadesInfinite. Stun Grenades
Alt + Numpad 2Inf. Berserk grenadesInfinite. Berserker Grenades
Alt + Numpad 3Inf. Fragmentation GrenadesInfinite. Frag grenades
Alt + Numpad 4Inf. Rope dartsInfinite. Shengbiao
Numpad .Save LocationSave Position
Numpad –TeleportTeleport
Numpad +Undo TeleporterUndo Teleportation
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Assassins Creed Rogue: Trainer (+29) [1.0] {FLiNG} Free Download

Instructions for use

  • Copy all files from the archive to the root of the installed game.
  • Start the trainer first, then the game.
  • During the game, press the keys indicated in the trainers.

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